# https://www.gnu.org/software/make/manual/html_node/Setting.html # := expanded variable, right-hand side can contain variables # ?= only set if it doesn't have a value # != execute a shell script on the right-hand side and assign its result to the left-hand side export TARGET := i686-elf export AR := llvm-ar export NASM := nasm export LD := ld.lld export CXX := clang++ export CXX_FLAGS := -std=c++20 -ffreestanding \ -nostdlib -nostdinc -nostdinc++ \ -fno-exceptions -fno-rtti -Wall -Wextra -O2 CXX_INCLUDE := $(CURDIR)/libk CXX_OBJ := kernel.o vga.o # $@ is target # $< is first dependency # $^ is all dependencies default: glitch.elf check-grub: glitch.elf grub-file --is-x86-multiboot2 glitch.elf glitch.elf: boot.o $(CXX_OBJ) libk/libk.a $(LD) -T linker.ld -o glitch.elf boot.o $(CXX_OBJ) -Llibk -lk boot.o: boot.asm $(NASM) -felf32 -o $@ $^ $(CXX_OBJ): %.o : %.cc $(CXX) -target $(TARGET) $(CXX_FLAGS) -I$(CXX_INCLUDE) -c $^ -o $@ libk/libk.a: $(MAKE) -C libk libk.a iso: glitch.elf mkdir -p isodir/boot/grub cp glitch.elf isodir/boot/glitch.elf cp grub.cfg isodir/boot/grub/grub.cfg grub-mkrescue -o myos.iso isodir run: glitch.elf qemu-system-i386 -kernel glitch.elf run-iso: iso qemu-system-i386 -cdrom myos.iso clean: rm boot.o $(CXX_OBJ) glitch.elf $(MAKE) -C libk clean clean-iso: rm -rf isodir