#pragma once // port listings enum UART { COM1 = 0x3f8, COM2 = 0x2f8, COM3 = 0x3e8, COM4 = 0x2e8, COM5 = 0x5f8, COM6 = 0x4f8, COM7 = 0x5e8, COM8 = 0x4e8, }; enum UARTPortOffset { Data = 0, // read from receive buffer / write to transmit buffer | BaudDiv_l InterruptControl = 1, // interrupt enable | BaudDiv_h FifoControl = 2, // interrupt ID and FIFO control LineControl = 3, // most significant bit is the DLAB ModemControl = 4, LineStatus = 5, ModemStatus = 6, Scratch = 7, }; static inline void outb(unsigned char val, unsigned short port) { asm volatile("outb %0,%1" : : "a"(val), "dN"(port)); } static inline void outw(unsigned short val, unsigned short port) { asm volatile("outw %0,%1" : : "a"(val), "dN"(port)); } static inline void outl(unsigned int val, unsigned short port) { asm volatile("outl %0,%1" : : "a"(val), "dN"(port)); } static inline unsigned char inb(unsigned short port) { unsigned char val; asm volatile("inb %1,%0" : "=a"(val) : "dN"(port)); return val; } static inline unsigned short inw(unsigned short port) { unsigned short val; asm volatile("inw %1,%0" : "=a"(val) : "dN"(port)); return val; } static inline unsigned int inl(unsigned short port) { unsigned int val; asm volatile("inl %1,%0" : "=a"(val) : "dN"(port)); return val; } static inline void outsb(unsigned short port, const void *__buf, unsigned long __n) { asm volatile("cld; rep; outsb" : "+S"(__buf), "+c"(__n) : "d"(port)); } static inline void outsw(unsigned short port, const void *__buf, unsigned long __n) { asm volatile("cld; rep; outsw" : "+S"(__buf), "+c"(__n) : "d"(port)); } static inline void outsl(unsigned short port, const void *__buf, unsigned long __n) { asm volatile("cld; rep; outsl" : "+S"(__buf), "+c"(__n) : "d"(port)); } static inline void insb(unsigned short port, void *__buf, unsigned long __n) { asm volatile("cld; rep; insb" : "+D"(__buf), "+c"(__n) : "d"(port)); } static inline void insw(unsigned short port, void *__buf, unsigned long __n) { asm volatile("cld; rep; insw" : "+D"(__buf), "+c"(__n) : "d"(port)); } static inline void insl(unsigned short port, void *__buf, unsigned long __n) { asm volatile("cld; rep; insl" : "+D"(__buf), "+c"(__n) : "d"(port)); }