path: root/src/client/mac/sender
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/client/mac/sender')
2 files changed, 126 insertions, 54 deletions
diff --git a/src/client/mac/sender/crash_report_sender.h b/src/client/mac/sender/crash_report_sender.h
index 76e6d3ea..955bd86d 100644
--- a/src/client/mac/sender/crash_report_sender.h
+++ b/src/client/mac/sender/crash_report_sender.h
@@ -38,22 +38,37 @@
#define kClientIdPreferenceKey @"clientid"
+extern NSString *const kGoogleServerType;
+extern NSString *const kSocorroServerType;
+extern NSString *const kDefaultServerType;
@interface Reporter : NSObject {
IBOutlet NSWindow *alertWindow; // The alert window
// Values bound in the XIB
- NSString *headerMessage_; // Message notifying of the crash
- NSString *reportMessage_; // Message explaining the crash report
- NSString *commentsValue_; // Comments from the user
- NSString *emailMessage_; // Message requesting user email
- NSString *emailValue_; // Email from the user
+ NSString *headerMessage_; // Message notifying of the
+ // crash
+ NSString *reportMessage_; // Message explaining the
+ // crash report
+ NSString *commentsValue_; // Comments from the user
+ NSString *emailMessage_; // Message requesting user
+ // email
+ NSString *emailValue_; // Email from the user
- int configFile_; // File descriptor for config file
- NSMutableDictionary *parameters_; // Key value pairs of data (STRONG)
- NSData *minidumpContents_; // The data in the minidump (STRONG)
- NSData *logFileData_; // An NSdata for the tar, bz2'd log file
+ int configFile_; // File descriptor for config file
+ NSMutableDictionary *parameters_; // Key value pairs of data (STRONG)
+ NSData *minidumpContents_; // The data in the minidump (STRONG)
+ NSData *logFileData_; // An NSdata for the tar,
+ // bz2'd log file
+ NSMutableDictionary *serverDictionary_; // The dictionary mapping a
+ // server type name to a
+ // dictionary of URL
+ // parameter names
+ NSMutableDictionary *socorroDictionary_; // The dictionary for
+ // Socorro
+ NSMutableDictionary *googleDictionary_; // The dictionary for
+ // Google
// Stops the modal panel with an NSAlertDefaultReturn value. This is the action
@@ -62,14 +77,17 @@
// Stops the modal panel with an NSAlertAlternateReturn value. This is the
// action invoked by the "Cancel" button.
- (IBAction)cancel:(id)sender;
-// Opens the Google Privacy Policy in the default web browser.
+// Opens the Privacy Policy url in the default web browser.
- (IBAction)showPrivacyPolicy:(id)sender;
// Delegate methods for the NSTextField for comments. We want to capture the
// Return key and use it to send the message when no text has been entered.
// Otherwise, we want Return to add a carriage return to the comments field.
-- (BOOL)control:(NSControl*)control textView:(NSTextView*)textView
- doCommandBySelector:(SEL)commandSelector;
+- (BOOL)control:(NSControl *)control textView:(NSTextView *)textView
+ doCommandBySelector:(SEL)commandSelector;
+// Helper method to set HTTP parameters based on server type
+- (BOOL)setPostParametersFromDictionary:(NSMutableDictionary *)crashParameters;
// Accessors to make bindings work
- (NSString *)headerMessage;
@@ -86,4 +104,8 @@
- (NSString *)emailValue;
- (void)setEmailValue:(NSString *)value;
+// Initialization helper to create dictionaries mapping Breakpad
+// parameters to URL parameters
+- (void)createServerParameterDictionaries;
diff --git a/src/client/mac/sender/crash_report_sender.m b/src/client/mac/sender/crash_report_sender.m
index 99f1eb10..61564e54 100644
--- a/src/client/mac/sender/crash_report_sender.m
+++ b/src/client/mac/sender/crash_report_sender.m
@@ -44,6 +44,10 @@ const int kMinidumpFileLengthLimit = 800000;
#define kApplePrefsSyncExcludeAllKey @"com.apple.PreferenceSync.ExcludeAllSyncKeys"
+NSString *const kGoogleServerType = @"google";
+NSString *const kSocorroServerType = @"socorro";
+NSString *const kDefaultServerType = @"google";
@interface Reporter(PrivateMethods)
+ (uid_t)consoleUID;
@@ -59,12 +63,18 @@ const int kMinidumpFileLengthLimit = 800000;
- (BOOL)askUserPermissionToSend:(BOOL)shouldSubmitReport;
- (BOOL)shouldSubmitReport;
-// Run an alert window with the given timeout. Returns NSAlertButtonDefault if
-// the timeout is exceeded. A timeout of 0 queues the message immediately in the
-// modal run loop.
+// Run an alert window with the given timeout. Returns
+// NSAlertButtonDefault if the timeout is exceeded. A timeout of 0
+// queues the message immediately in the modal run loop.
- (int)runModalWindow:(NSWindow*)window withTimeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout;
+// Returns a unique client id (user-specific), creating a persistent
+// one in the user defaults, if necessary.
- (NSString*)clientID;
+// Returns a dictionary that can be used to map Breakpad parameter names to
+// URL parameter names.
+- (NSDictionary *)dictionaryForServerType:(NSString *)serverType;
@implementation Reporter
@@ -102,6 +112,8 @@ const int kMinidumpFileLengthLimit = 800000;
[ud setBool:YES forKey:kApplePrefsSyncExcludeAllKey];
+ [self createServerParameterDictionaries];
return self;
@@ -484,8 +496,9 @@ const int kMinidumpFileLengthLimit = 800000;
// Text Field Delegate Methods
-- (BOOL)control:(NSControl*)control textView:(NSTextView*)textView
- doCommandBySelector:(SEL)commandSelector {
+- (BOOL) control:(NSControl*)control
+ textView:(NSTextView*)textView
+doCommandBySelector:(SEL)commandSelector {
BOOL result = NO;
// If the user has entered text, don't end editing on "return"
if (commandSelector == @selector(insertNewline:)
@@ -580,51 +593,84 @@ const int kMinidumpFileLengthLimit = 800000;
return YES;
+- (void)createServerParameterDictionaries {
+ serverDictionary_ = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
+ socorroDictionary_ = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
+ googleDictionary_ = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init];
+ [serverDictionary_ setObject:socorroDictionary_ forKey:kSocorroServerType];
+ [serverDictionary_ setObject:googleDictionary_ forKey:kGoogleServerType];
+ [googleDictionary_ setObject:@"ptime" forKey:@BREAKPAD_PROCESS_UP_TIME];
+ [googleDictionary_ setObject:@"email" forKey:@BREAKPAD_EMAIL];
+ [googleDictionary_ setObject:@"comments" forKey:@BREAKPAD_COMMENTS];
+ [googleDictionary_ setObject:@"prod" forKey:@BREAKPAD_PRODUCT];
+ [googleDictionary_ setObject:@"ver" forKey:@BREAKPAD_VERSION];
+ // TODO: just for testing, google's server doesn't support it
+ [googleDictionary_ setObject:@"buildid" forKey:@BREAKPAD_BUILD_ID];
+ [socorroDictionary_ setObject:@"Comments" forKey:@BREAKPAD_COMMENTS];
+ [socorroDictionary_ setObject:@"CrashTime"
+ [socorroDictionary_ setObject:@"StartupTime"
+ [socorroDictionary_ setObject:@"Version"
+ [socorroDictionary_ setObject:@"ProductName"
+ [socorroDictionary_ setObject:@"ProductName"
+ [socorroDictionary_ setObject:@"BuildID"
+- (NSDictionary *)dictionaryForServerType:(NSString *)serverType {
+ if (serverType == nil) {
+ return [serverDictionary_ objectForKey:kDefaultServerType];
+ }
+ return [serverDictionary_ objectForKey:serverType];
+// Helper method to set HTTP parameters based on server type
+- (BOOL)setPostParametersFromDictionary:(NSMutableDictionary *)crashParameters {
+ NSString *serverType = [parameters_ objectForKey:@BREAKPAD_SERVER_TYPE];
+ NSDictionary *urlParameterNames = [self dictionaryForServerType:serverType];
+ id key;
+ NSEnumerator *enumerator = [parameters_ keyEnumerator];
+ while ((key = [enumerator nextObject])) {
+ // The key from parameters_ corresponds to a key in
+ // urlParameterNames. The value in parameters_ gets stored in
+ // crashParameters with a key that is the value in
+ // urlParameterNames.
+ // For instance, if parameters_ has [PRODUCT_NAME => "FOOBAR"] and
+ // urlParameterNames has [PRODUCT_NAME => "pname"] the final HTTP
+ // URL parameter becomes [pname => "FOOBAR"].
+ NSString *breakpadParameterName = (NSString *)key;
+ NSString *urlParameter = [urlParameterNames
+ objectForKey:breakpadParameterName];
+ if (urlParameter) {
+ [crashParameters setObject:[parameters_ objectForKey:key]
+ forKey:urlParameter];
+ }
+ }
+ return YES;
- (void)report {
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:[parameters_ objectForKey:@BREAKPAD_URL]];
HTTPMultipartUpload *upload = [[HTTPMultipartUpload alloc] initWithURL:url];
NSMutableDictionary *uploadParameters = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
- // Set the known parameters. This should be kept up to date with the
- // parameters defined in the Breakpad.h list of parameters. The intent
- // is so that if there's a parameter that's not in this list, we consider
- // it to be a "user-defined" parameter and we'll upload it to the server.
- NSSet *knownParameters =
- [NSSet setWithObjects:@kReporterMinidumpDirectoryKey,
- // Add parameters
- [uploadParameters setObject:[parameters_ objectForKey:@BREAKPAD_PRODUCT]
- forKey:@"prod"];
- [uploadParameters setObject:[parameters_ objectForKey:@BREAKPAD_VERSION]
- forKey:@"ver"];
- if ([parameters_ objectForKey:@BREAKPAD_EMAIL]) {
- [uploadParameters setObject:[parameters_ objectForKey:@BREAKPAD_EMAIL] forKey:@"email"];
- }
- NSString* comments = [parameters_ objectForKey:@BREAKPAD_COMMENTS];
- if (comments != nil) {
- [uploadParameters setObject:comments forKey:@"comments"];
- }
- // Add any user parameters
- NSArray *parameterKeys = [parameters_ allKeys];
- int keyCount = [parameterKeys count];
- for (int i = 0; i < keyCount; ++i) {
- NSString *key = [parameterKeys objectAtIndex:i];
- if (![knownParameters containsObject:key] &&
- [uploadParameters setObject:[parameters_ objectForKey:key] forKey:key];
+ if (![self setPostParametersFromDictionary:uploadParameters]) {
+ return;
[upload setParameters:uploadParameters];
// Add minidump file
if (minidumpContents_) {
[upload addFileContents:minidumpContents_ name:@"upload_file_minidump"];
@@ -691,8 +737,12 @@ const int kMinidumpFileLengthLimit = 800000;
[parameters_ release];
[minidumpContents_ release];
[logFileData_ release];
+ [googleDictionary_ release];
+ [socorroDictionary_ release];
+ [serverDictionary_ release];
[super dealloc];