# Breakpad Crash Reporting for Mozilla * January 24, 2007 * Links updated February 14, 2007 * Mozilla HQ * Mark Mentovai * Brian Ryner ## What is a crash reporter? * Enables developers to analyze crashes that occur in the wild * Produces stack backtraces that help identify how a program failed * Offers higher-level data aggregation (topcrashes, MTBF statistics) ## Motivation * Talkback is proprietary and unmaintained * Smaller open-source projects have few options * Larger projects need flexibility and scalability ## Design Options * Stackwalking done on client * Apple CrashReporter * GNOME BugBuddy * Client sends memory dump * Talkback * Windows Error Reporting * Breakpad ## Goals * Provide libraries around which systems can be based * Open-source * Cross-platform * Mac OS X x86, PowerPC * Linux x86 * Windows x86 * No requirement to distribute symbols ## Client Libraries * Exception handler installed at application startup * Spawns a separate thread * Minidump file written at crash time * Format used by Windows debuggers * Separate application invoked to send * HTTP[S](S.md) POST, can include additional parameters ## Symbols * Cross-platform symbol file format * Contents * Function names * Source file names and line numbers * Windows: Frame pointer omission data * Future: parameters and local variables * Symbol conversion methods ## Processor * Examines minidump file and invokes stackwalker * Symbol files requested from a SymbolSupplier * Produces stack trace * Output may be placed where convenient ## Intergation * Breakpad client present in Gran Paradiso Alpha 1 for Windows * Disabled by default * Enable with `MOZ_AIRBAG` * Proof-of-concept collector * http://mavra.perilith.com/~luser/airbag-collector/list.pl * Other platforms coming soon ## More Information * Project home: http://code.google.com/p/google-breakpad/ * Mailing lists * [google-breakpad-dev@googlegroups.com] (http://groups.google.com/group/google-breakpad-dev/) * [google-breakpad-discuss@googlegroups.com] (http://groups.google.com/group/google-breakpad-discuss/) * Ask me (irc.mozilla.org: mento)