// Copyright (c) 2006, Google Inc. // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer // in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the // distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from // this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // #define VERBOSE 0 #if VERBOSE static bool gDebugLog = true; #else static bool gDebugLog = false; #endif #define DEBUGLOG if (gDebugLog) fprintf #define IGNORE_DEBUGGER "BREAKPAD_IGNORE_DEBUGGER" #import "common/mac/MachIPC.h" #import "common/mac/SimpleStringDictionary.h" #import "client/mac/crash_generation/Inspector.h" #import "client/mac/handler/exception_handler.h" #import "client/mac/Framework/Breakpad.h" #import "client/mac/Framework/OnDemandServer.h" #import "client/mac/handler/protected_memory_allocator.h" #import #import #import using google_breakpad::KeyValueEntry; using google_breakpad::SimpleStringDictionary; using google_breakpad::SimpleStringDictionaryIterator; //============================================================================= // We want any memory allocations which are used by breakpad during the // exception handling process (after a crash has happened) to be read-only // to prevent them from being smashed before a crash occurs. Unfortunately // we cannot protect against smashes to our exception handling thread's // stack. // // NOTE: Any memory allocations which are not used during the exception // handling process may be allocated in the normal ways. // // The ProtectedMemoryAllocator class provides an Allocate() method which // we'll using in conjunction with placement operator new() to control // allocation of C++ objects. Note that we don't use operator delete() // but instead call the objects destructor directly: object->~ClassName(); // ProtectedMemoryAllocator *gMasterAllocator = NULL; ProtectedMemoryAllocator *gKeyValueAllocator = NULL; ProtectedMemoryAllocator *gBreakpadAllocator = NULL; // Mutex for thread-safe access to the key/value dictionary used by breakpad. // It's a global instead of an instance variable of Breakpad // since it can't live in a protected memory area. pthread_mutex_t gDictionaryMutex; //============================================================================= // Stack-based object for thread-safe access to a memory-protected region. // It's assumed that normally the memory block (allocated by the allocator) // is protected (read-only). Creating a stack-based instance of // ProtectedMemoryLocker will unprotect this block after taking the lock. // Its destructor will first re-protect the memory then release the lock. class ProtectedMemoryLocker { public: // allocator may be NULL, in which case no Protect() or Unprotect() calls // will be made, but a lock will still be taken ProtectedMemoryLocker(pthread_mutex_t *mutex, ProtectedMemoryAllocator *allocator) : mutex_(mutex), allocator_(allocator) { // Lock the mutex assert(pthread_mutex_lock(mutex_) == 0); // Unprotect the memory if (allocator_ ) { allocator_->Unprotect(); } } ~ProtectedMemoryLocker() { // First protect the memory if (allocator_) { allocator_->Protect(); } // Then unlock the mutex assert(pthread_mutex_unlock(mutex_) == 0); }; private: // Keep anybody from ever creating one of these things not on the stack. ProtectedMemoryLocker() { } ProtectedMemoryLocker(const ProtectedMemoryLocker&); ProtectedMemoryLocker & operator=(ProtectedMemoryLocker&); pthread_mutex_t *mutex_; ProtectedMemoryAllocator *allocator_; }; //============================================================================= class Breakpad { public: // factory method static Breakpad *Create(NSDictionary *parameters) { // Allocate from our special allocation pool Breakpad *breakpad = new (gBreakpadAllocator->Allocate(sizeof(Breakpad))) Breakpad(); if (!breakpad) return NULL; if (!breakpad->Initialize(parameters)) { // Don't use operator delete() here since we allocated from special pool breakpad->~Breakpad(); return NULL; } return breakpad; } ~Breakpad(); void SetKeyValue(NSString *key, NSString *value); NSString *KeyValue(NSString *key); void RemoveKeyValue(NSString *key); void GenerateAndSendReport(); void SetFilterCallback(BreakpadFilterCallback callback) { filter_callback_ = callback; } private: Breakpad() : handler_(NULL), config_params_(NULL), send_and_exit_(true), filter_callback_(NULL) { inspector_path_[0] = 0; } bool Initialize(NSDictionary *parameters); bool ExtractParameters(NSDictionary *parameters); // Dispatches to HandleException() static bool ExceptionHandlerDirectCallback(void *context, int exception_type, int exception_code, mach_port_t crashing_thread); bool HandleException(int exception_type, int exception_code, mach_port_t crashing_thread); // Since ExceptionHandler (w/o namespace) is defined as typedef in OSX's // MachineExceptions.h, we have to explicitly name the handler. google_breakpad::ExceptionHandler *handler_; // The actual handler (STRONG) char inspector_path_[PATH_MAX]; // Path to inspector tool SimpleStringDictionary *config_params_; // Create parameters (STRONG) OnDemandServer inspector_; bool send_and_exit_; // Exit after sending, if true BreakpadFilterCallback filter_callback_; unsigned int logFileCounter; }; #pragma mark - #pragma mark Helper functions //============================================================================= // Helper functions //============================================================================= static BOOL IsDebuggerActive() { BOOL result = NO; NSUserDefaults *stdDefaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; // We check both defaults and the environment variable here BOOL ignoreDebugger = [stdDefaults boolForKey:@IGNORE_DEBUGGER]; if (!ignoreDebugger) { char *ignoreDebuggerStr = getenv(IGNORE_DEBUGGER); ignoreDebugger = (ignoreDebuggerStr ? strtol(ignoreDebuggerStr, NULL, 10) : 0) != 0; } if (!ignoreDebugger) { pid_t pid = getpid(); int mib[4] = {CTL_KERN, KERN_PROC, KERN_PROC_PID, pid}; int mibSize = sizeof(mib) / sizeof(int); size_t actualSize; if (sysctl(mib, mibSize, NULL, &actualSize, NULL, 0) == 0) { struct kinfo_proc *info = (struct kinfo_proc *)malloc(actualSize); if (info) { // This comes from looking at the Darwin xnu Kernel if (sysctl(mib, mibSize, info, &actualSize, NULL, 0) == 0) result = (info->kp_proc.p_flag & P_TRACED) ? YES : NO; free(info); } } } return result; } //============================================================================= bool Breakpad::ExceptionHandlerDirectCallback(void *context, int exception_type, int exception_code, mach_port_t crashing_thread) { Breakpad *breakpad = (Breakpad *)context; // If our context is damaged or something, just return false to indicate that // the handler should continue without us. if (!breakpad) return false; return breakpad->HandleException( exception_type, exception_code, crashing_thread); } //============================================================================= #pragma mark - #include //============================================================================= // Returns the pathname to the Resources directory for this version of // Breakpad which we are now running. // // Don't make the function static, since _dyld_lookup_and_bind_fully needs a // simple non-static C name // extern "C" { NSString * GetResourcePath(); NSString * GetResourcePath() { NSString *resourcePath = nil; // If there are multiple breakpads installed then calling bundleWithIdentifier // will not work properly, so only use that as a backup plan. // We want to find the bundle containing the code where this function lives // and work from there // // Get the pathname to the code which contains this function void *address = nil; NSModule module = nil; _dyld_lookup_and_bind_fully("_GetResourcePath", &address, &module); if (module && address) { const char* moduleName = NSNameOfModule(module); if (moduleName) { // The "Resources" directory should be in the same directory as the // executable code, since that's how the Breakpad framework is built. resourcePath = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:moduleName]; resourcePath = [resourcePath stringByDeletingLastPathComponent]; resourcePath = [resourcePath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Resources/"]; } else { DEBUGLOG(stderr, "Missing moduleName\n"); } } else { DEBUGLOG(stderr, "Could not find GetResourcePath\n"); // fallback plan NSBundle *bundle = [NSBundle bundleWithIdentifier:@"com.Google.BreakpadFramework"]; resourcePath = [bundle resourcePath]; } return resourcePath; } } // extern "C" //============================================================================= bool Breakpad::Initialize(NSDictionary *parameters) { // Initialize config_params_ = NULL; handler_ = NULL; // Check for debugger if (IsDebuggerActive()) { DEBUGLOG(stderr, "Debugger is active: Not installing handler\n"); return true; } // Gather any user specified parameters if (!ExtractParameters(parameters)) { return false; } // Get path to Inspector executable. NSString *inspectorPathString = KeyValue(@BREAKPAD_INSPECTOR_LOCATION); // Standardize path (resolve symlinkes, etc.) and escape spaces inspectorPathString = [inspectorPathString stringByStandardizingPath]; inspectorPathString = [[inspectorPathString componentsSeparatedByString:@" "] componentsJoinedByString:@"\\ "]; // Create an on-demand server object representing the Inspector. // In case of a crash, we simply need to call the LaunchOnDemand() // method on it, then send a mach message to its service port. // It will then launch and perform a process inspection of our crashed state. // See the HandleException() method for the details. #define RECEIVE_PORT_NAME "com.Breakpad.Inspector" name_t portName; snprintf(portName, sizeof(name_t), "%s%d", RECEIVE_PORT_NAME, getpid()); // Save the location of the Inspector strlcpy(inspector_path_, [inspectorPathString fileSystemRepresentation], sizeof(inspector_path_)); // Append a single command-line argument to the Inspector path // representing the bootstrap name of the launch-on-demand receive port. // When the Inspector is launched, it can use this to lookup the port // by calling bootstrap_check_in(). strlcat(inspector_path_, " ", sizeof(inspector_path_)); strlcat(inspector_path_, portName, sizeof(inspector_path_)); kern_return_t kr = inspector_.Initialize(inspector_path_, portName, true); // shutdown on exit if (kr != KERN_SUCCESS) { return false; } // Create the handler (allocating it in our special protected pool) handler_ = new (gBreakpadAllocator->Allocate(sizeof(google_breakpad::ExceptionHandler))) google_breakpad::ExceptionHandler( Breakpad::ExceptionHandlerDirectCallback, this, true); return true; } //============================================================================= Breakpad::~Breakpad() { // Note that we don't use operator delete() on these pointers, // since they were allocated by ProtectedMemoryAllocator objects. // if (config_params_) { config_params_->~SimpleStringDictionary(); } if (handler_) handler_->~ExceptionHandler(); } //============================================================================= bool Breakpad::ExtractParameters(NSDictionary *parameters) { NSUserDefaults *stdDefaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults]; NSString *skipConfirm = [stdDefaults stringForKey:@BREAKPAD_SKIP_CONFIRM]; NSString *sendAndExit = [stdDefaults stringForKey:@BREAKPAD_SEND_AND_EXIT]; NSString *serverType = [parameters objectForKey:@BREAKPAD_SERVER_TYPE]; NSString *display = [parameters objectForKey:@BREAKPAD_PRODUCT_DISPLAY]; NSString *product = [parameters objectForKey:@BREAKPAD_PRODUCT]; NSString *version = [parameters objectForKey:@BREAKPAD_VERSION]; NSString *urlStr = [parameters objectForKey:@BREAKPAD_URL]; NSString *interval = [parameters objectForKey:@BREAKPAD_REPORT_INTERVAL]; NSString *inspectorPathString = [parameters objectForKey:@BREAKPAD_INSPECTOR_LOCATION]; NSString *reporterPathString = [parameters objectForKey:@BREAKPAD_REPORTER_EXE_LOCATION]; NSString *timeout = [parameters objectForKey:@BREAKPAD_CONFIRM_TIMEOUT]; NSArray *logFilePaths = [parameters objectForKey:@BREAKPAD_LOGFILES]; NSString *logFileTailSize = [parameters objectForKey:@BREAKPAD_LOGFILE_UPLOAD_SIZE]; NSString *reportEmail = [parameters objectForKey:@BREAKPAD_EMAIL]; NSString *requestUserText = [parameters objectForKey:@BREAKPAD_REQUEST_COMMENTS]; NSString *vendor = [parameters objectForKey:@BREAKPAD_VENDOR]; NSString *dumpSubdirectory = [parameters objectForKey:@BREAKPAD_DUMP_DIRECTORY]; NSString *buildId = [parameters objectForKey:@BREAKPAD_BUILD_ID]; // These may have been set above as user prefs, which take priority. if (!skipConfirm) { skipConfirm = [parameters objectForKey:@BREAKPAD_SKIP_CONFIRM]; } if (!sendAndExit) { sendAndExit = [parameters objectForKey:@BREAKPAD_SEND_AND_EXIT]; } if (!product) product = [parameters objectForKey:@"CFBundleName"]; if (!display) display = product; if (!version) version = [parameters objectForKey:@"CFBundleVersion"]; if (!interval) interval = @"3600"; if (!timeout) timeout = @"300"; if (!logFileTailSize) logFileTailSize = @"200000"; if (!vendor) { vendor = @"Vendor not specified"; } // Normalize the values if (skipConfirm) { skipConfirm = [skipConfirm uppercaseString]; if ([skipConfirm isEqualToString:@"YES"] || [skipConfirm isEqualToString:@"TRUE"] || [skipConfirm isEqualToString:@"1"]) skipConfirm = @"YES"; else skipConfirm = @"NO"; } else { skipConfirm = @"NO"; } send_and_exit_ = true; if (sendAndExit) { sendAndExit = [sendAndExit uppercaseString]; if ([sendAndExit isEqualToString:@"NO"] || [sendAndExit isEqualToString:@"FALSE"] || [sendAndExit isEqualToString:@"0"]) send_and_exit_ = false; } if (requestUserText) { requestUserText = [requestUserText uppercaseString]; if ([requestUserText isEqualToString:@"YES"] || [requestUserText isEqualToString:@"TRUE"] || [requestUserText isEqualToString:@"1"]) requestUserText = @"YES"; else requestUserText = @"NO"; } else { requestUserText = @"NO"; } // Find the helper applications if not specified in user config. NSString *resourcePath = nil; if (!inspectorPathString || !reporterPathString) { resourcePath = GetResourcePath(); if (!resourcePath) { DEBUGLOG(stderr, "Could not get resource path\n"); return false; } } // Find Inspector. if (!inspectorPathString) { inspectorPathString = [resourcePath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"Inspector"]; } // Verify that there is an Inspector tool if (![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:inspectorPathString]) { DEBUGLOG(stderr, "Cannot find Inspector tool\n"); return false; } // Find Reporter. if (!reporterPathString) { reporterPathString = [resourcePath stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"crash_report_sender.app"]; reporterPathString = [[NSBundle bundleWithPath:reporterPathString] executablePath]; } // Verify that there is a Reporter application if (![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:reporterPathString]) { DEBUGLOG(stderr, "Cannot find Reporter tool\n"); return false; } if (!dumpSubdirectory) { dumpSubdirectory = @""; } // The product and version are required values. if (![product length] || ![version length]) { DEBUGLOG(stderr, "Missing required product or version subdirectory keys\n"); return false; } config_params_ = new (gKeyValueAllocator->Allocate(sizeof(SimpleStringDictionary)) ) SimpleStringDictionary(); SimpleStringDictionary &dictionary = *config_params_; dictionary.SetKeyValue(BREAKPAD_SERVER_TYPE, [serverType UTF8String]); dictionary.SetKeyValue(BREAKPAD_PRODUCT_DISPLAY, [display UTF8String]); dictionary.SetKeyValue(BREAKPAD_PRODUCT, [product UTF8String]); dictionary.SetKeyValue(BREAKPAD_VERSION, [version UTF8String]); dictionary.SetKeyValue(BREAKPAD_URL, [urlStr UTF8String]); dictionary.SetKeyValue(BREAKPAD_REPORT_INTERVAL, [interval UTF8String]); dictionary.SetKeyValue(BREAKPAD_SKIP_CONFIRM, [skipConfirm UTF8String]); dictionary.SetKeyValue(BREAKPAD_CONFIRM_TIMEOUT, [timeout UTF8String]); dictionary.SetKeyValue(BREAKPAD_INSPECTOR_LOCATION, [inspectorPathString fileSystemRepresentation]); dictionary.SetKeyValue(BREAKPAD_REPORTER_EXE_LOCATION, [reporterPathString fileSystemRepresentation]); dictionary.SetKeyValue(BREAKPAD_LOGFILE_UPLOAD_SIZE, [logFileTailSize UTF8String]); dictionary.SetKeyValue(BREAKPAD_REQUEST_COMMENTS, [requestUserText UTF8String]); dictionary.SetKeyValue(BREAKPAD_VENDOR, [vendor UTF8String]); dictionary.SetKeyValue(BREAKPAD_DUMP_DIRECTORY, [dumpSubdirectory UTF8String]); dictionary.SetKeyValue(BREAKPAD_BUILD_ID, [buildId UTF8String]); struct timeval tv; gettimeofday(&tv, NULL); char timeStartedString[32]; sprintf(timeStartedString, "%d", tv.tv_sec); dictionary.SetKeyValue(BREAKPAD_PROCESS_START_TIME, timeStartedString); if (logFilePaths) { char logFileKey[255]; for(unsigned int i = 0; i < [logFilePaths count]; i++) { sprintf(logFileKey,"%s%d", BREAKPAD_LOGFILE_KEY_PREFIX, i); dictionary.SetKeyValue(logFileKey, [[logFilePaths objectAtIndex:i] fileSystemRepresentation]); } } if (reportEmail) { dictionary.SetKeyValue(BREAKPAD_EMAIL, [reportEmail UTF8String]); } return true; } //============================================================================= void Breakpad::SetKeyValue(NSString *key, NSString *value) { // We allow nil values. This is the same as removing the keyvalue. if (!config_params_ || !key) return; config_params_->SetKeyValue([key UTF8String], [value UTF8String]); } //============================================================================= NSString * Breakpad::KeyValue(NSString *key) { if (!config_params_ || !key) return nil; const char *value = config_params_->GetValueForKey([key UTF8String]); return value ? [NSString stringWithUTF8String:value] : nil; } //============================================================================= void Breakpad::RemoveKeyValue(NSString *key) { if (!config_params_ || !key) return; config_params_->RemoveKey([key UTF8String]); } //============================================================================= void Breakpad::GenerateAndSendReport() { HandleException(0, 0, 0); } //============================================================================= bool Breakpad::HandleException(int exception_type, int exception_code, mach_port_t crashing_thread) { DEBUGLOG(stderr, "Breakpad: an exception occurred\n"); if (filter_callback_) { bool should_handle = filter_callback_(exception_type, exception_code, crashing_thread); if (!should_handle) return false; } // We need to reset the memory protections to be read/write, // since LaunchOnDemand() requires changing state. gBreakpadAllocator->Unprotect(); // Configure the server to launch when we message the service port. // The reason we do this here, rather than at startup, is that we // can leak a bootstrap service entry if this method is called and // there never ends up being a crash. inspector_.LaunchOnDemand(); gBreakpadAllocator->Protect(); // The Inspector should send a message to this port to verify it // received our information and has finished the inspection. ReceivePort acknowledge_port; // Send initial information to the Inspector. MachSendMessage message(kMsgType_InspectorInitialInfo); message.AddDescriptor(mach_task_self()); // our task message.AddDescriptor(crashing_thread); // crashing thread message.AddDescriptor(mach_thread_self()); // exception-handling thread message.AddDescriptor(acknowledge_port.GetPort());// message receive port InspectorInfo info; info.exception_type = exception_type; info.exception_code = exception_code; info.parameter_count = config_params_->GetCount(); message.SetData(&info, sizeof(info)); MachPortSender sender(inspector_.GetServicePort()); kern_return_t result = sender.SendMessage(message, 2000); if (result == KERN_SUCCESS) { // Now, send a series of key-value pairs to the Inspector. const KeyValueEntry *entry = NULL; SimpleStringDictionaryIterator iter(*config_params_); while ( (entry = iter.Next()) ) { KeyValueMessageData keyvalue_data(*entry); MachSendMessage keyvalue_message(kMsgType_InspectorKeyValuePair); keyvalue_message.SetData(&keyvalue_data, sizeof(keyvalue_data)); result = sender.SendMessage(keyvalue_message, 2000); if (result != KERN_SUCCESS) { break; } } if (result == KERN_SUCCESS) { // Wait for acknowledgement that the inspection has finished. MachReceiveMessage acknowledge_messsage; result = acknowledge_port.WaitForMessage(&acknowledge_messsage, 2000); } } #if VERBOSE PRINT_MACH_RESULT(result, "Breakpad: SendMessage "); printf("Breakpad: Inspector service port = %#x\n", inspector_.GetServicePort()); #endif // If we don't want any forwarding, return true here to indicate that we've // processed things as much as we want. if (send_and_exit_) return true; return false; } //============================================================================= //============================================================================= #pragma mark - #pragma mark Public API //============================================================================= BreakpadRef BreakpadCreate(NSDictionary *parameters) { try { // This is confusing. Our two main allocators for breakpad memory are: // - gKeyValueAllocator for the key/value memory // - gBreakpadAllocator for the Breakpad, ExceptionHandler, and other // breakpad allocations which are accessed at exception handling time. // // But in order to avoid these two allocators themselves from being smashed, // we'll protect them as well by allocating them with gMasterAllocator. // // gMasterAllocator itself will NOT be protected, but this doesn't matter, // since once it does its allocations and locks the memory, smashes to itself // don't affect anything we care about. gMasterAllocator = new ProtectedMemoryAllocator(sizeof(ProtectedMemoryAllocator) * 2); gKeyValueAllocator = new (gMasterAllocator->Allocate(sizeof(ProtectedMemoryAllocator))) ProtectedMemoryAllocator(sizeof(SimpleStringDictionary)); // Create a mutex for use in accessing the SimpleStringDictionary int mutexResult = pthread_mutex_init(&gDictionaryMutex, NULL); if (mutexResult != 0) { throw mutexResult; // caught down below } // With the current compiler, gBreakpadAllocator is allocating 1444 bytes. // Let's round up to the nearest page size. // int breakpad_pool_size = 4096; /* sizeof(Breakpad) + sizeof(google_breakpad::ExceptionHandler) + sizeof( STUFF ALLOCATED INSIDE ExceptionHandler ) */ gBreakpadAllocator = new (gMasterAllocator->Allocate(sizeof(ProtectedMemoryAllocator))) ProtectedMemoryAllocator(breakpad_pool_size); // Stack-based autorelease pool for Breakpad::Create() obj-c code. NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init]; Breakpad *breakpad = Breakpad::Create(parameters); if (breakpad) { // Make read-only to protect against memory smashers gMasterAllocator->Protect(); gKeyValueAllocator->Protect(); gBreakpadAllocator->Protect(); } else { [pool release]; #ifdef __EXCEPTIONS throw(-1); #else return NULL; #endif } // Can uncomment this line to figure out how much space was actually // allocated using this allocator // printf("gBreakpadAllocator allocated size = %d\n", // gBreakpadAllocator->GetAllocatedSize() ); [pool release]; return (BreakpadRef)breakpad; } catch(...) { // don't let exception leave this C API if (gKeyValueAllocator) { gKeyValueAllocator->~ProtectedMemoryAllocator(); gKeyValueAllocator = NULL; } if (gBreakpadAllocator) { gBreakpadAllocator->~ProtectedMemoryAllocator(); gBreakpadAllocator = NULL; } delete gMasterAllocator; gMasterAllocator = NULL; } return NULL; } //============================================================================= void BreakpadRelease(BreakpadRef ref) { try { Breakpad *breakpad = (Breakpad *)ref; if (gMasterAllocator) { gMasterAllocator->Unprotect(); gKeyValueAllocator->Unprotect(); gBreakpadAllocator->Unprotect(); breakpad->~Breakpad(); // Unfortunately, it's not possible to deallocate this stuff // because the exception handling thread is still finishing up // asynchronously at this point... OK, it could be done with // locks, etc. But since BreakpadRelease() should usually only // be called right before the process exits, it's not worth // deallocating this stuff. #if 0 gKeyValueAllocator->~ProtectedMemoryAllocator(); gBreakpadAllocator->~ProtectedMemoryAllocator(); delete gMasterAllocator; gMasterAllocator = NULL; gKeyValueAllocator = NULL; gBreakpadAllocator = NULL; #endif pthread_mutex_destroy(&gDictionaryMutex); } } catch(...) { // don't let exception leave this C API fprintf(stderr, "BreakpadRelease() : error\n"); } } //============================================================================= void BreakpadSetKeyValue(BreakpadRef ref, NSString *key, NSString *value) { try { // Not called at exception time Breakpad *breakpad = (Breakpad *)ref; if (breakpad && key && gKeyValueAllocator) { ProtectedMemoryLocker locker(&gDictionaryMutex, gKeyValueAllocator); breakpad->SetKeyValue(key, value); } } catch(...) { // don't let exception leave this C API fprintf(stderr, "BreakpadSetKeyValue() : error\n"); } } //============================================================================= NSString *BreakpadKeyValue(BreakpadRef ref, NSString *key) { NSString *value = nil; try { // Not called at exception time Breakpad *breakpad = (Breakpad *)ref; if (!breakpad || !key || !gKeyValueAllocator) return nil; ProtectedMemoryLocker locker(&gDictionaryMutex, gKeyValueAllocator); value = breakpad->KeyValue(key); } catch(...) { // don't let exception leave this C API fprintf(stderr, "BreakpadKeyValue() : error\n"); } return value; } //============================================================================= void BreakpadRemoveKeyValue(BreakpadRef ref, NSString *key) { try { // Not called at exception time Breakpad *breakpad = (Breakpad *)ref; if (breakpad && key && gKeyValueAllocator) { ProtectedMemoryLocker locker(&gDictionaryMutex, gKeyValueAllocator); breakpad->RemoveKeyValue(key); } } catch(...) { // don't let exception leave this C API fprintf(stderr, "BreakpadRemoveKeyValue() : error\n"); } } //============================================================================= void BreakpadGenerateAndSendReport(BreakpadRef ref) { try { Breakpad *breakpad = (Breakpad *)ref; if (breakpad && gKeyValueAllocator) { ProtectedMemoryLocker locker(&gDictionaryMutex, gKeyValueAllocator); gBreakpadAllocator->Unprotect(); breakpad->GenerateAndSendReport(); gBreakpadAllocator->Protect(); } } catch(...) { // don't let exception leave this C API fprintf(stderr, "BreakpadGenerateAndSendReport() : error\n"); } } //============================================================================= void BreakpadSetFilterCallback(BreakpadRef ref, BreakpadFilterCallback callback) { try { Breakpad *breakpad = (Breakpad *)ref; if (breakpad && gBreakpadAllocator) { // share the dictionary mutex here (we really don't need a mutex) ProtectedMemoryLocker locker(&gDictionaryMutex, gBreakpadAllocator); breakpad->SetFilterCallback(callback); } } catch(...) { // don't let exception leave this C API fprintf(stderr, "BreakpadSetFilterCallback() : error\n"); } } //============================================================================ void BreakpadAddLogFile(BreakpadRef ref, NSString *logPathname) { int logFileCounter = 0; NSString *logFileKey = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%d", @BREAKPAD_LOGFILE_KEY_PREFIX, logFileCounter]; NSString *existingLogFilename = nil; existingLogFilename = BreakpadKeyValue(ref, logFileKey); // Find the first log file key that we can use by testing for existence while (existingLogFilename) { if ([existingLogFilename isEqualToString:logPathname]) { return; } logFileCounter++; logFileKey = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@%d", @BREAKPAD_LOGFILE_KEY_PREFIX, logFileCounter]; existingLogFilename = BreakpadKeyValue(ref, logFileKey); } BreakpadSetKeyValue(ref, logFileKey, logPathname); }