// Copyright (c) 2006, Google Inc. // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer // in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the // distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from // this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. // dump_syms.mm: Create a symbol file for use with minidumps #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #import #import "dump_syms.h" #import "common/mac/file_id.h" #import "common/mac/macho_utilities.h" using google_breakpad::FileID; static NSString *kAddressSymbolKey = @"symbol"; static NSString *kAddressConvertedSymbolKey = @"converted_symbol"; static NSString *kAddressSourceLineKey = @"line"; static NSString *kFunctionSizeKey = @"size"; static NSString *kHeaderBaseAddressKey = @"baseAddr"; static NSString *kHeaderSizeKey = @"size"; static NSString *kHeaderOffsetKey = @"offset"; // Offset to the header static NSString *kHeaderIs64BitKey = @"is64"; static NSString *kHeaderCPUTypeKey = @"cpuType"; static NSString *kUnknownSymbol = @"???"; // The section for __TEXT, __text seems to be always 1. This is useful // for pruning out extraneous non-function symbols. static const int kTextSection = 1; @interface DumpSymbols(PrivateMethods) - (NSArray *)convertCPlusPlusSymbols:(NSArray *)symbols; - (void)convertSymbols; - (void)addFunction:(NSString *)name line:(int)line address:(uint64_t)address section:(int)section; - (BOOL)processSymbolItem:(struct nlist_64 *)list stringTable:(char *)table; - (BOOL)loadSymbolInfo:(void *)base offset:(uint32_t)offset; - (BOOL)loadSymbolInfo64:(void *)base offset:(uint32_t)offset; - (BOOL)loadSymbolInfoForArchitecture; - (void)generateSectionDictionary:(struct mach_header*)header; - (BOOL)loadHeader:(void *)base offset:(uint32_t)offset; - (BOOL)loadHeader64:(void *)base offset:(uint32_t)offset; - (BOOL)loadModuleInfo; @end @implementation DumpSymbols //============================================================================= - (NSArray *)convertCPlusPlusSymbols:(NSArray *)symbols { NSMutableArray *symbols_demangled = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:[symbols count]]; // __cxa_demangle will realloc this if needed char *buffer = (char *)malloc(1024); size_t buffer_size = 1024; int result; NSEnumerator *enumerator = [symbols objectEnumerator]; id symbolObject; while ((symbolObject = [enumerator nextObject])) { const char *symbol = [symbolObject UTF8String]; buffer = abi::__cxa_demangle(symbol, buffer, &buffer_size, &result); if (result == 0) { [symbols_demangled addObject:[NSString stringWithUTF8String:buffer]]; } else { // unable to demangle - use mangled name instead [symbols_demangled addObject:symbolObject]; } } free(buffer); return symbols_demangled; } //============================================================================= - (void)convertSymbols { unsigned int count = [cppAddresses_ count]; NSMutableArray *symbols = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:count]; // Sort addresses for processing NSArray *addresses = [cppAddresses_ sortedArrayUsingSelector: @selector(compare:)]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { NSMutableDictionary *dict = [addresses_ objectForKey: [addresses objectAtIndex:i]]; NSString *symbol = [dict objectForKey:kAddressSymbolKey]; // Make sure that the symbol is valid if ([symbol length] < 1) symbol = kUnknownSymbol; [symbols addObject:symbol]; } // In order to deal with crashing problems in c++filt, we setup // a while loop to handle the case where convertCPlusPlusSymbols // only returns partial results. // We then attempt to continue from the point where c++filt failed // and add the partial results to the total results until we're // completely done. unsigned int totalIndex = 0; unsigned int totalCount = count; while (totalIndex < totalCount) { NSRange range = NSMakeRange(totalIndex, totalCount - totalIndex); NSArray *subarray = [symbols subarrayWithRange:range]; NSArray *converted = [self convertCPlusPlusSymbols:subarray]; unsigned int convertedCount = [converted count]; if (convertedCount == 0) { break; // we give up at this point } for (unsigned int convertedIndex = 0; convertedIndex < convertedCount && totalIndex < totalCount; ++totalIndex, ++convertedIndex) { NSMutableDictionary *dict = [addresses_ objectForKey: [addresses objectAtIndex:totalIndex]]; NSString *symbol = [converted objectAtIndex:convertedIndex]; // Only add if this is a non-zero length symbol if ([symbol length]) [dict setObject:symbol forKey:kAddressConvertedSymbolKey]; } } [symbols release]; } //============================================================================= - (void)addFunction:(NSString *)name line:(int)line address:(uint64_t)address section:(int)section { NSNumber *addressNum = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:address]; if (!address) return; // If the function starts with "_Z" or "__Z" then add it to the list of // addresses to run through the c++filt BOOL isCPP = NO; if ([name hasPrefix:@"__Z"]) { // Remove the leading underscore name = [name substringFromIndex:1]; isCPP = YES; } else if ([name hasPrefix:@"_Z"]) { isCPP = YES; } // Filter out non-functions if ([name hasSuffix:@".eh"]) return; if ([name hasSuffix:@"__func__"]) return; if ([name hasSuffix:@"GCC_except_table"]) return; if (isCPP) { // OBJCPP_MANGLING_HACK // There are cases where ObjC++ mangles up an ObjC name using quasi-C++ // mangling: // @implementation Foozles + (void)barzles { // static int Baz = 0; // } @end // gives you _ZZ18+[Foozles barzles]E3Baz // c++filt won't parse this properly, and will crash in certain cases. // Logged as radar: // 5129938: c++filt does not deal with ObjC++ symbols // If 5129938 ever gets fixed, we can remove this, but for now this prevents // c++filt from attempting to demangle names it doesn't know how to handle. // This is with c++filt 2.16 NSCharacterSet *objcppCharSet = [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@"-+[]: "]; NSRange emptyRange = { NSNotFound, 0 }; NSRange objcppRange = [name rangeOfCharacterFromSet:objcppCharSet]; isCPP = NSEqualRanges(objcppRange, emptyRange); } if (isCPP) { if (!cppAddresses_) cppAddresses_ = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init]; [cppAddresses_ addObject:addressNum]; } else if ([name characterAtIndex:0] == '_') { // Remove the leading underscore name = [name substringFromIndex:1]; } // If there's already an entry for this address, check and see if we can add // either the symbol, or a missing line # NSMutableDictionary *dict = [addresses_ objectForKey:addressNum]; if (!dict) { dict = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; [addresses_ setObject:dict forKey:addressNum]; [dict release]; } if (name && ![dict objectForKey:kAddressSymbolKey]) { [dict setObject:name forKey:kAddressSymbolKey]; // only functions, not line number addresses [functionAddresses_ addObject:addressNum]; } if (line && ![dict objectForKey:kAddressSourceLineKey]) [dict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:line] forKey:kAddressSourceLineKey]; } //============================================================================= - (BOOL)processSymbolItem:(struct nlist_64 *)list stringTable:(char *)table { uint32_t n_strx = list->n_un.n_strx; BOOL result = NO; // We don't care about non-section specific information except function length if (list->n_sect == 0 && list->n_type != N_FUN ) return NO; if (list->n_type == N_FUN) { if (list->n_sect != 0) { // we get the function address from the first N_FUN lastStartAddress_ = list->n_value; } else { // an N_FUN from section 0 may follow the initial N_FUN // giving us function length information NSMutableDictionary *dict = [addresses_ objectForKey: [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLong:lastStartAddress_]]; assert(dict); // only set the function size the first time // (sometimes multiple section 0 N_FUN entries appear!) if (![dict objectForKey:kFunctionSizeKey]) { [dict setObject:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:list->n_value] forKey:kFunctionSizeKey]; } } } int line = list->n_desc; // We only care about line number information in __TEXT __text uint32_t mainSection = [[sectionNumbers_ objectForKey:@"__TEXT__text" ] unsignedLongValue]; if(list->n_sect != mainSection) { line = 0; } // Extract debugging information: // Doc: http://developer.apple.com/documentation/DeveloperTools/gdb/stabs/stabs_toc.html // Header: /usr/include/mach-o/stab.h: if (list->n_type == N_SO) { NSString *src = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:&table[n_strx]]; NSString *ext = [src pathExtension]; NSNumber *address = [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:list->n_value]; // TODO(waylonis):Ensure that we get the full path for the source file // from the first N_SO record // If there is an extension, we'll consider it source code if ([ext length]) { if (!sources_) sources_ = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; // Save the source associated with an address [sources_ setObject:src forKey:address]; result = YES; } } else if (list->n_type == N_FUN) { NSString *fn = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:&table[n_strx]]; NSRange range = [fn rangeOfString:@":" options:NSBackwardsSearch]; if (![fn length] || !range.length) return NO; // The function has a ":" followed by some stuff fn = [fn substringToIndex:range.location]; [self addFunction:fn line:line address:list->n_value section:list->n_sect ]; result = YES; } else if (list->n_type == N_SLINE && list->n_sect == mainSection ) { [self addFunction:nil line:line address:list->n_value section:list->n_sect ]; result = YES; } else if (((list->n_type & N_TYPE) == N_SECT) && !(list->n_type & N_STAB)) { // Regular symbols or ones that are external NSString *fn = [NSString stringWithUTF8String:&table[n_strx]]; [self addFunction:fn line:0 address:list->n_value section:list->n_sect ]; result = YES; } return result; } #define SwapLongLongIfNeeded(a) (swap ? NXSwapLongLong(a) : (a)) #define SwapLongIfNeeded(a) (swap ? NXSwapLong(a) : (a)) #define SwapIntIfNeeded(a) (swap ? NXSwapInt(a) : (a)) #define SwapShortIfNeeded(a) (swap ? NXSwapShort(a) : (a)) //============================================================================= - (BOOL)loadSymbolInfo:(void *)base offset:(uint32_t)offset { struct mach_header *header = (struct mach_header *)((uint32_t)base + offset); BOOL swap = (header->magic == MH_CIGAM); uint32_t count = SwapLongIfNeeded(header->ncmds); struct load_command *cmd = (struct load_command *)((uint32_t)header + sizeof(struct mach_header)); uint32_t symbolTableCommand = SwapLongIfNeeded(LC_SYMTAB); BOOL result = NO; if (!addresses_) addresses_ = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; for (uint32_t i = 0; cmd && (i < count); ++i) { if (cmd->cmd == symbolTableCommand) { struct symtab_command *symtab = (struct symtab_command *)cmd; uint32_t ncmds = SwapLongIfNeeded(symtab->nsyms); uint32_t symoff = SwapLongIfNeeded(symtab->symoff); uint32_t stroff = SwapLongIfNeeded(symtab->stroff); struct nlist *list = (struct nlist *)((uint32_t)base + symoff + offset); char *strtab = ((char *)header + stroff); // Process each command, looking for debugging stuff for (uint32_t j = 0; j < ncmds; ++j, ++list) { // Fill in an nlist_64 structure and process with that struct nlist_64 nlist64; nlist64.n_un.n_strx = SwapLongIfNeeded(list->n_un.n_strx); nlist64.n_type = list->n_type; nlist64.n_sect = list->n_sect; nlist64.n_desc = SwapShortIfNeeded(list->n_desc); nlist64.n_value = (uint64_t)SwapLongIfNeeded(list->n_value); if ([self processSymbolItem:&nlist64 stringTable:strtab]) result = YES; } } uint32_t cmdSize = SwapLongIfNeeded(cmd->cmdsize); cmd = (struct load_command *)((uint32_t)cmd + cmdSize); } return result; } //============================================================================= - (BOOL)loadSymbolInfo64:(void *)base offset:(uint32_t)offset { struct mach_header_64 *header = (struct mach_header_64 *) ((uint32_t)base + offset); BOOL swap = (header->magic == MH_CIGAM_64); uint32_t count = SwapLongIfNeeded(header->ncmds); struct load_command *cmd = (struct load_command *)((uint32_t)header + sizeof(struct mach_header)); uint32_t symbolTableCommand = SwapLongIfNeeded(LC_SYMTAB); BOOL result = NO; for (uint32_t i = 0; cmd && (i < count); i++) { if (cmd->cmd == symbolTableCommand) { struct symtab_command *symtab = (struct symtab_command *)cmd; uint32_t ncmds = SwapLongIfNeeded(symtab->nsyms); uint32_t symoff = SwapLongIfNeeded(symtab->symoff); uint32_t stroff = SwapLongIfNeeded(symtab->stroff); struct nlist_64 *list = (struct nlist_64 *)((uint32_t)base + symoff); char *strtab = ((char *)header + stroff); // Process each command, looking for debugging stuff for (uint32_t j = 0; j < ncmds; ++j, ++list) { if (!(list->n_type & (N_STAB | N_TYPE))) continue; // Fill in an nlist_64 structure and process with that struct nlist_64 nlist64; nlist64.n_un.n_strx = SwapLongIfNeeded(list->n_un.n_strx); nlist64.n_type = list->n_type; nlist64.n_sect = list->n_sect; nlist64.n_desc = SwapShortIfNeeded(list->n_desc); nlist64.n_value = SwapLongLongIfNeeded(list->n_value); if ([self processSymbolItem:&nlist64 stringTable:strtab]) result = YES; } } uint32_t cmdSize = SwapLongIfNeeded(cmd->cmdsize); cmd = (struct load_command *)((uint32_t)cmd + cmdSize); } return result; } //============================================================================= - (BOOL)loadSymbolInfoForArchitecture { NSMutableData *data = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithContentsOfMappedFile:sourcePath_]; NSDictionary *headerInfo = [headers_ objectForKey:architecture_]; void *base = [data mutableBytes]; uint32_t offset = [[headerInfo objectForKey:kHeaderOffsetKey] unsignedLongValue]; BOOL is64 = [[headerInfo objectForKey:kHeaderIs64BitKey] boolValue]; BOOL result = is64 ? [self loadSymbolInfo64:base offset:offset] : [self loadSymbolInfo:base offset:offset]; [data release]; return result; } //============================================================================= // build a dictionary of section numbers keyed off a string // which is the concatenation of the segment name and the section name - (void)generateSectionDictionary:(struct mach_header*)header { BOOL swap = (header->magic == MH_CIGAM); uint32_t count = SwapLongIfNeeded(header->ncmds); struct load_command *cmd = (struct load_command *)((uint32_t)header + sizeof(struct mach_header)); uint32_t segmentCommand = SwapLongIfNeeded(LC_SEGMENT); uint32_t sectionNumber = 1; // section numbers are counted from 1 if (!sectionNumbers_) sectionNumbers_ = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; // loop through every segment command, then through every section // contained inside each of them for (uint32_t i = 0; cmd && (i < count); ++i) { if (cmd->cmd == segmentCommand) { struct segment_command *seg = (struct segment_command *)cmd; section *sect = (section *)((uint32_t)cmd + sizeof(segment_command)); uint32_t nsects = SwapLongIfNeeded(seg->nsects); for (uint32_t j = 0; j < nsects; ++j) { //printf("%d: %s %s\n", sectionNumber, seg->segname, sect->sectname ); NSString *segSectName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%s%s", seg->segname, sect->sectname ]; [sectionNumbers_ setValue:[NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLong:sectionNumber] forKey:segSectName ]; ++sect; ++sectionNumber; } } uint32_t cmdSize = SwapLongIfNeeded(cmd->cmdsize); cmd = (struct load_command *)((uint32_t)cmd + cmdSize); } } //============================================================================= - (BOOL)loadHeader:(void *)base offset:(uint32_t)offset { struct mach_header *header = (struct mach_header *)((uint32_t)base + offset); BOOL swap = (header->magic == MH_CIGAM); uint32_t count = SwapLongIfNeeded(header->ncmds); struct load_command *cmd = (struct load_command *)((uint32_t)header + sizeof(struct mach_header)); uint32_t segmentCommand = SwapLongIfNeeded(LC_SEGMENT); [self generateSectionDictionary:header]; for (uint32_t i = 0; cmd && (i < count); ++i) { if (cmd->cmd == segmentCommand) { struct segment_command *seg = (struct segment_command *)cmd; if (!strcmp(seg->segname, "__TEXT")) { uint32_t addr = SwapLongIfNeeded(seg->vmaddr); uint32_t size = SwapLongIfNeeded(seg->vmsize); cpu_type_t cpu = SwapIntIfNeeded(header->cputype); NSString *cpuStr = (cpu == CPU_TYPE_I386) ? @"x86" : @"ppc"; [headers_ setObject:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:(uint64_t)addr], kHeaderBaseAddressKey, [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:(uint64_t)size], kHeaderSizeKey, [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLong:offset], kHeaderOffsetKey, [NSNumber numberWithBool:NO], kHeaderIs64BitKey, [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLong:cpu], kHeaderCPUTypeKey, nil] forKey:cpuStr]; return YES; } } uint32_t cmdSize = SwapLongIfNeeded(cmd->cmdsize); cmd = (struct load_command *)((uint32_t)cmd + cmdSize); } return NO; } //============================================================================= - (BOOL)loadHeader64:(void *)base offset:(uint32_t)offset { struct mach_header_64 *header = (struct mach_header_64 *)((uint32_t)base + offset); BOOL swap = (header->magic == MH_CIGAM_64); uint32_t count = SwapLongIfNeeded(header->ncmds); struct load_command *cmd = (struct load_command *)((uint32_t)header + sizeof(struct mach_header_64)); for (uint32_t i = 0; cmd && (i < count); ++i) { uint32_t segmentCommand = SwapLongIfNeeded(LC_SEGMENT_64); if (cmd->cmd == segmentCommand) { struct segment_command_64 *seg = (struct segment_command_64 *)cmd; if (!strcmp(seg->segname, "__TEXT")) { uint64_t addr = SwapLongLongIfNeeded(seg->vmaddr); uint64_t size = SwapLongLongIfNeeded(seg->vmsize); cpu_type_t cpu = SwapIntIfNeeded(header->cputype); cpu &= (~CPU_ARCH_ABI64); NSString *cpuStr = (cpu == CPU_TYPE_I386) ? @"x86_64" : @"ppc64"; [headers_ setObject:[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:addr], kHeaderBaseAddressKey, [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLongLong:size], kHeaderSizeKey, [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLong:offset], kHeaderOffsetKey, [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES], kHeaderIs64BitKey, [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedLong:cpu], kHeaderCPUTypeKey, nil] forKey:cpuStr]; return YES; } } uint32_t cmdSize = SwapLongIfNeeded(cmd->cmdsize); cmd = (struct load_command *)((uint32_t)cmd + cmdSize); } return NO; } //============================================================================= - (BOOL)loadModuleInfo { uint64_t result = 0; NSMutableData *data = [[NSMutableData alloc] initWithContentsOfMappedFile:sourcePath_]; void *bytes = [data mutableBytes]; struct fat_header *fat = (struct fat_header *)bytes; if (!fat) { [data release]; return 0; } // Gather some information based on the header BOOL isFat = fat->magic == FAT_MAGIC || fat->magic == FAT_CIGAM; BOOL is64 = fat->magic == MH_MAGIC_64 || fat->magic == MH_CIGAM_64; BOOL is32 = fat->magic == MH_MAGIC || fat->magic == MH_CIGAM; BOOL swap = fat->magic == FAT_CIGAM || fat->magic == MH_CIGAM_64 || fat->magic == MH_CIGAM; if (!is64 && !is32 && !isFat) { [data release]; return 0; } // Load any available architectures and save the information headers_ = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc] init]; if (isFat) { struct fat_arch *archs = (struct fat_arch *)((uint32_t)fat + sizeof(struct fat_header)); uint32_t count = SwapLongIfNeeded(fat->nfat_arch); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; ++i) { archs[i].cputype = SwapIntIfNeeded(archs[i].cputype); archs[i].cpusubtype = SwapIntIfNeeded(archs[i].cpusubtype); archs[i].offset = SwapLongIfNeeded(archs[i].offset); archs[i].size = SwapLongIfNeeded(archs[i].size); archs[i].align = SwapLongIfNeeded(archs[i].align); if (archs[i].cputype & CPU_ARCH_ABI64) result = [self loadHeader64:bytes offset:archs[i].offset]; else result = [self loadHeader:bytes offset:archs[i].offset]; } } else if (is32) { result = [self loadHeader:bytes offset:0]; } else { result = [self loadHeader64:bytes offset:0]; } [data release]; return result; } //============================================================================= static BOOL WriteFormat(int fd, const char *fmt, ...) { va_list list; char buffer[4096]; ssize_t expected, written; va_start(list, fmt); vsnprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), fmt, list); expected = strlen(buffer); written = write(fd, buffer, strlen(buffer)); va_end(list); return expected == written; } //============================================================================= - (BOOL)outputSymbolFile:(int)fd { // Get the baseAddress for this architecture NSDictionary *archDict = [headers_ objectForKey:architecture_]; NSNumber *baseAddressNum = [archDict objectForKey:kHeaderBaseAddressKey]; uint64_t baseAddress = baseAddressNum ? [baseAddressNum unsignedLongLongValue] : 0; NSNumber *moduleSizeNum = [archDict objectForKey:kHeaderSizeKey]; uint64_t moduleSize = moduleSizeNum ? [moduleSizeNum unsignedLongLongValue] : 0; // UUID FileID file_id([sourcePath_ fileSystemRepresentation]); unsigned char identifier[16]; char identifierStr[40]; const char *moduleName = [[sourcePath_ lastPathComponent] UTF8String]; int cpu_type = [[archDict objectForKey:kHeaderCPUTypeKey] unsignedLongValue]; if (file_id.MachoIdentifier(cpu_type, identifier)) { FileID::ConvertIdentifierToString(identifier, identifierStr, sizeof(identifierStr)); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to calculate UUID of mach-o binary!\n"); return NO; } // keep track exclusively of function addresses // for sanity checking function lengths functionAddresses_ = [[NSMutableSet alloc] init]; // Gather the information [self loadSymbolInfoForArchitecture]; [self convertSymbols]; NSArray *sortedAddresses = [[addresses_ allKeys] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(compare:)]; NSArray *sortedFunctionAddresses = [[functionAddresses_ allObjects] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(compare:)]; // position ourselves at the 2nd function unsigned int funcIndex = 1; // Remove the dashes from the string NSMutableString *compactedStr = [NSMutableString stringWithCString:identifierStr encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding]; [compactedStr replaceOccurrencesOfString:@"-" withString:@"" options:0 range:NSMakeRange(0, [compactedStr length])]; if (!WriteFormat(fd, "MODULE mac %s %s0 %s\n", [architecture_ UTF8String], [compactedStr UTF8String], moduleName)) { return NO; } // Sources ordered by address NSArray *sources = [[sources_ allKeys] sortedArrayUsingSelector:@selector(compare:)]; unsigned int sourceCount = [sources count]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sourceCount; ++i) { NSString *file = [sources_ objectForKey:[sources objectAtIndex:i]]; if (!WriteFormat(fd, "FILE %d %s\n", i + 1, [file UTF8String])) return NO; } // Symbols char terminatingChar = '\n'; uint32_t fileIdx = 0, nextFileIdx = 0; uint64_t nextSourceFileAddress = 0; NSNumber *nextAddress; uint64_t nextAddressVal; unsigned int addressCount = [sortedAddresses count]; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < addressCount; ++i) { NSNumber *address = [sortedAddresses objectAtIndex:i]; uint64_t addressVal = [address unsignedLongLongValue] - baseAddress; // Get the next address to calculate the length if (i + 1 < addressCount) { nextAddress = [sortedAddresses objectAtIndex:i + 1]; nextAddressVal = [nextAddress unsignedLongLongValue] - baseAddress; } else { nextAddressVal = baseAddress + moduleSize; // The symbol reader doesn't want a trailing newline terminatingChar = '\0'; } NSDictionary *dict = [addresses_ objectForKey:address]; NSNumber *line = [dict objectForKey:kAddressSourceLineKey]; NSString *symbol = [dict objectForKey:kAddressConvertedSymbolKey]; if (!symbol) symbol = [dict objectForKey:kAddressSymbolKey]; // sanity check the function length by making sure it doesn't // run beyond the next function entry uint64_t nextFunctionAddress = 0; if (symbol && funcIndex < [sortedFunctionAddresses count]) { nextFunctionAddress = [[sortedFunctionAddresses objectAtIndex:funcIndex] unsignedLongLongValue] - baseAddress; ++funcIndex; } // Skip some symbols if ([symbol hasPrefix:@"vtable for"]) continue; if ([symbol hasPrefix:@"__static_initialization_and_destruction_0"]) continue; if ([symbol hasPrefix:@"_GLOBAL__I__"]) continue; if ([symbol hasPrefix:@"__func__."]) continue; if ([symbol hasPrefix:@"__gnu"]) continue; if ([symbol hasPrefix:@"typeinfo "]) continue; if ([symbol hasPrefix:@"EH_frame"]) continue; if ([symbol hasPrefix:@"GCC_except_table"]) continue; // Find the source file (if any) that contains this address while (sourceCount && (addressVal >= nextSourceFileAddress)) { fileIdx = nextFileIdx; if (nextFileIdx < sourceCount) { NSNumber *addr = [sources objectAtIndex:nextFileIdx]; ++nextFileIdx; nextSourceFileAddress = [addr unsignedLongLongValue] - baseAddress; } else { nextSourceFileAddress = baseAddress + moduleSize; break; } } NSNumber *functionLength = [dict objectForKey:kFunctionSizeKey]; if (line) { if (symbol && functionLength) { uint64_t functionLengthVal = [functionLength unsignedLongLongValue]; // sanity check to make sure the length we were told does not exceed // the space between this function and the next if (nextFunctionAddress != 0) { uint64_t functionLengthVal2 = nextFunctionAddress - addressVal; if(functionLengthVal > functionLengthVal2 ) { functionLengthVal = functionLengthVal2; } } // Function if (!WriteFormat(fd, "FUNC %llx %llx 0 %s\n", addressVal, functionLengthVal, [symbol UTF8String])) return NO; } // Source line uint64_t length = nextAddressVal - addressVal; if (!WriteFormat(fd, "%llx %llx %d %d\n", addressVal, length, [line unsignedIntValue], fileIdx)) return NO; } else { // PUBLIC
if (!WriteFormat(fd, "PUBLIC %llx 0 %s\n", addressVal, [symbol UTF8String])) return NO; } } return YES; } //============================================================================= - (id)initWithContentsOfFile:(NSString *)path { if ((self = [super init])) { if (![[NSFileManager defaultManager] fileExistsAtPath:path]) { [self autorelease]; return nil; } sourcePath_ = [path copy]; if (![self loadModuleInfo]) { [self autorelease]; return nil; } // If there's more than one, use the native one if ([headers_ count] > 1) { const NXArchInfo *localArchInfo = NXGetLocalArchInfo(); if (localArchInfo) { cpu_type_t cpu = localArchInfo->cputype; NSString *arch; if (cpu & CPU_ARCH_ABI64) arch = ((cpu & ~CPU_ARCH_ABI64) == CPU_TYPE_X86) ? @"x86_64" : @"ppc64"; else arch = (cpu == CPU_TYPE_X86) ? @"x86" : @"ppc"; [self setArchitecture:arch]; } } else { // Specify the default architecture [self setArchitecture:[[headers_ allKeys] objectAtIndex:0]]; } } return self; } //============================================================================= - (NSArray *)availableArchitectures { return [headers_ allKeys]; } //============================================================================= - (void)dealloc { [sourcePath_ release]; [architecture_ release]; [addresses_ release]; [functionAddresses_ release]; [sources_ release]; [headers_ release]; [super dealloc]; } //============================================================================= - (BOOL)setArchitecture:(NSString *)architecture { NSString *normalized = [architecture lowercaseString]; BOOL isValid = NO; if ([normalized isEqualToString:@"ppc"]) { isValid = YES; } else if ([normalized isEqualToString:@"i386"]) { normalized = @"x86"; isValid = YES; } else if ([normalized isEqualToString:@"x86"]) { isValid = YES; } else if ([normalized isEqualToString:@"ppc64"]) { isValid = YES; } else if ([normalized isEqualToString:@"x86_64"]) { isValid = YES; } if (isValid) { if (![headers_ objectForKey:normalized]) return NO; [architecture_ autorelease]; architecture_ = [architecture copy]; } return isValid; } //============================================================================= - (NSString *)architecture { return architecture_; } //============================================================================= - (BOOL)writeSymbolFile:(NSString *)destinationPath { const char *dest = [destinationPath fileSystemRepresentation]; int fd; if ([[destinationPath substringToIndex:1] isEqualToString:@"-"]) fd = STDOUT_FILENO; else fd = open(dest, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0666); if (fd == -1) return NO; BOOL result = [self outputSymbolFile:fd]; close(fd); return result; } @end