// Copyright (c) 2006, Google Inc. // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer // in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the // distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from // this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include "common/windows/pdb_source_line_writer.h" #include <windows.h> #include <winnt.h> #include <atlbase.h> #include <dia2.h> #include <diacreate.h> #include <ImageHlp.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <algorithm> #include <limits> #include <map> #include <set> #include <utility> #include "common/windows/dia_util.h" #include "common/windows/guid_string.h" #include "common/windows/pe_util.h" #include "common/windows/string_utils-inl.h" // This constant may be missing from DbgHelp.h. See the documentation for // IDiaSymbol::get_undecoratedNameEx. #ifndef UNDNAME_NO_ECSU #define UNDNAME_NO_ECSU 0x8000 // Suppresses enum/class/struct/union. #endif // UNDNAME_NO_ECSU namespace google_breakpad { namespace { using std::vector; // The symbol (among possibly many) selected to represent an rva. struct SelectedSymbol { SelectedSymbol(const CComPtr<IDiaSymbol>& symbol, bool is_public) : symbol(symbol), is_public(is_public), is_multiple(false) {} // The symbol to use for an rva. CComPtr<IDiaSymbol> symbol; // Whether this is a public or function symbol. bool is_public; // Whether the rva has multiple associated symbols. An rva will correspond to // multiple symbols in the case of linker identical symbol folding. bool is_multiple; }; // Maps rva to the symbol to use for that address. typedef std::map<DWORD, SelectedSymbol> SymbolMap; // Record this in the map as the selected symbol for the rva if it satisfies the // necessary conditions. void MaybeRecordSymbol(DWORD rva, const CComPtr<IDiaSymbol> symbol, bool is_public, SymbolMap* map) { SymbolMap::iterator loc = map->find(rva); if (loc == map->end()) { map->insert(std::make_pair(rva, SelectedSymbol(symbol, is_public))); return; } // Prefer function symbols to public symbols. if (is_public && !loc->second.is_public) { return; } loc->second.is_multiple = true; // Take the 'least' symbol by lexicographical order of the decorated name. We // use the decorated rather than undecorated name because computing the latter // is expensive. BSTR current_name, new_name; loc->second.symbol->get_name(¤t_name); symbol->get_name(&new_name); if (wcscmp(new_name, current_name) < 0) { loc->second.symbol = symbol; loc->second.is_public = is_public; } } bool SymbolsMatch(IDiaSymbol* a, IDiaSymbol* b) { DWORD a_section, a_offset, b_section, b_offset; if (FAILED(a->get_addressSection(&a_section)) || FAILED(a->get_addressOffset(&a_offset)) || FAILED(b->get_addressSection(&b_section)) || FAILED(b->get_addressOffset(&b_offset))) return false; return a_section == b_section && a_offset == b_offset; } bool CreateDiaDataSourceInstance(CComPtr<IDiaDataSource>& data_source) { if (SUCCEEDED(data_source.CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DiaSource))) { return true; } class DECLSPEC_UUID("B86AE24D-BF2F-4ac9-B5A2-34B14E4CE11D") DiaSource100; class DECLSPEC_UUID("761D3BCD-1304-41D5-94E8-EAC54E4AC172") DiaSource110; class DECLSPEC_UUID("3BFCEA48-620F-4B6B-81F7-B9AF75454C7D") DiaSource120; class DECLSPEC_UUID("E6756135-1E65-4D17-8576-610761398C3C") DiaSource140; // If the CoCreateInstance call above failed, msdia*.dll is not registered. // We can try loading the DLL corresponding to the #included DIA SDK, but // the DIA headers don't provide a version. Lets try to figure out which DIA // version we're compiling against by comparing CLSIDs. const wchar_t* msdia_dll = nullptr; if (CLSID_DiaSource == _uuidof(DiaSource100)) { msdia_dll = L"msdia100.dll"; } else if (CLSID_DiaSource == _uuidof(DiaSource110)) { msdia_dll = L"msdia110.dll"; } else if (CLSID_DiaSource == _uuidof(DiaSource120)) { msdia_dll = L"msdia120.dll"; } else if (CLSID_DiaSource == _uuidof(DiaSource140)) { msdia_dll = L"msdia140.dll"; } if (msdia_dll && SUCCEEDED(NoRegCoCreate(msdia_dll, CLSID_DiaSource, IID_IDiaDataSource, reinterpret_cast<void**>(&data_source)))) { return true; } return false; } } // namespace PDBSourceLineWriter::PDBSourceLineWriter() : output_(NULL) { } PDBSourceLineWriter::~PDBSourceLineWriter() { Close(); } bool PDBSourceLineWriter::SetCodeFile(const wstring& exe_file) { if (code_file_.empty()) { code_file_ = exe_file; return true; } // Setting a different code file path is an error. It is success only if the // file paths are the same. return exe_file == code_file_; } bool PDBSourceLineWriter::Open(const wstring& file, FileFormat format) { Close(); code_file_.clear(); if (FAILED(CoInitialize(NULL))) { fprintf(stderr, "CoInitialize failed\n"); return false; } CComPtr<IDiaDataSource> data_source; if (!CreateDiaDataSourceInstance(data_source)) { const int kGuidSize = 64; wchar_t classid[kGuidSize] = {0}; StringFromGUID2(CLSID_DiaSource, classid, kGuidSize); fprintf(stderr, "CoCreateInstance CLSID_DiaSource %S failed " "(msdia*.dll unregistered?)\n", classid); return false; } switch (format) { case PDB_FILE: if (FAILED(data_source->loadDataFromPdb(file.c_str()))) { fprintf(stderr, "loadDataFromPdb failed for %ws\n", file.c_str()); return false; } break; case EXE_FILE: if (FAILED(data_source->loadDataForExe(file.c_str(), NULL, NULL))) { fprintf(stderr, "loadDataForExe failed for %ws\n", file.c_str()); return false; } code_file_ = file; break; case ANY_FILE: if (FAILED(data_source->loadDataFromPdb(file.c_str()))) { if (FAILED(data_source->loadDataForExe(file.c_str(), NULL, NULL))) { fprintf(stderr, "loadDataForPdb and loadDataFromExe failed for %ws\n", file.c_str()); return false; } code_file_ = file; } break; default: fprintf(stderr, "Unknown file format\n"); return false; } if (FAILED(data_source->openSession(&session_))) { fprintf(stderr, "openSession failed\n"); } return true; } bool PDBSourceLineWriter::PrintLines(IDiaEnumLineNumbers* lines) { // The line number format is: // <rva> <line number> <source file id> CComPtr<IDiaLineNumber> line; ULONG count; while (SUCCEEDED(lines->Next(1, &line, &count)) && count == 1) { DWORD rva; if (FAILED(line->get_relativeVirtualAddress(&rva))) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to get line rva\n"); return false; } DWORD length; if (FAILED(line->get_length(&length))) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to get line code length\n"); return false; } DWORD dia_source_id; if (FAILED(line->get_sourceFileId(&dia_source_id))) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to get line source file id\n"); return false; } // duplicate file names are coalesced to share one ID DWORD source_id = GetRealFileID(dia_source_id); DWORD line_num; if (FAILED(line->get_lineNumber(&line_num))) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to get line number\n"); return false; } AddressRangeVector ranges; MapAddressRange(image_map_, AddressRange(rva, length), &ranges); for (size_t i = 0; i < ranges.size(); ++i) { fprintf(output_, "%lx %lx %lu %lu\n", ranges[i].rva, ranges[i].length, line_num, source_id); } line.Release(); } return true; } bool PDBSourceLineWriter::PrintFunction(IDiaSymbol* function, IDiaSymbol* block, bool has_multiple_symbols) { // The function format is: // FUNC <address> <length> <param_stack_size> <function> DWORD rva; if (FAILED(block->get_relativeVirtualAddress(&rva))) { fprintf(stderr, "couldn't get rva\n"); return false; } ULONGLONG length; if (FAILED(block->get_length(&length))) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to get function length\n"); return false; } if (length == 0) { // Silently ignore zero-length functions, which can infrequently pop up. return true; } CComBSTR name; int stack_param_size; if (!GetSymbolFunctionName(function, &name, &stack_param_size)) { return false; } // If the decorated name didn't give the parameter size, try to // calculate it. if (stack_param_size < 0) { stack_param_size = GetFunctionStackParamSize(function); } AddressRangeVector ranges; MapAddressRange(image_map_, AddressRange(rva, static_cast<DWORD>(length)), &ranges); for (size_t i = 0; i < ranges.size(); ++i) { const char* optional_multiple_field = has_multiple_symbols ? "m " : ""; fprintf(output_, "FUNC %s%lx %lx %x %ws\n", optional_multiple_field, ranges[i].rva, ranges[i].length, stack_param_size, name.m_str); } CComPtr<IDiaEnumLineNumbers> lines; if (FAILED(session_->findLinesByRVA(rva, DWORD(length), &lines))) { return false; } if (!PrintLines(lines)) { return false; } return true; } bool PDBSourceLineWriter::PrintSourceFiles() { CComPtr<IDiaSymbol> global; if (FAILED(session_->get_globalScope(&global))) { fprintf(stderr, "get_globalScope failed\n"); return false; } CComPtr<IDiaEnumSymbols> compilands; if (FAILED(global->findChildren(SymTagCompiland, NULL, nsNone, &compilands))) { fprintf(stderr, "findChildren failed\n"); return false; } CComPtr<IDiaSymbol> compiland; ULONG count; while (SUCCEEDED(compilands->Next(1, &compiland, &count)) && count == 1) { CComPtr<IDiaEnumSourceFiles> source_files; if (FAILED(session_->findFile(compiland, NULL, nsNone, &source_files))) { return false; } CComPtr<IDiaSourceFile> file; while (SUCCEEDED(source_files->Next(1, &file, &count)) && count == 1) { DWORD file_id; if (FAILED(file->get_uniqueId(&file_id))) { return false; } CComBSTR file_name; if (FAILED(file->get_fileName(&file_name))) { return false; } wstring file_name_string(file_name); if (!FileIDIsCached(file_name_string)) { // this is a new file name, cache it and output a FILE line. CacheFileID(file_name_string, file_id); fwprintf(output_, L"FILE %d %ws\n", file_id, file_name_string.c_str()); } else { // this file name has already been seen, just save this // ID for later lookup. StoreDuplicateFileID(file_name_string, file_id); } file.Release(); } compiland.Release(); } return true; } bool PDBSourceLineWriter::PrintFunctions() { ULONG count = 0; DWORD rva = 0; CComPtr<IDiaSymbol> global; HRESULT hr; if (FAILED(session_->get_globalScope(&global))) { fprintf(stderr, "get_globalScope failed\n"); return false; } CComPtr<IDiaEnumSymbols> symbols = NULL; // Find all function symbols first. SymbolMap rva_symbol; hr = global->findChildren(SymTagFunction, NULL, nsNone, &symbols); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CComPtr<IDiaSymbol> symbol = NULL; while (SUCCEEDED(symbols->Next(1, &symbol, &count)) && count == 1) { if (SUCCEEDED(symbol->get_relativeVirtualAddress(&rva))) { // Potentially record this as the canonical symbol for this rva. MaybeRecordSymbol(rva, symbol, false, &rva_symbol); } else { fprintf(stderr, "get_relativeVirtualAddress failed on the symbol\n"); return false; } symbol.Release(); } symbols.Release(); } // Find all public symbols and record public symbols that are not also private // symbols. hr = global->findChildren(SymTagPublicSymbol, NULL, nsNone, &symbols); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { CComPtr<IDiaSymbol> symbol = NULL; while (SUCCEEDED(symbols->Next(1, &symbol, &count)) && count == 1) { if (SUCCEEDED(symbol->get_relativeVirtualAddress(&rva))) { // Potentially record this as the canonical symbol for this rva. MaybeRecordSymbol(rva, symbol, true, &rva_symbol); } else { fprintf(stderr, "get_relativeVirtualAddress failed on the symbol\n"); return false; } symbol.Release(); } symbols.Release(); } // For each rva, dump the selected symbol at the address. SymbolMap::iterator it; for (it = rva_symbol.begin(); it != rva_symbol.end(); ++it) { CComPtr<IDiaSymbol> symbol = it->second.symbol; // Only print public symbols if there is no function symbol for the address. if (!it->second.is_public) { if (!PrintFunction(symbol, symbol, it->second.is_multiple)) return false; } else { if (!PrintCodePublicSymbol(symbol, it->second.is_multiple)) return false; } } // When building with PGO, the compiler can split functions into // "hot" and "cold" blocks, and move the "cold" blocks out to separate // pages, so the function can be noncontiguous. To find these blocks, // we have to iterate over all the compilands, and then find blocks // that are children of them. We can then find the lexical parents // of those blocks and print out an extra FUNC line for blocks // that are not contained in their parent functions. CComPtr<IDiaEnumSymbols> compilands; if (FAILED(global->findChildren(SymTagCompiland, NULL, nsNone, &compilands))) { fprintf(stderr, "findChildren failed on the global\n"); return false; } CComPtr<IDiaSymbol> compiland; while (SUCCEEDED(compilands->Next(1, &compiland, &count)) && count == 1) { CComPtr<IDiaEnumSymbols> blocks; if (FAILED(compiland->findChildren(SymTagBlock, NULL, nsNone, &blocks))) { fprintf(stderr, "findChildren failed on a compiland\n"); return false; } CComPtr<IDiaSymbol> block; while (SUCCEEDED(blocks->Next(1, &block, &count)) && count == 1) { // find this block's lexical parent function CComPtr<IDiaSymbol> parent; DWORD tag; if (SUCCEEDED(block->get_lexicalParent(&parent)) && SUCCEEDED(parent->get_symTag(&tag)) && tag == SymTagFunction) { // now get the block's offset and the function's offset and size, // and determine if the block is outside of the function DWORD func_rva, block_rva; ULONGLONG func_length; if (SUCCEEDED(block->get_relativeVirtualAddress(&block_rva)) && SUCCEEDED(parent->get_relativeVirtualAddress(&func_rva)) && SUCCEEDED(parent->get_length(&func_length))) { if (block_rva < func_rva || block_rva > (func_rva + func_length)) { if (!PrintFunction(parent, block, false)) { return false; } } } } parent.Release(); block.Release(); } blocks.Release(); compiland.Release(); } global.Release(); return true; } #undef max bool PDBSourceLineWriter::PrintFrameDataUsingPDB() { // It would be nice if it were possible to output frame data alongside the // associated function, as is done with line numbers, but the DIA API // doesn't make it possible to get the frame data in that way. CComPtr<IDiaEnumFrameData> frame_data_enum; if (!FindTable(session_, &frame_data_enum)) return false; DWORD last_type = std::numeric_limits<DWORD>::max(); DWORD last_rva = std::numeric_limits<DWORD>::max(); DWORD last_code_size = 0; DWORD last_prolog_size = std::numeric_limits<DWORD>::max(); CComPtr<IDiaFrameData> frame_data; ULONG count = 0; while (SUCCEEDED(frame_data_enum->Next(1, &frame_data, &count)) && count == 1) { DWORD type; if (FAILED(frame_data->get_type(&type))) return false; DWORD rva; if (FAILED(frame_data->get_relativeVirtualAddress(&rva))) return false; DWORD code_size; if (FAILED(frame_data->get_lengthBlock(&code_size))) return false; DWORD prolog_size; if (FAILED(frame_data->get_lengthProlog(&prolog_size))) return false; // parameter_size is the size of parameters passed on the stack. If any // parameters are not passed on the stack (such as in registers), their // sizes will not be included in parameter_size. DWORD parameter_size; if (FAILED(frame_data->get_lengthParams(¶meter_size))) return false; DWORD saved_register_size; if (FAILED(frame_data->get_lengthSavedRegisters(&saved_register_size))) return false; DWORD local_size; if (FAILED(frame_data->get_lengthLocals(&local_size))) return false; // get_maxStack can return S_FALSE, just use 0 in that case. DWORD max_stack_size = 0; if (FAILED(frame_data->get_maxStack(&max_stack_size))) return false; // get_programString can return S_FALSE, indicating that there is no // program string. In that case, check whether %ebp is used. HRESULT program_string_result; CComBSTR program_string; if (FAILED(program_string_result = frame_data->get_program( &program_string))) { return false; } // get_allocatesBasePointer can return S_FALSE, treat that as though // %ebp is not used. BOOL allocates_base_pointer = FALSE; if (program_string_result != S_OK) { if (FAILED(frame_data->get_allocatesBasePointer( &allocates_base_pointer))) { return false; } } // Only print out a line if type, rva, code_size, or prolog_size have // changed from the last line. It is surprisingly common (especially in // system library PDBs) for DIA to return a series of identical // IDiaFrameData objects. For kernel32.pdb from Windows XP SP2 on x86, // this check reduces the size of the dumped symbol file by a third. if (type != last_type || rva != last_rva || code_size != last_code_size || prolog_size != last_prolog_size) { // The prolog and the code portions of the frame have to be treated // independently as they may have independently changed in size, or may // even have been split. // NOTE: If epilog size is ever non-zero, we have to do something // similar with it. // Figure out where the prolog bytes have landed. AddressRangeVector prolog_ranges; if (prolog_size > 0) { MapAddressRange(image_map_, AddressRange(rva, prolog_size), &prolog_ranges); } // And figure out where the code bytes have landed. AddressRangeVector code_ranges; MapAddressRange(image_map_, AddressRange(rva + prolog_size, code_size - prolog_size), &code_ranges); struct FrameInfo { DWORD rva; DWORD code_size; DWORD prolog_size; }; std::vector<FrameInfo> frame_infos; // Special case: The prolog and the code bytes remain contiguous. This is // only done for compactness of the symbol file, and we could actually // be outputting independent frame info for the prolog and code portions. if (prolog_ranges.size() == 1 && code_ranges.size() == 1 && prolog_ranges[0].end() == code_ranges[0].rva) { FrameInfo fi = { prolog_ranges[0].rva, prolog_ranges[0].length + code_ranges[0].length, prolog_ranges[0].length }; frame_infos.push_back(fi); } else { // Otherwise we output the prolog and code frame info independently. for (size_t i = 0; i < prolog_ranges.size(); ++i) { FrameInfo fi = { prolog_ranges[i].rva, prolog_ranges[i].length, prolog_ranges[i].length }; frame_infos.push_back(fi); } for (size_t i = 0; i < code_ranges.size(); ++i) { FrameInfo fi = { code_ranges[i].rva, code_ranges[i].length, 0 }; frame_infos.push_back(fi); } } for (size_t i = 0; i < frame_infos.size(); ++i) { const FrameInfo& fi(frame_infos[i]); fprintf(output_, "STACK WIN %lx %lx %lx %lx %x %lx %lx %lx %lx %d ", type, fi.rva, fi.code_size, fi.prolog_size, 0 /* epilog_size */, parameter_size, saved_register_size, local_size, max_stack_size, program_string_result == S_OK); if (program_string_result == S_OK) { fprintf(output_, "%ws\n", program_string.m_str); } else { fprintf(output_, "%d\n", allocates_base_pointer); } } last_type = type; last_rva = rva; last_code_size = code_size; last_prolog_size = prolog_size; } frame_data.Release(); } return true; } bool PDBSourceLineWriter::PrintFrameDataUsingEXE() { if (code_file_.empty() && !FindPEFile()) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't locate EXE or DLL file.\n"); return false; } return PrintPEFrameData(code_file_, output_); } bool PDBSourceLineWriter::PrintFrameData() { PDBModuleInfo info; if (GetModuleInfo(&info) && info.cpu == L"x86_64") { return PrintFrameDataUsingEXE(); } else { return PrintFrameDataUsingPDB(); } return false; } bool PDBSourceLineWriter::PrintCodePublicSymbol(IDiaSymbol* symbol, bool has_multiple_symbols) { BOOL is_code; if (FAILED(symbol->get_code(&is_code))) { return false; } if (!is_code) { return true; } DWORD rva; if (FAILED(symbol->get_relativeVirtualAddress(&rva))) { return false; } CComBSTR name; int stack_param_size; if (!GetSymbolFunctionName(symbol, &name, &stack_param_size)) { return false; } AddressRangeVector ranges; MapAddressRange(image_map_, AddressRange(rva, 1), &ranges); for (size_t i = 0; i < ranges.size(); ++i) { const char* optional_multiple_field = has_multiple_symbols ? "m " : ""; fprintf(output_, "PUBLIC %s%lx %x %ws\n", optional_multiple_field, ranges[i].rva, stack_param_size > 0 ? stack_param_size : 0, name.m_str); } // Now walk the function in the original untranslated space, asking DIA // what function is at that location, stepping through OMAP blocks. If // we're still in the same function, emit another entry, because the // symbol could have been split into multiple pieces. If we've gotten to // another symbol in the original address space, then we're done for // this symbol. See https://crbug.com/678874. for (;;) { // This steps to the next block in the original image. Simply doing // rva++ would also be correct, but would emit tons of unnecessary // entries. rva = image_map_.subsequent_rva_block[rva]; if (rva == 0) break; CComPtr<IDiaSymbol> next_sym = NULL; LONG displacement; if (FAILED(session_->findSymbolByRVAEx(rva, SymTagPublicSymbol, &next_sym, &displacement))) { break; } if (!SymbolsMatch(symbol, next_sym)) break; AddressRangeVector next_ranges; MapAddressRange(image_map_, AddressRange(rva, 1), &next_ranges); for (size_t i = 0; i < next_ranges.size(); ++i) { fprintf(output_, "PUBLIC %lx %x %ws\n", next_ranges[i].rva, stack_param_size > 0 ? stack_param_size : 0, name.m_str); } } return true; } bool PDBSourceLineWriter::PrintPDBInfo() { PDBModuleInfo info; if (!GetModuleInfo(&info)) { return false; } // Hard-code "windows" for the OS because that's the only thing that makes // sense for PDB files. (This might not be strictly correct for Windows CE // support, but we don't care about that at the moment.) fprintf(output_, "MODULE windows %ws %ws %ws\n", info.cpu.c_str(), info.debug_identifier.c_str(), info.debug_file.c_str()); return true; } bool PDBSourceLineWriter::PrintPEInfo() { PEModuleInfo info; if (!GetPEInfo(&info)) { return false; } fprintf(output_, "INFO CODE_ID %ws %ws\n", info.code_identifier.c_str(), info.code_file.c_str()); return true; } // wcstol_positive_strict is sort of like wcstol, but much stricter. string // should be a buffer pointing to a null-terminated string containing only // decimal digits. If the entire string can be converted to an integer // without overflowing, and there are no non-digit characters before the // result is set to the value and this function returns true. Otherwise, // this function returns false. This is an alternative to the strtol, atoi, // and scanf families, which are not as strict about input and in some cases // don't provide a good way for the caller to determine if a conversion was // successful. static bool wcstol_positive_strict(wchar_t* string, int* result) { int value = 0; for (wchar_t* c = string; *c != '\0'; ++c) { int last_value = value; value *= 10; // Detect overflow. if (value / 10 != last_value || value < 0) { return false; } if (*c < '0' || *c > '9') { return false; } unsigned int c_value = *c - '0'; last_value = value; value += c_value; // Detect overflow. if (value < last_value) { return false; } // Forbid leading zeroes unless the string is just "0". if (value == 0 && *(c+1) != '\0') { return false; } } *result = value; return true; } bool PDBSourceLineWriter::FindPEFile() { CComPtr<IDiaSymbol> global; if (FAILED(session_->get_globalScope(&global))) { fprintf(stderr, "get_globalScope failed\n"); return false; } CComBSTR symbols_file; if (SUCCEEDED(global->get_symbolsFileName(&symbols_file))) { wstring file(symbols_file); // Look for an EXE or DLL file. const wchar_t* extensions[] = { L"exe", L"dll" }; for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(extensions) / sizeof(extensions[0]); i++) { size_t dot_pos = file.find_last_of(L"."); if (dot_pos != wstring::npos) { file.replace(dot_pos + 1, wstring::npos, extensions[i]); // Check if this file exists. if (GetFileAttributesW(file.c_str()) != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { code_file_ = file; return true; } } } } return false; } // static bool PDBSourceLineWriter::GetSymbolFunctionName(IDiaSymbol* function, BSTR* name, int* stack_param_size) { *stack_param_size = -1; const DWORD undecorate_options = UNDNAME_NO_MS_KEYWORDS | UNDNAME_NO_FUNCTION_RETURNS | UNDNAME_NO_ALLOCATION_MODEL | UNDNAME_NO_ALLOCATION_LANGUAGE | UNDNAME_NO_THISTYPE | UNDNAME_NO_ACCESS_SPECIFIERS | UNDNAME_NO_THROW_SIGNATURES | UNDNAME_NO_MEMBER_TYPE | UNDNAME_NO_RETURN_UDT_MODEL | UNDNAME_NO_ECSU; // Use get_undecoratedNameEx to get readable C++ names with arguments. if (function->get_undecoratedNameEx(undecorate_options, name) != S_OK) { if (function->get_name(name) != S_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "failed to get function name\n"); return false; } // It's possible for get_name to return an empty string, so // special-case that. if (wcscmp(*name, L"") == 0) { SysFreeString(*name); // dwarf_cu_to_module.cc uses "<name omitted>", so match that. *name = SysAllocString(L"<name omitted>"); return true; } // If a name comes from get_name because no undecorated form existed, // it's already formatted properly to be used as output. Don't do any // additional processing. // // MSVC7's DIA seems to not undecorate names in as many cases as MSVC8's. // This will result in calling get_name for some C++ symbols, so // all of the parameter and return type information may not be included in // the name string. } else { // C++ uses a bogus "void" argument for functions and methods that don't // take any parameters. Take it out of the undecorated name because it's // ugly and unnecessary. const wchar_t* replace_string = L"(void)"; const size_t replace_length = wcslen(replace_string); const wchar_t* replacement_string = L"()"; size_t length = wcslen(*name); if (length >= replace_length) { wchar_t* name_end = *name + length - replace_length; if (wcscmp(name_end, replace_string) == 0) { WindowsStringUtils::safe_wcscpy(name_end, replace_length, replacement_string); length = wcslen(*name); } } // Undecorate names used for stdcall and fastcall. These names prefix // the identifier with '_' (stdcall) or '@' (fastcall) and suffix it // with '@' followed by the number of bytes of parameters, in decimal. // If such a name is found, take note of the size and undecorate it. // Only do this for names that aren't C++, which is determined based on // whether the undecorated name contains any ':' or '(' characters. if (!wcschr(*name, ':') && !wcschr(*name, '(') && (*name[0] == '_' || *name[0] == '@')) { wchar_t* last_at = wcsrchr(*name + 1, '@'); if (last_at && wcstol_positive_strict(last_at + 1, stack_param_size)) { // If this function adheres to the fastcall convention, it accepts up // to the first 8 bytes of parameters in registers (%ecx and %edx). // We're only interested in the stack space used for parameters, so // so subtract 8 and don't let the size go below 0. if (*name[0] == '@') { if (*stack_param_size > 8) { *stack_param_size -= 8; } else { *stack_param_size = 0; } } // Undecorate the name by moving it one character to the left in its // buffer, and terminating it where the last '@' had been. WindowsStringUtils::safe_wcsncpy(*name, length, *name + 1, last_at - *name - 1); } else if (*name[0] == '_') { // This symbol's name is encoded according to the cdecl rules. The // name doesn't end in a '@' character followed by a decimal positive // integer, so it's not a stdcall name. Strip off the leading // underscore. WindowsStringUtils::safe_wcsncpy(*name, length, *name + 1, length); } } } return true; } // static int PDBSourceLineWriter::GetFunctionStackParamSize(IDiaSymbol* function) { // This implementation is highly x86-specific. // Gather the symbols corresponding to data. CComPtr<IDiaEnumSymbols> data_children; if (FAILED(function->findChildren(SymTagData, NULL, nsNone, &data_children))) { return 0; } // lowest_base is the lowest %ebp-relative byte offset used for a parameter. // highest_end is one greater than the highest offset (i.e. base + length). // Stack parameters are assumed to be contiguous, because in reality, they // are. int lowest_base = INT_MAX; int highest_end = INT_MIN; CComPtr<IDiaSymbol> child; DWORD count; while (SUCCEEDED(data_children->Next(1, &child, &count)) && count == 1) { // If any operation fails at this point, just proceed to the next child. // Use the next_child label instead of continue because child needs to // be released before it's reused. Declare constructable/destructable // types early to avoid gotos that cross initializations. CComPtr<IDiaSymbol> child_type; // DataIsObjectPtr is only used for |this|. Because |this| can be passed // as a stack parameter, look for it in addition to traditional // parameters. DWORD child_kind; if (FAILED(child->get_dataKind(&child_kind)) || (child_kind != DataIsParam && child_kind != DataIsObjectPtr)) { goto next_child; } // Only concentrate on register-relative parameters. Parameters may also // be enregistered (passed directly in a register), but those don't // consume any stack space, so they're not of interest. DWORD child_location_type; if (FAILED(child->get_locationType(&child_location_type)) || child_location_type != LocIsRegRel) { goto next_child; } // Of register-relative parameters, the only ones that make any sense are // %ebp- or %esp-relative. Note that MSVC's debugging information always // gives parameters as %ebp-relative even when a function doesn't use a // traditional frame pointer and stack parameters are accessed relative to // %esp, so just look for %ebp-relative parameters. If you wanted to // access parameters, you'd probably want to treat these %ebp-relative // offsets as if they were relative to %esp before a function's prolog // executed. DWORD child_register; if (FAILED(child->get_registerId(&child_register)) || child_register != CV_REG_EBP) { goto next_child; } LONG child_register_offset; if (FAILED(child->get_offset(&child_register_offset))) { goto next_child; } // IDiaSymbol::get_type can succeed but still pass back a NULL value. if (FAILED(child->get_type(&child_type)) || !child_type) { goto next_child; } ULONGLONG child_length; if (FAILED(child_type->get_length(&child_length))) { goto next_child; } // Extra scope to avoid goto jumping over variable initialization { int child_end = child_register_offset + static_cast<ULONG>(child_length); if (child_register_offset < lowest_base) { lowest_base = child_register_offset; } if (child_end > highest_end) { highest_end = child_end; } } next_child: child.Release(); } int param_size = 0; // Make sure lowest_base isn't less than 4, because [%esp+4] is the lowest // possible address to find a stack parameter before executing a function's // prolog (see above). Some optimizations cause parameter offsets to be // lower than 4, but we're not concerned with those because we're only // looking for parameters contained in addresses higher than where the // return address is stored. if (lowest_base < 4) { lowest_base = 4; } if (highest_end > lowest_base) { // All stack parameters are pushed as at least 4-byte quantities. If the // last type was narrower than 4 bytes, promote it. This assumes that all // parameters' offsets are 4-byte-aligned, which is always the case. Only // worry about the last type, because we're not summing the type sizes, // just looking at the lowest and highest offsets. int remainder = highest_end % 4; if (remainder) { highest_end += 4 - remainder; } param_size = highest_end - lowest_base; } return param_size; } bool PDBSourceLineWriter::WriteSymbols(FILE* symbol_file) { output_ = symbol_file; // Load the OMAP information, and disable auto-translation of addresses in // preference of doing it ourselves. OmapData omap_data; if (!GetOmapDataAndDisableTranslation(session_, &omap_data)) return false; BuildImageMap(omap_data, &image_map_); bool ret = PrintPDBInfo(); // This is not a critical piece of the symbol file. PrintPEInfo(); ret = ret && PrintSourceFiles() && PrintFunctions() && PrintFrameData(); output_ = NULL; return ret; } void PDBSourceLineWriter::Close() { if (session_ != nullptr) { session_.Release(); } } bool PDBSourceLineWriter::GetModuleInfo(PDBModuleInfo* info) { if (!info) { return false; } info->debug_file.clear(); info->debug_identifier.clear(); info->cpu.clear(); CComPtr<IDiaSymbol> global; if (FAILED(session_->get_globalScope(&global))) { return false; } DWORD machine_type; // get_machineType can return S_FALSE. if (global->get_machineType(&machine_type) == S_OK) { // The documentation claims that get_machineType returns a value from // the CV_CPU_TYPE_e enumeration, but that's not the case. // Instead, it returns one of the IMAGE_FILE_MACHINE values as // defined here: // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms680313%28VS.85%29.aspx info->cpu = FileHeaderMachineToCpuString(static_cast<WORD>(machine_type)); } else { // Unexpected, but handle gracefully. info->cpu = L"unknown"; } // DWORD* and int* are not compatible. This is clean and avoids a cast. DWORD age; if (FAILED(global->get_age(&age))) { return false; } bool uses_guid; if (!UsesGUID(&uses_guid)) { return false; } if (uses_guid) { GUID guid; if (FAILED(global->get_guid(&guid))) { return false; } info->debug_identifier = GenerateDebugIdentifier(age, guid); } else { DWORD signature; if (FAILED(global->get_signature(&signature))) { return false; } info->debug_identifier = GenerateDebugIdentifier(age, signature); } CComBSTR debug_file_string; if (FAILED(global->get_symbolsFileName(&debug_file_string))) { return false; } info->debug_file = WindowsStringUtils::GetBaseName(wstring(debug_file_string)); return true; } bool PDBSourceLineWriter::GetPEInfo(PEModuleInfo* info) { if (!info) { return false; } if (code_file_.empty() && !FindPEFile()) { fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't locate EXE or DLL file.\n"); return false; } return ReadPEInfo(code_file_, info); } bool PDBSourceLineWriter::UsesGUID(bool* uses_guid) { if (!uses_guid) return false; CComPtr<IDiaSymbol> global; if (FAILED(session_->get_globalScope(&global))) return false; GUID guid; if (FAILED(global->get_guid(&guid))) return false; DWORD signature; if (FAILED(global->get_signature(&signature))) return false; // There are two possibilities for guid: either it's a real 128-bit GUID // as identified in a code module by a new-style CodeView record, or it's // a 32-bit signature (timestamp) as identified by an old-style record. // See MDCVInfoPDB70 and MDCVInfoPDB20 in minidump_format.h. // // Because DIA doesn't provide a way to directly determine whether a module // uses a GUID or a 32-bit signature, this code checks whether the first 32 // bits of guid are the same as the signature, and if the rest of guid is // zero. If so, then with a pretty high degree of certainty, there's an // old-style CodeView record in use. This method will only falsely find an // an old-style CodeView record if a real 128-bit GUID has its first 32 // bits set the same as the module's signature (timestamp) and the rest of // the GUID is set to 0. This is highly unlikely. GUID signature_guid = {signature}; // 0-initializes other members *uses_guid = !IsEqualGUID(guid, signature_guid); return true; } } // namespace google_breakpad