// Copyright (c) 2010, Google Inc. // All rights reserved. // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are // met: // // * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright // notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above // copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer // in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the // distribution. // * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its // contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from // this software without specific prior written permission. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS // "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR // A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT // OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, // SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT // LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, // DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY // THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT // (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE // OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. #include "google_breakpad/processor/network_source_line_resolver.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include "google_breakpad/processor/stack_frame.h" #include "processor/binarystream.h" #include "processor/cfi_frame_info.h" #include "processor/network_interface.h" #include "processor/network_source_line_protocol.h" #include "processor/logging.h" #include "processor/scoped_ptr.h" #include "processor/udp_network.h" #include "processor/windows_frame_info.h" namespace google_breakpad { using std::string; using std::vector; using std::dec; using std::hex; // Style guide forbids "using namespace", so at least shorten it. namespace P = source_line_protocol; NetworkSourceLineResolver::NetworkSourceLineResolver(const string &server, unsigned short port, int wait_milliseconds) : wait_milliseconds_(wait_milliseconds), initialized_(false), sequence_(0), net_(new UDPNetwork(server, port)) { if (net_->Init(false)) initialized_ = true; } NetworkSourceLineResolver::NetworkSourceLineResolver(NetworkInterface *net, int wait_milliseconds) : wait_milliseconds_(wait_milliseconds), initialized_(false), sequence_(0), net_(net) { if (net_ && net->Init(false)) initialized_ = true; } NetworkSourceLineResolver::~NetworkSourceLineResolver() { initialized_ = false; } bool NetworkSourceLineResolver::LoadModule(const CodeModule *module, const string &map_file) { // Just lie here and say it was loaded. The server always loads // symbols immediately when they're found, since clients always // will want to load them after finding them anyway. Since this class // acts as both the symbol supplier and source line resolver, // it's just a little optimization. return true; } bool NetworkSourceLineResolver::LoadModuleUsingMapBuffer( const CodeModule *module, const string &map_buffer) { // see above return true; } bool NetworkSourceLineResolver::LoadModuleUsingMemoryBuffer( const CodeModule *module, char *memory_buffer) { // see above return true; } void NetworkSourceLineResolver::UnloadModule(const CodeModule *module) { // no-op } bool NetworkSourceLineResolver::HasModule(const CodeModule *module) { if (!initialized_ || !module) return false; // cache seen modules so the network round trip can be skipped if (module_cache_.find(module->code_file()) != module_cache_.end()) return true; // also cache modules for which symbols aren't found if (no_symbols_cache_.find(module->debug_file() + module->debug_identifier()) != no_symbols_cache_.end()) return false; binarystream message; message << P::HAS << module->code_file() << module->debug_file() << module->debug_identifier(); binarystream response; bool got_response = SendMessageGetResponse(message, response); u_int8_t response_data; response >> response_data; bool found = false; if (got_response && !response.eof() && response_data == P::MODULE_LOADED) { module_cache_.insert(module->code_file()); found = true; } return found; } void NetworkSourceLineResolver::FillSourceLineInfo( StackFrame *frame) { if (!initialized_) return; // if don't this module isn't loaded, can't fill source line info if (!frame->module || module_cache_.find(frame->module->code_file()) == module_cache_.end()) return; // if this frame has already been seen, return the cached copy if (FindCachedSourceLineInfo(frame)) { BPLOG(INFO) << "Using cached source line info"; return; } binarystream message; message << P::GET << frame->module->code_file() << frame->module->debug_file() << frame->module->debug_identifier() << frame->module->base_address() << frame->instruction; binarystream response; bool got_response = SendMessageGetResponse(message, response); if (!got_response) return; string function_name, source_file; u_int32_t source_line; u_int64_t function_base, source_line_base; response >> function_name >> function_base >> source_file >> source_line >> source_line_base; if (response.eof()) { BPLOG(ERROR) << "GET response malformed"; return; } else { BPLOG(INFO) << "GET response: " << function_name << " " << hex << function_base << " " << source_file << " " << dec << source_line << " " << hex << source_line_base; } frame->function_name = function_name; frame->function_base = function_base; frame->source_file_name = source_file; frame->source_line = source_line; frame->source_line_base = source_line_base; CacheSourceLineInfo(frame); } WindowsFrameInfo* NetworkSourceLineResolver::FindWindowsFrameInfo(const StackFrame *frame) { if (!initialized_) return NULL; // if this module isn't loaded, can't get frame info if (!frame->module || module_cache_.find(frame->module->code_file()) == module_cache_.end()) return NULL; // check the cache first string stack_info; if (FindCachedFrameInfo(frame, kWindowsFrameInfo, &stack_info)) { BPLOG(INFO) << "Using cached windows frame info"; } else { binarystream message; message << P::GETSTACKWIN << frame->module->code_file() << frame->module->debug_file() << frame->module->debug_identifier() << frame->module->base_address() << frame->instruction; binarystream response; if (SendMessageGetResponse(message, response)) { response >> stack_info; CacheFrameInfo(frame, kWindowsFrameInfo, stack_info); } } WindowsFrameInfo *info = NULL; if (!stack_info.empty()) { int type; u_int64_t rva, code_size; info = WindowsFrameInfo::ParseFromString(stack_info, type, rva, code_size); } return info; } CFIFrameInfo* NetworkSourceLineResolver::FindCFIFrameInfo(const StackFrame *frame) { if (!initialized_) return NULL; // if this module isn't loaded, can't get frame info if (!frame->module || module_cache_.find(frame->module->code_file()) == module_cache_.end()) return NULL; string stack_info; if (FindCachedFrameInfo(frame, kCFIFrameInfo, &stack_info)) { BPLOG(INFO) << "Using cached CFI frame info"; } else { binarystream message; message << P::GETSTACKCFI << frame->module->code_file() << frame->module->debug_file() << frame->module->debug_identifier() << frame->module->base_address() << frame->instruction; binarystream response; if (SendMessageGetResponse(message, response)) { response >> stack_info; CacheFrameInfo(frame, kCFIFrameInfo, stack_info); } } if (!stack_info.empty()) { scoped_ptr info(new CFIFrameInfo()); CFIFrameInfoParseHandler handler(info.get()); CFIRuleParser parser(&handler); if (parser.Parse(stack_info)) return info.release(); } return NULL; } SymbolSupplier::SymbolResult NetworkSourceLineResolver::GetSymbolFile(const CodeModule *module, const SystemInfo *system_info, string *symbol_file) { BPLOG_IF(ERROR, !symbol_file) << "NetworkSourceLineResolver::GetSymbolFile " "requires |symbol_file|"; assert(symbol_file); if (!initialized_) return NOT_FOUND; if (no_symbols_cache_.find(module->debug_file() + module->debug_identifier()) != no_symbols_cache_.end()) return NOT_FOUND; binarystream message; message << P::LOAD << module->code_file() << module->debug_file() << module->debug_identifier(); binarystream response; bool got_response = SendMessageGetResponse(message, response); if (!got_response) { // Didn't get a response, which is the same as not having symbols. // Don't cache this, though, to force a retry if the client asks for // symbols for the same file again. return NOT_FOUND; } u_int8_t response_data; response >> response_data; if (response.eof()) { BPLOG(ERROR) << "Malformed LOAD response"; return NOT_FOUND; } if (response_data == P::LOAD_NOT_FOUND || response_data == P::LOAD_FAIL) { // Received NOT or FAIL, symbols not present or failed to load them. // Same problem to the client any way you look at it. // Cache this module to avoid pointless retry. no_symbols_cache_.insert(module->debug_file() + module->debug_identifier()); return NOT_FOUND; } else if (response_data == P::LOAD_INTERRUPT) { return INTERRUPT; } // otherwise, OK module_cache_.insert(module->code_file()); *symbol_file = ""; return FOUND; } SymbolSupplier::SymbolResult NetworkSourceLineResolver::GetSymbolFile(const CodeModule *module, const SystemInfo *system_info, string *symbol_file, string *symbol_data) { if(symbol_data) symbol_data->clear(); return GetSymbolFile(module, system_info, symbol_file); } SymbolSupplier::SymbolResult NetworkSourceLineResolver::GetCStringSymbolData( const CodeModule *module, const SystemInfo *system_info, string *symbol_file, char **symbol_data) { if (symbol_data) delete *symbol_data; return GetSymbolFile(module, system_info, symbol_file); } bool NetworkSourceLineResolver::SendMessageGetResponse( const binarystream &message, binarystream &response) { binarystream sequence_stream; u_int16_t sent_sequence = sequence_; sequence_stream << sequence_; ++sequence_; string message_string = sequence_stream.str(); message_string.append(message.str()); BPLOG(INFO) << "Sending " << message_string.length() << " bytes"; if (!net_->Send(message_string.c_str(), message_string.length())) return false; bool done = false; while (!done) { if (!net_->WaitToReceive(wait_milliseconds_)) return false; vector buffer(1024); ssize_t received_bytes; if (!net_->Receive(&buffer[0], buffer.size(), received_bytes)) return false; BPLOG(INFO) << "received " << received_bytes << " bytes"; buffer.resize(received_bytes); response.str(string(&buffer[0], buffer.size())); response.rewind(); u_int16_t read_sequence; u_int8_t status; response >> read_sequence >> status; if (response.eof()) { BPLOG(ERROR) << "malformed response, missing sequence number or status"; return false; } if (read_sequence < sent_sequence) // old packet continue; if (read_sequence != sent_sequence) { // not expecting this packet, just error BPLOG(ERROR) << "error, got sequence number " << read_sequence << ", expected " << sent_sequence; return false; } // This is the expected packet, so even if it's an error this loop is done done = true; if (status != P::OK) { BPLOG(ERROR) << "received an ER response packet"; return false; } // the caller will process the rest of response } return true; } bool NetworkSourceLineResolver::FindCachedSourceLineInfo(StackFrame *frame) const { SourceCache::const_iterator iter = source_line_info_cache_.find(frame->instruction); if (iter == source_line_info_cache_.end()) return false; const StackFrame &f = iter->second; frame->function_name = f.function_name; frame->function_base = f.function_base; frame->source_file_name = f.source_file_name; frame->source_line = f.source_line; frame->source_line_base = f.source_line_base; return true; } bool NetworkSourceLineResolver::FindCachedFrameInfo( const StackFrame *frame, FrameInfoType type, string *info) const { FrameInfoCache::const_iterator iter = frame_info_cache_[type].find(frame->instruction); if (iter == frame_info_cache_[type].end()) return false; *info = iter->second; return true; } void NetworkSourceLineResolver::CacheSourceLineInfo(const StackFrame *frame) { StackFrame f(*frame); // can't hang onto this pointer, the caller owns it f.module = NULL; source_line_info_cache_[frame->instruction] = f; } void NetworkSourceLineResolver::CacheFrameInfo( const StackFrame *frame, FrameInfoType type, const string &info) { frame_info_cache_[type][frame->instruction] = info; } } // namespace google_breakpad