// Copyright (C) 2006 Google Inc. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. // You may obtain a copy of the License at // // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // postfix_evaluator_unittest.cc: Unit tests for PostfixEvaluator. // // Author: Mark Mentovai #include #include #include #include "google/airbag_types.h" #include "processor/memory_region.h" #include "processor/postfix_evaluator-inl.h" using std::map; using std::string; using google_airbag::MemoryRegion; using google_airbag::PostfixEvaluator; // FakeMemoryRegion is used to test PostfixEvaluator's dereference (^) // operator. The result of dereferencing a value is one greater than // the value. class FakeMemoryRegion : public MemoryRegion { public: virtual u_int64_t GetBase() { return 0; } virtual u_int32_t GetSize() { return 0; } virtual bool GetMemoryAtAddress(u_int64_t address, u_int8_t *value) { *value = address + 1; return true; } virtual bool GetMemoryAtAddress(u_int64_t address, u_int16_t *value) { *value = address + 1; return true; } virtual bool GetMemoryAtAddress(u_int64_t address, u_int32_t *value) { *value = address + 1; return true; } virtual bool GetMemoryAtAddress(u_int64_t address, u_int64_t *value) { *value = address + 1; return true; } }; struct EvaluateTest { // Expression passed to PostfixEvaluator::Evaluate. const string expression; // True if the expression is expected to be evaluable, false if evaluation // is expected to fail. bool evaluable; }; struct EvaluateTestSet { // The dictionary used for all tests in the set. map *dictionary; // The list of tests. const EvaluateTest *evaluate_tests; // The number of tests. unsigned int evaluate_test_count; // Identifiers and their expected values upon completion of the Evaluate // tests in the set. map *validate_data; }; bool RunTests() { // The first test set checks the basic operations and failure modes. map dictionary_0; const EvaluateTest evaluate_tests_0[] = { { "$rAdd 2 2 + =", true }, // $rAdd = 2 + 2 = 4 { "$rAdd $rAdd 2 + =", true }, // $rAdd = $rAdd + 2 = 6 { "$rAdd 2 $rAdd + =", true }, // $rAdd = 2 + $rAdd = 8 { "99", false }, // put some junk on the stack... { "$rAdd2 2 2 + =", true }, // ...and make sure things still work { "$rAdd2\t2\n2 + =", true }, // same but with different whitespace { "$rAdd2 2 2 + = ", true }, // trailing whitespace { " $rAdd2 2 2 + =", true }, // leading whitespace { "$rAdd2 2 2 + =", true }, // extra whitespace { "$T0 2 = +", false }, // too few operands for add { "2 + =", false }, // too few operands for add { "2 +", false }, // too few operands for add { "+", false }, // too few operands for add { "^", false }, // too few operands for dereference { "=", false }, // too few operands for assignment { "2 =", false }, // too few operands for assignment { "2 2 + =", false }, // too few operands for assignment { "2 2 =", false }, // can't assign into a literal { "k 2 =", false }, // can't assign into a constant { "2", false }, // leftover data on stack { "2 2 +", false }, // leftover data on stack { "$rAdd", false }, // leftover data on stack { "0 $T1 0 0 + =", false }, // leftover data on stack { "$T2 $T2 2 + =", false }, // can't operate on an undefined value { "$rMul 9 6 * =", true }, // $rMul = 9 * 6 = 54 { "$rSub 9 6 - =", true }, // $rSub = 9 - 6 = 3 { "$rDivQ 9 6 / =", true }, // $rDivQ = 9 / 6 = 1 { "$rDivM 9 6 % =", true }, // $rDivM = 9 % 6 = 3 { "$rDeref 9 ^ =", true } // $rDeref = ^9 = 10 (FakeMemoryRegion) }; map validate_data_0; validate_data_0["$rAdd"] = 8; validate_data_0["$rAdd2"] = 4; validate_data_0["$rSub"] = 3; validate_data_0["$rMul"] = 54; validate_data_0["$rDivQ"] = 1; validate_data_0["$rDivM"] = 3; validate_data_0["$rDeref"] = 10; // The second test set simulates a couple of MSVC program strings. // The data is fudged a little bit because the tests use FakeMemoryRegion // instead of a real stack snapshot, but the program strings are real and // the implementation doesn't know or care that the data is not real. map dictionary_1; dictionary_1["$ebp"] = 0xbfff0010; dictionary_1["$eip"] = 0x10000000; dictionary_1["$esp"] = 0xbfff0000; dictionary_1[".cbSavedRegs"] = 4; dictionary_1[".cbParams"] = 4; dictionary_1[".raSearchStart"] = 0xbfff0020; const EvaluateTest evaluate_tests_1[] = { { "$T0 $ebp = $eip $T0 4 + ^ = $ebp $T0 ^ = $esp $T0 8 + = " "$L $T0 .cbSavedRegs - = $P $T0 8 + .cbParams + =", true }, // Intermediate state: $T0 = 0xbfff0010, $eip = 0xbfff0015, // $ebp = 0xbfff0011, $esp = 0xbfff0018, // $L = 0xbfff000c, $P = 0xbfff001c { "$T0 $ebp = $eip $T0 4 + ^ = $ebp $T0 ^ = $esp $T0 8 + = " "$L $T0 .cbSavedRegs - = $P $T0 8 + .cbParams + = $ebx $T0 28 - ^ =", true }, // Intermediate state: $T0 = 0xbfff0011, $eip = 0xbfff0016, // $ebp = 0xbfff0012, $esp = 0xbfff0019, // $L = 0xbfff000d, $P = 0xbfff001d, // $ebx = 0xbffefff6 { "$T0 $ebp = $T2 $esp = $T1 .raSearchStart = $eip $T1 ^ = $ebp $T0 = " "$esp $T1 4 + = $L $T0 .cbSavedRegs - = $P $T1 4 + .cbParams + = " "$ebx $T0 28 - ^ =", true } }; map validate_data_1; validate_data_1["$T0"] = 0xbfff0012; validate_data_1["$T1"] = 0xbfff0020; validate_data_1["$T2"] = 0xbfff0019; validate_data_1["$eip"] = 0xbfff0021; validate_data_1["$ebp"] = 0xbfff0012; validate_data_1["$esp"] = 0xbfff0024; validate_data_1["$L"] = 0xbfff000e; validate_data_1["$P"] = 0xbfff0028; validate_data_1["$ebx"] = 0xbffefff7; validate_data_1[".cbSavedRegs"] = 4; validate_data_1[".cbParams"] = 4; EvaluateTestSet evaluate_test_sets[] = { { &dictionary_0, evaluate_tests_0, sizeof(evaluate_tests_0) / sizeof(EvaluateTest), &validate_data_0 }, { &dictionary_1, evaluate_tests_1, sizeof(evaluate_tests_1) / sizeof(EvaluateTest), &validate_data_1 }, }; unsigned int evaluate_test_set_count = sizeof(evaluate_test_sets) / sizeof(EvaluateTestSet); FakeMemoryRegion fake_memory; PostfixEvaluator postfix_evaluator = PostfixEvaluator(NULL, &fake_memory); for (unsigned int evaluate_test_set_index = 0; evaluate_test_set_index < evaluate_test_set_count; ++evaluate_test_set_index) { EvaluateTestSet *evaluate_test_set = &evaluate_test_sets[evaluate_test_set_index]; const EvaluateTest *evaluate_tests = evaluate_test_set->evaluate_tests; unsigned int evaluate_test_count = evaluate_test_set->evaluate_test_count; // The same dictionary will be used for each test in the set. Earlier // tests can affect the state of the dictionary for later tests. postfix_evaluator.set_dictionary(evaluate_test_set->dictionary); for (unsigned int evaluate_test_index = 0; evaluate_test_index < evaluate_test_count; ++evaluate_test_index) { const EvaluateTest *evaluate_test = &evaluate_tests[evaluate_test_index]; // Do the test. bool result = postfix_evaluator.Evaluate(evaluate_test->expression); if (result != evaluate_test->evaluable) { fprintf(stderr, "FAIL: evaluate set %d/%d, test %d/%d, " "expression \"%s\", expected %s, observed %s\n", evaluate_test_set_index, evaluate_test_set_count, evaluate_test_index, evaluate_test_count, evaluate_test->expression.c_str(), evaluate_test->evaluable ? "evaluable" : "not evaluable", result ? "evaluted" : "not evaluated"); return false; } } // Validate the results. for(map::const_iterator validate_iterator = evaluate_test_set->validate_data->begin(); validate_iterator != evaluate_test_set->validate_data->end(); ++validate_iterator) { const string identifier = validate_iterator->first; unsigned int expected_value = validate_iterator->second; map::const_iterator dictionary_iterator = evaluate_test_set->dictionary->find(identifier); // The identifier must exist in the dictionary. if (dictionary_iterator == evaluate_test_set->dictionary->end()) { fprintf(stderr, "FAIL: evaluate test set %d/%d, " "validate identifier \"%s\", " "expected %d, observed not found\n", evaluate_test_set_index, evaluate_test_set_count, identifier.c_str(), expected_value); return false; } // The value in the dictionary must be the same as the expected value. unsigned int observed_value = dictionary_iterator->second; if (expected_value != observed_value) { fprintf(stderr, "FAIL: evaluate test set %d/%d, " "validate identifier \"%s\", " "expected %d, observed %d\n", evaluate_test_set_index, evaluate_test_set_count, identifier.c_str(), expected_value, observed_value); return false; } } } return true; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { return RunTests() ? 0 : 1; }