/* * Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_START@ * * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in * compliance with the License. The rights granted to you under the License * may not be used to create, or enable the creation or redistribution of, * unlawful or unlicensed copies of an Apple operating system, or to * circumvent, violate, or enable the circumvention or violation of, any * terms of an Apple operating system software license agreement. * * Please obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.opensource.apple.com/apsl/ and read it before using this file. * * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, AND APPLE HEREBY DISCLAIMS ALL SUCH WARRANTIES, * INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIET ENJOYMENT OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and * limitations under the License. * * @APPLE_OSREFERENCE_LICENSE_HEADER_END@ */ /* * Mach Operating System * Copyright (c) 1991,1990,1989,1988,1987 Carnegie Mellon University * All Rights Reserved. * * Permission to use, copy, modify and distribute this software and its * documentation is hereby granted, provided that both the copyright * notice and this permission notice appear in all copies of the * software, derivative works or modified versions, and any portions * thereof, and that both notices appear in supporting documentation. * * CARNEGIE MELLON ALLOWS FREE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE IN ITS "AS IS" * CONDITION. CARNEGIE MELLON DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY OF ANY KIND FOR * ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * * Carnegie Mellon requests users of this software to return to * * Software Distribution Coordinator or Software.Distribution@CS.CMU.EDU * School of Computer Science * Carnegie Mellon University * Pittsburgh PA 15213-3890 * * any improvements or extensions that they make and grant Carnegie Mellon * the rights to redistribute these changes. */ /* File: machine.h * Author: Avadis Tevanian, Jr. * Date: 1986 * * Machine independent machine abstraction. */ #ifndef _MACH_MACHINE_H_ #define _MACH_MACHINE_H_ #include <stdint.h> #include <mach/machine/vm_types.h> #include <mach/boolean.h> typedef integer_t cpu_type_t; typedef integer_t cpu_subtype_t; typedef integer_t cpu_threadtype_t; #define CPU_STATE_MAX 4 #define CPU_STATE_USER 0 #define CPU_STATE_SYSTEM 1 #define CPU_STATE_IDLE 2 #define CPU_STATE_NICE 3 /* * Capability bits used in the definition of cpu_type. */ #define CPU_ARCH_MASK 0xff000000 /* mask for architecture bits */ #define CPU_ARCH_ABI64 0x01000000 /* 64 bit ABI */ /* * Machine types known by all. */ #define CPU_TYPE_ANY ((cpu_type_t) -1) #define CPU_TYPE_VAX ((cpu_type_t) 1) /* skip ((cpu_type_t) 2) */ /* skip ((cpu_type_t) 3) */ /* skip ((cpu_type_t) 4) */ /* skip ((cpu_type_t) 5) */ #define CPU_TYPE_MC680x0 ((cpu_type_t) 6) #define CPU_TYPE_X86 ((cpu_type_t) 7) #define CPU_TYPE_I386 CPU_TYPE_X86 /* compatibility */ #define CPU_TYPE_X86_64 (CPU_TYPE_X86 | CPU_ARCH_ABI64) /* skip CPU_TYPE_MIPS ((cpu_type_t) 8) */ /* skip ((cpu_type_t) 9) */ #define CPU_TYPE_MC98000 ((cpu_type_t) 10) #define CPU_TYPE_HPPA ((cpu_type_t) 11) #define CPU_TYPE_ARM ((cpu_type_t) 12) #define CPU_TYPE_MC88000 ((cpu_type_t) 13) #define CPU_TYPE_SPARC ((cpu_type_t) 14) #define CPU_TYPE_I860 ((cpu_type_t) 15) /* skip CPU_TYPE_ALPHA ((cpu_type_t) 16) */ /* skip ((cpu_type_t) 17) */ #define CPU_TYPE_POWERPC ((cpu_type_t) 18) #define CPU_TYPE_POWERPC64 (CPU_TYPE_POWERPC | CPU_ARCH_ABI64) /* * Machine subtypes (these are defined here, instead of in a machine * dependent directory, so that any program can get all definitions * regardless of where is it compiled). */ /* * Capability bits used in the definition of cpu_subtype. */ #define CPU_SUBTYPE_MASK 0xff000000 /* mask for feature flags */ #define CPU_SUBTYPE_LIB64 0x80000000 /* 64 bit libraries */ /* * Object files that are hand-crafted to run on any * implementation of an architecture are tagged with * CPU_SUBTYPE_MULTIPLE. This functions essentially the same as * the "ALL" subtype of an architecture except that it allows us * to easily find object files that may need to be modified * whenever a new implementation of an architecture comes out. * * It is the responsibility of the implementor to make sure the * software handles unsupported implementations elegantly. */ #define CPU_SUBTYPE_MULTIPLE ((cpu_subtype_t) -1) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_LITTLE_ENDIAN ((cpu_subtype_t) 0) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_BIG_ENDIAN ((cpu_subtype_t) 1) /* * Machine threadtypes. * This is none - not defined - for most machine types/subtypes. */ #define CPU_THREADTYPE_NONE ((cpu_threadtype_t) 0) /* * VAX subtypes (these do *not* necessary conform to the actual cpu * ID assigned by DEC available via the SID register). */ #define CPU_SUBTYPE_VAX_ALL ((cpu_subtype_t) 0) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_VAX780 ((cpu_subtype_t) 1) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_VAX785 ((cpu_subtype_t) 2) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_VAX750 ((cpu_subtype_t) 3) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_VAX730 ((cpu_subtype_t) 4) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_UVAXI ((cpu_subtype_t) 5) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_UVAXII ((cpu_subtype_t) 6) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_VAX8200 ((cpu_subtype_t) 7) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_VAX8500 ((cpu_subtype_t) 8) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_VAX8600 ((cpu_subtype_t) 9) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_VAX8650 ((cpu_subtype_t) 10) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_VAX8800 ((cpu_subtype_t) 11) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_UVAXIII ((cpu_subtype_t) 12) /* * 680x0 subtypes * * The subtype definitions here are unusual for historical reasons. * NeXT used to consider 68030 code as generic 68000 code. For * backwards compatability: * * CPU_SUBTYPE_MC68030 symbol has been preserved for source code * compatability. * * CPU_SUBTYPE_MC680x0_ALL has been defined to be the same * subtype as CPU_SUBTYPE_MC68030 for binary comatability. * * CPU_SUBTYPE_MC68030_ONLY has been added to allow new object * files to be tagged as containing 68030-specific instructions. */ #define CPU_SUBTYPE_MC680x0_ALL ((cpu_subtype_t) 1) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_MC68030 ((cpu_subtype_t) 1) /* compat */ #define CPU_SUBTYPE_MC68040 ((cpu_subtype_t) 2) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_MC68030_ONLY ((cpu_subtype_t) 3) /* * I386 subtypes */ #define CPU_SUBTYPE_INTEL(f, m) ((cpu_subtype_t) (f) + ((m) << 4)) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_I386_ALL CPU_SUBTYPE_INTEL(3, 0) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_386 CPU_SUBTYPE_INTEL(3, 0) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_486 CPU_SUBTYPE_INTEL(4, 0) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_486SX CPU_SUBTYPE_INTEL(4, 8) // 8 << 4 = 128 #define CPU_SUBTYPE_586 CPU_SUBTYPE_INTEL(5, 0) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_PENT CPU_SUBTYPE_INTEL(5, 0) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_PENTPRO CPU_SUBTYPE_INTEL(6, 1) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_PENTII_M3 CPU_SUBTYPE_INTEL(6, 3) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_PENTII_M5 CPU_SUBTYPE_INTEL(6, 5) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_CELERON CPU_SUBTYPE_INTEL(7, 6) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_CELERON_MOBILE CPU_SUBTYPE_INTEL(7, 7) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_PENTIUM_3 CPU_SUBTYPE_INTEL(8, 0) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_PENTIUM_3_M CPU_SUBTYPE_INTEL(8, 1) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_PENTIUM_3_XEON CPU_SUBTYPE_INTEL(8, 2) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_PENTIUM_M CPU_SUBTYPE_INTEL(9, 0) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_PENTIUM_4 CPU_SUBTYPE_INTEL(10, 0) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_PENTIUM_4_M CPU_SUBTYPE_INTEL(10, 1) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_ITANIUM CPU_SUBTYPE_INTEL(11, 0) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_ITANIUM_2 CPU_SUBTYPE_INTEL(11, 1) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_XEON CPU_SUBTYPE_INTEL(12, 0) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_XEON_MP CPU_SUBTYPE_INTEL(12, 1) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_INTEL_FAMILY(x) ((x) & 15) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_INTEL_FAMILY_MAX 15 #define CPU_SUBTYPE_INTEL_MODEL(x) ((x) >> 4) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_INTEL_MODEL_ALL 0 /* * X86 subtypes. */ #define CPU_SUBTYPE_X86_ALL ((cpu_subtype_t)3) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_X86_64_ALL ((cpu_subtype_t)3) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_X86_ARCH1 ((cpu_subtype_t)4) #define CPU_THREADTYPE_INTEL_HTT ((cpu_threadtype_t) 1) /* * Mips subtypes. */ #define CPU_SUBTYPE_MIPS_ALL ((cpu_subtype_t) 0) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_MIPS_R2300 ((cpu_subtype_t) 1) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_MIPS_R2600 ((cpu_subtype_t) 2) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_MIPS_R2800 ((cpu_subtype_t) 3) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_MIPS_R2000a ((cpu_subtype_t) 4) /* pmax */ #define CPU_SUBTYPE_MIPS_R2000 ((cpu_subtype_t) 5) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_MIPS_R3000a ((cpu_subtype_t) 6) /* 3max */ #define CPU_SUBTYPE_MIPS_R3000 ((cpu_subtype_t) 7) /* * MC98000 (PowerPC) subtypes */ #define CPU_SUBTYPE_MC98000_ALL ((cpu_subtype_t) 0) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_MC98601 ((cpu_subtype_t) 1) /* * HPPA subtypes for Hewlett-Packard HP-PA family of * risc processors. Port by NeXT to 700 series. */ #define CPU_SUBTYPE_HPPA_ALL ((cpu_subtype_t) 0) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_HPPA_7100 ((cpu_subtype_t) 0) /* compat */ #define CPU_SUBTYPE_HPPA_7100LC ((cpu_subtype_t) 1) /* * MC88000 subtypes. */ #define CPU_SUBTYPE_MC88000_ALL ((cpu_subtype_t) 0) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_MC88100 ((cpu_subtype_t) 1) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_MC88110 ((cpu_subtype_t) 2) /* * SPARC subtypes */ #define CPU_SUBTYPE_SPARC_ALL ((cpu_subtype_t) 0) /* * I860 subtypes */ #define CPU_SUBTYPE_I860_ALL ((cpu_subtype_t) 0) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_I860_860 ((cpu_subtype_t) 1) /* * PowerPC subtypes */ #define CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_ALL ((cpu_subtype_t) 0) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_601 ((cpu_subtype_t) 1) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_602 ((cpu_subtype_t) 2) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_603 ((cpu_subtype_t) 3) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_603e ((cpu_subtype_t) 4) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_603ev ((cpu_subtype_t) 5) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_604 ((cpu_subtype_t) 6) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_604e ((cpu_subtype_t) 7) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_620 ((cpu_subtype_t) 8) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_750 ((cpu_subtype_t) 9) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_7400 ((cpu_subtype_t) 10) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_7450 ((cpu_subtype_t) 11) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_POWERPC_970 ((cpu_subtype_t) 100) /* * ARM subtypes */ #define CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_ALL ((cpu_subtype_t) 0) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V4T ((cpu_subtype_t) 5) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V6 ((cpu_subtype_t) 6) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V5TEJ ((cpu_subtype_t) 7) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_XSCALE ((cpu_subtype_t) 8) #define CPU_SUBTYPE_ARM_V7 ((cpu_subtype_t) 9) /* * CPU families (sysctl hw.cpufamily) * * These are meant to identify the CPU's marketing name - an * application can map these to (possibly) localized strings. * NB: the encodings of the CPU families are intentionally arbitrary. * There is no ordering, and you should never try to deduce whether * or not some feature is available based on the family. * Use feature flags (eg, hw.optional.altivec) to test for optional * functionality. */ #define CPUFAMILY_UNKNOWN 0 #define CPUFAMILY_POWERPC_G3 0xcee41549 #define CPUFAMILY_POWERPC_G4 0x77c184ae #define CPUFAMILY_POWERPC_G5 0xed76d8aa #define CPUFAMILY_INTEL_6_13 0xaa33392b #define CPUFAMILY_INTEL_YONAH 0x73d67300 #define CPUFAMILY_INTEL_MEROM 0x426f69ef #define CPUFAMILY_INTEL_PENRYN 0x78ea4fbc #define CPUFAMILY_INTEL_NEHALEM 0x6b5a4cd2 #define CPUFAMILY_INTEL_WESTMERE 0x573b5eec #define CPUFAMILY_INTEL_SANDYBRIDGE 0x5490b78c #define CPUFAMILY_ARM_9 0xe73283ae #define CPUFAMILY_ARM_11 0x8ff620d8 #define CPUFAMILY_ARM_XSCALE 0x53b005f5 #define CPUFAMILY_ARM_13 0x0cc90e64 #define CPUFAMILY_ARM_14 0x96077ef1 /* The following synonyms are deprecated: */ #define CPUFAMILY_INTEL_6_14 CPUFAMILY_INTEL_YONAH #define CPUFAMILY_INTEL_6_15 CPUFAMILY_INTEL_MEROM #define CPUFAMILY_INTEL_6_23 CPUFAMILY_INTEL_PENRYN #define CPUFAMILY_INTEL_6_26 CPUFAMILY_INTEL_NEHALEM #define CPUFAMILY_INTEL_CORE CPUFAMILY_INTEL_YONAH #define CPUFAMILY_INTEL_CORE2 CPUFAMILY_INTEL_MEROM #endif /* _MACH_MACHINE_H_ */