path: root/src/bookmarks/test
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/bookmarks/test')
2 files changed, 257 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/bookmarks/test/xbel-1.0.dtd b/src/bookmarks/test/xbel-1.0.dtd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..59013c22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bookmarks/test/xbel-1.0.dtd
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+<!-- This is the XML Bookmarks Exchange Language, version 1.0. It
+ should be used with the formal public identifier:
+ +//IDN XML Bookmark Exchange Language 1.0//EN//XML
+ One valid system identifier at which this DTD will remain
+ available is:
+ More information on the DTD, including reference
+ documentation, is available at:
+ Attributes which take date/time values should encode the value
+ according to the W3C NOTE on date/time formats:
+ -->
+<!-- Customization entities. Define these before "including" this DTD
+ to create "subclassed" DTDs.
+ -->
+<!ENTITY % local.node.att "">
+<!ENTITY % local.url.att "">
+<!ENTITY % local.nodes.mix "">
+<!ENTITY % node.att "id ID #IMPLIED
+ %local.node.att;">
+<!ENTITY % url.att "href CDATA #REQUIRED
+ visited CDATA #IMPLIED
+ modified CDATA #IMPLIED
+ %local.url.att;">
+<!ENTITY % nodes.mix "bookmark|folder|alias|separator
+ %local.nodes.mix;">
+<!ELEMENT xbel (title?, info?, desc?, (%nodes.mix;)*)>
+<!ATTLIST xbel
+ %node.att;
+ version CDATA #FIXED "1.0"
+<!ELEMENT title (#PCDATA)>
+<!--=================== Info ======================================-->
+<!ELEMENT info (metadata+)>
+<!ELEMENT metadata EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST metadata
+<!--=================== Folder ====================================-->
+<!ELEMENT folder (title?, info?, desc?, (%nodes.mix;)*)>
+<!ATTLIST folder
+ %node.att;
+ folded (yes|no) 'yes'
+<!--=================== Bookmark ==================================-->
+<!ELEMENT bookmark (title?, info?, desc?)>
+<!ATTLIST bookmark
+ %node.att;
+ %url.att;
+<!ELEMENT desc (#PCDATA)>
+<!--=================== Separator =================================-->
+<!ELEMENT separator EMPTY>
+<!--=================== Alias =====================================-->
+<!-- <alias> elements correspond to Netscape bookmark aliases. The
+ required "ref" attribute must refer to a <bookmark> or <folder>
+ element. Note that MSIE aliases can refer to folders, so that is
+ supported in XBEL. Applications must be careful about traversing
+ aliases to folders to avoid improper recursion through circular
+ data structures.
+ -->
+<!ATTLIST alias
diff --git a/src/bookmarks/test/xbel.cpp b/src/bookmarks/test/xbel.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a836dd9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/bookmarks/test/xbel.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
+#include "bookmarks/bookmarkstreeformats.hpp"
+#include "bookmarks/bookmarkstreeitem.hpp"
+#include <QBuffer>
+#include <QDateTime>
+#include <gtest/gtest.h>
+// clazy:excludeall=non-pod-global-static
+constexpr auto *title = "Test Title";
+constexpr auto *desc = "Test Description";
+constexpr auto *id = "id";
+constexpr auto *added = "1970-01-01T12:00:00Z";
+constexpr auto *href = "";
+constexpr auto *visited = "1970-01-01T12:00:00Z";
+constexpr auto *modified = "1970-01-01T12:00:00Z";
+auto *newBookmarksTreeItem()
+ // Attributes: Title, Href, Description, Id, Added, Visited, Modified
+ auto *item = new BookmarksTreeItem(BookmarksTreeItem::Bookmark,
+ {title, QUrl::fromUserInput(href), QDateTime::fromString(added, Qt::ISODate),
+ QDateTime::fromString(visited, Qt::ISODate),
+ QDateTime::fromString(modified, Qt::ISODate), desc, id},
+ nullptr);
+ item->metadata = QStringList{"alpha", "beta", "gamma"};
+ return item;
+bool operator==(const BookmarksTreeItem &lhs, const BookmarksTreeItem &rhs)
+ EXPECT_EQ(lhs.type(), rhs.type());
+ EXPECT_EQ(lhs.isExpanded(), rhs.isExpanded());
+ for (int i = 0; i < BookmarksTreeItem::AttributeCount; ++i)
+ EXPECT_TRUE(<BookmarksTreeItem::Attributes>(i)) ==
+ EXPECT_EQ(lhs.metadata, rhs.metadata);
+ EXPECT_EQ(lhs.childCount(), rhs.childCount());
+ for (int i = 0; i < lhs.childCount(); ++i) EXPECT_EQ(*lhs.child(i), *rhs.child(i));
+ return true;
+[[nodiscard]] bool encode(const BookmarksTreeItem *root, QByteArray &data)
+ QBuffer buffer(&data);
+ if (! | QIODevice::Text)) return false;
+ return xbel::write(&buffer, {root});
+[[nodiscard]] bool decode(BookmarksTreeItem *root, QByteArray &data)
+ QBuffer buffer(&data);
+ if (! | QIODevice::Text)) return false;
+ return xbel::read(&buffer, root);
+namespace {
+TEST(XbelFormat, RootEncodeDecode)
+ auto *original = new BookmarksTreeItem(BookmarksTreeItem::Root, {}, nullptr);
+ original->metadata = QStringList{"one", "two", "three"}; // info
+ original->setData(BookmarksTreeItem::Description, "xbel root item description"); // desc
+ original->setData(BookmarksTreeItem::Id, "root"); //
+ original->setData(BookmarksTreeItem::Added, QDateTime::fromString(QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString(Qt::ISODate),
+ Qt::ISODate)); // node.att.added
+ QByteArray encdodedData;
+ EXPECT_TRUE(encode(original, encdodedData));
+ auto *root = new BookmarksTreeItem(BookmarksTreeItem::Root, {}, nullptr);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(decode(root, encdodedData));
+ EXPECT_EQ(*original, *root);
+ // cleanuo
+ delete original;
+ delete root;
+TEST(XbelFormat, FolderEncodeDecode)
+ QByteArray encodedData;
+ auto *folder = new BookmarksTreeItem(BookmarksTreeItem::Folder, {.title = "Folder"}, nullptr);
+ folder->appendChild(newBookmarksTreeItem());
+ folder->appendChild(newBookmarksTreeItem());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(encode(folder, encodedData));
+ auto *root = new BookmarksTreeItem(BookmarksTreeItem::Root, {}, nullptr);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(decode(root, encodedData));
+ EXPECT_EQ(root->childCount(), 1);
+ auto *item = root->child(0);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(*folder == *item);
+ // cleanup
+ delete folder;
+ delete root;
+TEST(XbelFormat, BookmarkEncodeDecode)
+ QByteArray encodedData;
+ auto *original = newBookmarksTreeItem();
+ EXPECT_TRUE(encode(original, encodedData));
+ auto *root = new BookmarksTreeItem(BookmarksTreeItem::Root, {}, nullptr);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(decode(root, encodedData));
+ EXPECT_EQ(root->childCount(), 1);
+ auto *item = root->child(0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(*original, *item);
+ // cleanup
+ delete original;
+ delete root;
+TEST(XbelFormat, SeparatorEncodeDecode)
+ QByteArray encodedData;
+ auto *original = new BookmarksTreeItem(BookmarksTreeItem::Separator, {}, nullptr);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(encode(original, encodedData));
+ auto *root = new BookmarksTreeItem(BookmarksTreeItem::Root, {}, nullptr);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(decode(root, encodedData));
+ EXPECT_EQ(root->childCount(), 1);
+ auto *item = root->child(0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(*original, *item);
+ // cleanup
+ delete original;
+ delete root;
+TEST(XbelFormat, AliasEncodeDecode)
+ QByteArray encodedData;
+ auto *original = new BookmarksTreeItem(BookmarksTreeItem::Alias, {}, nullptr);
+ original->setData(BookmarksTreeItem::Id, "aliased_id");
+ EXPECT_TRUE(encode(original, encodedData));
+ auto *root = new BookmarksTreeItem(BookmarksTreeItem::Root, {}, nullptr);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(decode(root, encodedData));
+ EXPECT_EQ(root->childCount(), 1);
+ auto *item = root->child(0);
+ EXPECT_EQ(*original, *item);
+ // cleanup
+ delete original;
+ delete root;
+} // namespace