path: root/src/zoombar.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/zoombar.cpp')
1 files changed, 181 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/zoombar.cpp b/src/zoombar.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..485d71a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/zoombar.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+/* ============================================================
+* This file is a part of the rekonq project
+* Copyright (C) 2008-2010 by Andrea Diamantini <adjam7 at gmail dot com>
+* Copyright (C) 2009-2010 by Lionel Chauvin <>
+* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
+* the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version
+* accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved
+* by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy
+* defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license.
+* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+* GNU General Public License for more details.
+* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+* along with this program. If not, see <>.
+* ============================================================ */
+// Self Includes
+#include "zoombar.h"
+#include "zoombar.moc"
+// local includes
+#include "mainview.h"
+// KDE Includes
+#include <KIcon>
+#include <KStandardAction>
+#include <KAction>
+// Qt Includes
+#include <QtGui/QHBoxLayout>
+#include <QtGui/QLabel>
+#include <QtCore/QString>
+ZoomBar::ZoomBar(QWidget *parent)
+ : QWidget(parent)
+ ,m_zoomIn(new QToolButton(this))
+ ,m_zoomOut(new QToolButton(this))
+ ,m_zoomNormal(new QToolButton(this))
+ ,m_zoomSlider(new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal, this))
+ QHBoxLayout *layout = new QHBoxLayout;
+ // cosmetic
+ layout->setContentsMargins(2, 0, 2, 0);
+ QToolButton *hideButton = new QToolButton(this);
+ hideButton->setAutoRaise(true);
+ hideButton->setIcon(KIcon("dialog-close"));
+ connect(hideButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(hide()));
+ layout->addWidget(hideButton);
+ layout->setAlignment(hideButton, Qt::AlignLeft | Qt::AlignTop);
+ // label
+ QLabel *label = new QLabel(i18n("Zoom:"));
+ layout->addWidget(label);
+ m_zoomSlider->setTracking(true);
+ m_zoomSlider->setRange(1, 19); // divide by 10 to obtain a qreal for zoomFactor()
+ m_zoomSlider->setValue(10);
+ m_zoomSlider->setPageStep(3);
+ connect(m_zoomSlider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setValue(int)));
+ m_zoomIn->setAutoRaise(true);
+ m_zoomOut->setAutoRaise(true);
+ m_zoomNormal->setAutoRaise(true);
+ // layout->setSpacing(0);
+ // layout->setMargin(0);
+ layout->addWidget(m_zoomOut);
+ layout->addWidget(m_zoomSlider);
+ layout->addWidget(m_zoomIn);
+ layout->addWidget(m_zoomNormal);
+ layout->addStretch();
+ setLayout(layout);
+ // we start off hidden
+ hide();
+void ZoomBar::setupActions(MainWindow *window)
+ KAction *a;
+ a = window->actionCollection()->addAction(KStandardAction::ZoomIn, this, SLOT(zoomIn()));
+ a = window->actionCollection()->addAction(KStandardAction::ZoomOut, this, SLOT(zoomOut()));
+ a = window->actionCollection()->addAction(KStandardAction::ActualSize, this, SLOT(zoomNormal()));
+ a->setShortcut(KShortcut(Qt::CTRL | Qt::Key_0));
+ a = window->actionCollection()->addAction(KStandardAction::Zoom, this, SLOT(toggleVisibility()));
+ a->setIcon(KIcon("page-zoom"));
+ a->setShortcut(KShortcut(Qt::CTRL | Qt::Key_Y));
+ m_zoomIn->setDefaultAction(window->actionByName(KStandardAction::name(KStandardAction::ZoomIn)));
+ m_zoomOut->setDefaultAction(window->actionByName(KStandardAction::name(KStandardAction::ZoomOut)));
+ m_zoomNormal->setDefaultAction(window->actionByName(KStandardAction::name(KStandardAction::ActualSize)));
+ delete m_zoomIn;
+ delete m_zoomOut;
+ delete m_zoomNormal;
+ delete m_zoomSlider;
+void ZoomBar::show()
+ // show findbar if not visible
+ if (isHidden())
+ {
+ QWidget::show();
+ }
+void ZoomBar::zoomIn()
+ setValue(m_zoomSlider->value() + 1);
+void ZoomBar::zoomOut()
+ setValue(m_zoomSlider->value() - 1);
+void ZoomBar::zoomNormal()
+ setValue(10);
+void ZoomBar::updateSlider(int webview)
+ WebTab *tab = 0;
+ if (!Application::instance()->mainWindowList().isEmpty())
+ tab = Application::instance()->mainWindow()->mainView()->webTab(webview);
+ if (!tab)
+ return;
+ m_zoomSlider->setValue(tab->view()->zoomFactor() * 10);
+void ZoomBar::setValue(int value)
+ m_zoomSlider->setValue(value);
+ // Don't allox max +1 values
+ Application::instance()->mainWindow()->currentTab()->view()->setZoomFactor(QVariant(m_zoomSlider->value()).toReal() / 10);
+void ZoomBar::setVisible(bool visible)
+ emit visibilityChanged(visible);
+ QWidget::setVisible(visible);
+void ZoomBar::toggleVisibility()
+ setVisible(!isVisible());