Please, refer to page to track all features available on new rekonq releases. 1.0 - sync: sync bookmarks (just them for now) with google and with opera services. - Fancy bookmarking: store (and share) infos about bookmarks via nepomuk. - rekonq pages visual improvements - Favorites page: drag & drop added (as requested), ability to reload preview (down left button changed) - Bookmarks page: rewamped - History page: faster load showing just 2 days as default + history search feature in the page - Downloads page: initial notifications on what is happening to the downloaded file + search feature - Settings improvements: added "privacy" and "advanced" widgets + options about. - Default search engine check. If user has not a default search engine set, rekonq inform him. - Included tab history when cloning a tab via the "clone tab" action - adblock improvements: better adblock settings widget, letting users decide with 1 click what adblock subscriptions use - adblock icon in the urlbar triggering a new dialog letting users to unblock/show blocked/hided elements - new action to block (and hide) images 0.9 - urlbar suggestions improvements - enable url or text drops in the tabbar - improved rekonq webkit settings (based on QtWebkit 2.2 features) - bookmarks toolbar usability improvements - Applications shortcut (desktop links) - Many changes in default settings - Share URL/Text/link by mail - Usability work on rekonq pages - new rekonq tabs page (letting you easiily manage tabs) - let users choose a "default" download dir - SYNC feature: general infrastucture + ftp sync - access keys navigation - (User) session restore 0.8 - AdBlock: Third Party rules support - custom urlbar context menu (paste & go action, ...) - set editable - restore tab's history - UI changes (in rekonq menu) - quit closes app (and added option to close window by closing last tab) - use KParts to view page source - "click" mechanism to manage favorites - SSL UIs rewamped - "Do Not Track" feature - history, time first visit added - Tab messages using KMessageWidget - improved drag'n'drop - vi style navigation (optional) - ctrl + number favorites shortcuts 0.7 - General Cleanup - OpenSearch support (XML & JSON parsers) - Better cache management (WebKit Page Cache feature support) - enhanced Private Browsing mode (needs KDE SC 4.6) - new restore session notification system - Images in visual suggestions - Various improvements in bookmarks management - Optional tab list menu entry - User Agent switch support - Save zoom settings per host 0.6 - AdBlock performance improvements - UrlBar Improvements - Suggestions - History Review - zoom slide bar - apt scheme support - bookmarks improvements - smooth scrolling 0.5 - Ad-Block Improvements (automatic list update, abp scheme support) - Awesome UrlBar (Tech Preview) - RSS support - auto-scroll - downloads history page - settings improvements - undo close tab - improved tab cloning && detaching - SSL info support - Bookmarks & history panel improvements 0.4 - moved to kdewebkit (this means based on kde 4.4) - kwallet support - KIO full support (cookies, cache, proxy, network) - file:// && ftp:// protocol easy handling - improved rekonq pages (in the about: protocol) - multithreaded url resolver (hopefully, no more UI freezes) - adblock support, first part (load manually links, for now...) - improved fullscreen mode - embedded inspector (A-LA firebug) - first kget integration - optional "clickToFlash" feature - tons of bugs fixed 0.3 - Simpler UI - new icon - multi windows support - KDE proxy setting support - "new tab home page" (tech preview) - Initial handbook added - tab previews - save & restore session support - Compiles on Windows, too 0.2 - simpler and better UI - unique urlbar (integrated google search) - KDE Web shortcuts support - Contextual action menu(s) - tons of bugs fixed - KDE cookie support 0.1 - moved to KDE svn - Network Disk Cache - History Side Panel - Search Bar Google Suggestions - i18n support - webkit configuration settings 0.0.4 - Rekonq Singleton app - With Qt 4.5, preliminary flash support - Fixed tabbar actions - Fixed System Font Loading - improved bookmarks system 0.0.3 - ~80% ported to KDE4 - use KConfigXT - improved text search bar - fixed all "web actions" - KDE download system - new bookmark toolbar (1st implementation) 0.0.2 - 70% ported to KDE4 - new urlbar - new searchbar (just Google, for now) - new findbar (A-LA kate) - Slackware Slackbuild available 0.0.1 - initial porting to KDE4 - share konqueror bookmarks