To 0.0.5
- definitely fix fonts!
- fix crash on example sites..
DONE tabbar: fixed dimension
DONE tabbar: hide if just one
DONE bookmarks tabbar update
DONE loading right bookmark file
- improve "save as"
- load just ONE site at start
- loading right sites as "external browser"
- provide translations

To 0.0.4
- fix docs
- autosave-- 
- dbus support
- new application class!!
- improve bookmarks toolbar
- fix KConfigXT (fonts)
- color url_line_edit progress
- contextMenu in searchbar to set different search engines
- KDE proxy support
- QWebPluginFactory subclass to load KParts into QtWebKit.

+ ------------------------

1. check the lines above...
2. Improve docs
DONE. Let rekonq be a Singleton app. (And work well..)
DONE. fix bookmarks toolbar POSITION
5. fix bookmarks action menu (in toolbar)
DONE. fix load at startup
DONE. fix FONTS problems between webkit && KDE settings (at least, here..)
DONE. enable flash support !!

+ ------------------------