To 0.0.5 DONE tabbar: fixed dimension DONE tabbar: hide if just one DONE bookmarks tabbar update DONE loading right bookmark file DONE Added Google Suggestions DONE notfound.html shown if rekonq doesn't load connection DONE improve fullscreen DONE QNetworkDiskCache DONE loading right sites as "external browser" (rekonq %u) DONE provide translations structure DONE disable BACK button when history is NULL DONE load just ONE site at start - QWebFrame DONE(?) definitely fix fonts! - fix crash on example sites.. - improve DOCUMENTATION To 0.0.4 - improve DOCUMENTATION - fix docs - autosave-- - dbus support - new application class!! - improve bookmarks toolbar - fix KConfigXT (fonts) - color url_line_edit progress - contextMenu in searchbar to set different search engines - KDE proxy support - QWebPluginFactory subclass to load KParts into QtWebKit. + ------------------------ 1. check the lines above... 2. Improve docs DONE. Let rekonq be a Singleton app. (And work well..) DONE. fix bookmarks toolbar POSITION 5. fix bookmarks action menu (in toolbar) DONE. fix load at startup DONE. fix FONTS problems between webkit && KDE settings (at least, here..) DONE. enable flash support !! + ------------------------