To 0.0.5
DONE tabbar: fixed dimension
DONE tabbar: hide if just one
DONE bookmarks tabbar update
DONE loading right bookmark file
DONE Added Google Suggestions
DONE notfound.html shown if rekonq doesn't load connection
DONE improve fullscreen
DONE QNetworkDiskCache
DONE loading right sites as "external browser" (rekonq %u)
DONE provide translations structure
DONE disable BACK button when history is NULL
DONE load just ONE site at start
- QWebFrame
DONE(?) definitely fix fonts!

- fix crash on example sites..
- fix Action on tabbar (clone ads)
- Type "FormSubmitted"
- check statusbar slots
(?) - redesign settings
- fix fonts

- fix private browsing action
- fix web inspector action

DONE loading ONE site when calling rekonq..

+ ------------------------

- Page source (to be decided)
- cookies
- history (io-slave)
- file protocol view