pipelines: default: - step: name: Static checks runs-on: - 'self.hosted' - 'linux.shell' script: - python --version - pylint scripts/check_license.py - pylint scripts/rekonf.py - pylint scripts/qrc_lint.py - git submodule update --init --depth=1 - cmake --preset debug -GNinja - git ls-files | grep '\.qrc$' | xargs -n1 ./scripts/qrc_lint.py - ninja -C cmake-build-debug rekonq_check_license - parallel: - step: name: Debug Build and Test runs-on: - 'self.hosted' - 'linux.shell' script: - git submodule update --init --depth=1 - cmake --preset debug -GNinja - cmake --build --preset debug - ctest --preset debug --output-junit test-results/all.xml - step: name: Devel Build and Test runs-on: - 'self.hosted' - 'linux.shell' script: - git submodule update --init --depth=1 - cmake --preset devel -GNinja - cmake --build --preset devel - ctest --preset devel --output-junit test-results/all.xml pull-requests: '**': # for all branches - step: name: Release Build runs-on: - 'self.hosted' - 'linux.shell' script: - git submodule update --init --depth=1 - cmake --preset release -GNinja - cmake --build --preset release - clang-tidy -p cmake-build-release $(git diff origin/$BITBUCKET_PR_DESTINATION_BRANCH --name-only --diff-filter=AM | grep -E '\.(h|hpp|cpp)$') - cppcheck --enable=all --suppressions-list=.cppcheck-suppressions --project=cmake-build-release/compile_commands.json --error-exitcode=1