rekonq"> Andrea Diamantini "> Rohan Garg "> Jonathan Kolberg "> rekonq Team ">">">">"> ]> The &rekonq; Handbook &Andrea.Diamantini; &Andrea.Diamantini.mail; &Rohan.Garg; &Rohan.Garg.mail; &Jonathan.Kolberg; &Jonathan.Kolberg.mail; 2008 2009-2010 2010 &Andrea.Diamantini; &Rohan.Garg; &Jonathan.Kolberg; &FDLNotice; 2010-05-01 0.5.0 &rekonq; is a lightweight web browser for &kde; based on QtWebKit. KDE browser rekonq webkit Overview &rekonq; is a lightweight web browser for &kde; based on QtWebKit. Amongst other it provides the following features: Shared bookmarks with &konqueror; Shared cookies with &konqueror; Handle tabbed browsing Display tab previews Handle support for NS plugins (eg: flash) Share General &kde; Proxy settings Browse anonymously Inspect web pages File and &FTP; protocol handling KWallet support for storing passwords Ad-Block support &kget; Download integration Introduction &rekonq; is a lightweight web browser for &kde; based on WebKit. Its code is based on the Nokia QtDemoBrowser. Its implementation is going to embrace &kde; technologies, in order to have a full-featured &kde; web browser. Using &rekonq; Here's a screenshot of &rekonq; Screenshot Like all &kde; applications, &rekonq; is highly configurable. This document describes how &rekonq; behaves with the normal, default settings. A three button mouse can be useful when you are running &rekonq; or any other &kde; application. If your mouse only has two buttons then you should be able to set your system up so that you can simulate a a middle mouse button by pressing both buttons at the same time. If you are used to having to double-click to perform an action, then take care, because in common with the rest of &kde;, &rekonq; defaults to single-clicking. Starting &rekonq; &rekonq; can be started in the following ways From the application launcher select Applications Internet rekonq &Alt;F2 will open a Run Command dialog box,type &rekonq; (lower case) and press &Enter; or the Run to start &rekonq; Configure &rekonq; Do the general settings of &rekonq; You want to configure the general behavior of &rekonq;? You found the right place to get it explained. To open the general settings go to Toolbutton Configure rekonq Now you should see this Screenshot Here a List of configurable point and explanation for it: When starting rekonq: You can configure what &rekonq; should do on startup. Home page URL: You can either set your home page directly trought tipping the &URL; in. Set to Current Page Sets your home page to the one you are visiting at the moment. Default search engine: Here you can choose the search engine you like to be searched with as default. Use KGet for downloading files This activates wether you want to download with &kget;. List links with KGet ????? Configure the Tabs settings Now you should see this Screenshot Configure the Fonts settings Now you should see this Screenshot Configure the Webkit settings Now you should see this Screenshot Network configuration Handling of Cookies with &rekonq; This is a screenshot of the cookie settings dialog Screenshot As you can see the Cookies can be configured in many ways. &rekonq; can handel Cookies in three ways "Ask for Confirmation" Rest Now you should see this Screenshot Now you should see this Screenshot Configure the Adblock settings Now you should see this Screenshot Now you should see this Screenshot Configure the Shortcut settings Now you should see this Screenshot Configure the Web Shortcuts settings Now you should see this Screenshot Credits and License &rekonq; Program copyright: Developers &The.rekonq.Team; &The.rekonq.Team.mail; Find more about us in the 'About &rekonq;' section Documentation copyright 2008 &Andrea.Diamantini; &Andrea.Diamantini.mail; Documentation copyright 2009-2010 &Rohan.Garg; &Rohan.Garg.mail; Documentation copyright 2010 &Jonathan.Kolberg; &Jonathan.Kolberg.mail; &underFDL; &underGPL; Installation How to obtain &rekonq; Stable Packages of &rekonq; can be downloaded via standard repositories of your distribution Requirements In order to successfully use &rekonq;, you need at least &Qt; 4.6.x and &kde; 4.4.x. Compilation and Installation If you wish to compile &rekonq;, go to The how to compile &rekonq; page. &documentation.index;