INSPIRED FROM AMAROK ONE Section 0: A few days in advance * Check that release date doesn't clash with KDE's schedule * Notify translators and update -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 1: Preparation * Check the README file is still relevant (?) * Run the "fixuifiles" script from the source-root * Bump Version Number (in the CMakeLists.txt && in src/main.cpp) * Commit the source to GIT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIXME SECTION 2: Creating and Testing the Tarball * Run the release.rb script; OR Follow the guide lines in appendix A * Test the following: $ ./configure && make $ ./configure --enable-final --disable-debug && make * Check it works OK without any amarok files in ~/.kde -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIXME SECTION 3: Once Happy with the Tarball * SFtp the tarball to: - - (If you don't have access, mail * Notify packagers * Write release notes and dot story (and notify KDE-press list if necessary) * Add new version to Bugzilla -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Section 4: The Release Day * Update download page on the wiki * Update the front-page * Send a witty, intelligent and diligently crafted email to the following lists: - To:, - CC: - BCC:,, * Blog, update IRC channel topics, ... * Update -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- APPENDIX A (TODO remove this) This is what the release_amarok script does: 1. Checkout a fresh copy of amarok, its docs and po; cd into the root 2. Update APP_VERSION in amarok/src/amarok.h 3. $ `find -name .svn -exec rm {} \;` 4. $ export WANT_AUTOMAKE=1.6 5. $ make -f Makefile.cvs 6. $ rm -rf autom4te.cache config.h config.log 7. $ pushd amarok; mv README TODO INSTALL ChangeLog AUTHORS COPYING amarok.lsm ..; popd 8. $ mv ../multimedia ../amarok-VERSION 9. $ tar cjf ../amarok-VERSION.tar.bz2 ../amarok-VERSION APPENDIX B (TODO create an analogue script) To create a changelog in html format for updating the various articles and websites, run generate_changelog.rb. It will output a file called ChangeLog.html.