INSPIRED FROM AMAROK ONE -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 1: Preparation * Update CHANGELOG file * Bump Version Number (in the CMakeLists.txt file) * Commit the source to GIT -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 2: Creating and Testing the Tarball * Run the "" VERSION=qualcosina git tag -s $VERSION git archive --prefix=rekonq-$VERSION/ $VERSION | bzip2 > releases/rekonq-$VERSION.tar.bz2 * Test package with current KDE version: * Optionally add docs and translations. * Test package with docs AND translations added * Check it works OK without any rekonq files in ~/.kde -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SECTION 4: The Release Day * Add new version to Bugzilla * Push tarball to sf repository * Update sf rekonq site * Update * Update IRC channel topic * Announce on mailing list * Blog about! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------