THINGS TO DO TO RELEASE IT SMOOTHLY... ---------- SECTION 1: Preparation ---------------------------------------------- * Update CHANGELOG file (or just check it!!!) * Update INSTALL file (usually just new dependencies) * Update src/main.cpp. Check AUTHORS and CREDITS * Bump Version Number (in the CMakeLists.txt file) * Commit the source to GIT and ccmail:, * tag it : git tag -s $VERSION ---------- SECTION 2: Creating and Testing the Tarball ------------------------- * Use releaseme script to create the tarball: - if you need download it somewhere: git clone kde:releaseme - update rekonqrc file with choices and version number - launch ./rekonqrb script ( to fast create a tarball, do: $ git archive --prefix=rekonq-$VERSION/ $VERSION | bzip2 > /home/adjam/rekonq-$VERSION.tar.bz2 ) * Test package with current KDE version * Test package with docs AND translations added * Test it resetting rekonq files in ~/.kde4 (or in your local environment) ---------- SECTION 3: The Release Day ------------------------------------------ * Add new version to Bugzilla * Push tarball to sf repository * Update rekonq site: * Update * Update IRC channel topic * Blog about!