/* ============================================================ * * This file is a part of the rekonq project * * Copyright (C) 2008-2010 by Andrea Diamantini * Copyright (C) 2009 by Paweł Prażak * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 by Lionel Chauvin * Copyright (C) 2010 by Yoann Laissus * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version * accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved * by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy * defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * ============================================================ */ // Self Includes #include "bookmarksmanager.h" #include "bookmarksmanager.moc" // Local Includes #include "mainwindow.h" #include "webtab.h" #include "webview.h" #include "mainview.h" #include "bookmarkcontextmenu.h" // KDE Includes #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Qt Includes #include #include BookmarkOwner::BookmarkOwner(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , KBookmarkOwner() { } void BookmarkOwner::openBookmark(const KBookmark & bookmark, Qt::MouseButtons mouseButtons, Qt::KeyboardModifiers keyboardModifiers) { if (keyboardModifiers & Qt::ControlModifier || mouseButtons == Qt::MidButton) { emit openUrl(bookmark.url(), Rekonq::NewTab); } else { emit openUrl(bookmark.url(), Rekonq::CurrentTab); } } bool BookmarkOwner::deleteBookmark(KBookmark &bookmark) { KBookmarkGroup bmg = bookmark.parentGroup(); bool folder = bookmark.isGroup(); QString name = QString(bookmark.fullText()).replace("&&", "&"); if (KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( QApplication::activeWindow(), folder ? i18n("Are you sure you wish to remove the bookmark folder\n\"%1\"?", name) : i18n("Are you sure you wish to remove the bookmark\n\"%1\"?", name), folder ? i18n("Bookmark Folder Deletion") : i18n("Bookmark Deletion"), KStandardGuiItem::del(), KStandardGuiItem::cancel(), "bookmarkDeletition_askAgain") != KMessageBox::Continue ) return false; bmg.deleteBookmark(bookmark); Application::bookmarkProvider()->bookmarkManager()->emitChanged(bmg); return true; } bool BookmarkOwner::supportsTabs() const { return true; } QString BookmarkOwner::currentUrl() const { return Application::instance()->mainWindow()->currentTab()->url().url(); } QString BookmarkOwner::currentTitle() const { return Application::instance()->mainWindow()->currentTab()->view()->title(); } void BookmarkOwner::openFolderinTabs(const KBookmarkGroup &bookmark) { QList urlList = bookmark.groupUrlList(); if (urlList.length() > 8) { if ( !(KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( Application::instance()->mainWindow(), i18ncp("%1=Number of tabs. Value is always >=8", "You are about to open %1 tabs.\nAre you sure?", "You are about to open %1 tabs.\nAre you sure?", urlList.length()), "", KStandardGuiItem::cont(), KStandardGuiItem::cancel(), "openFolderInTabs_askAgain" ) == KMessageBox::Continue) ) return; } QList::iterator url; for (url = urlList.begin(); url != urlList.end(); ++url) { emit openUrl(*url, Rekonq::NewFocusedTab); } } QList< QPair > BookmarkOwner::currentBookmarkList() const { QList< QPair > bkList; int tabNumber = Application::instance()->mainWindow()->mainView()->count(); for (int i = 0; i < tabNumber; i++) { QPair item; item.first = Application::instance()->mainWindow()->mainView()->webTab(i)->view()->title(); item.second = Application::instance()->mainWindow()->mainView()->webTab(i)->url().url(); bkList += item; } return bkList; } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BookmarkMenu::BookmarkMenu(KBookmarkManager *manager, KBookmarkOwner *owner, KMenu *menu, KActionCollection* actionCollection) : KBookmarkMenu(manager, owner, menu, actionCollection) { } BookmarkMenu::BookmarkMenu(KBookmarkManager *manager, KBookmarkOwner *owner, KMenu *parentMenu, const QString &parentAddress) : KBookmarkMenu(manager, owner, parentMenu, parentAddress) { } BookmarkMenu::~BookmarkMenu() { } KMenu * BookmarkMenu::contextMenu(QAction *act) { KBookmarkActionInterface* action = dynamic_cast(act); if (!action) return 0; return new BookmarkContextMenu(action->bookmark(), manager(), owner()); } QAction * BookmarkMenu::actionForBookmark(const KBookmark &bookmark) { if (bookmark.isGroup()) { KBookmarkActionMenu *actionMenu = new KBookmarkActionMenu(bookmark, this); BookmarkMenu *menu = new BookmarkMenu(manager(), owner(), actionMenu->menu(), bookmark.address()); connect(actionMenu, SIGNAL(hovered()), menu, SLOT(slotAboutToShow())); return actionMenu; } else if (bookmark.isSeparator()) { return KBookmarkMenu::actionForBookmark(bookmark); } else { KBookmarkAction *action = new KBookmarkAction(bookmark, owner(), this); connect(action, SIGNAL(hovered()), this, SLOT(actionHovered())); return action; } } void BookmarkMenu::refill() { clear(); fillBookmarks(); if (parentMenu()->actions().count() > 0) parentMenu()->addSeparator(); if (isRoot()) { addAddBookmark(); addAddBookmarksList(); addNewFolder(); addEditBookmarks(); } else { addOpenFolderInTabs(); addAddBookmark(); addAddBookmarksList(); addNewFolder(); } } void BookmarkMenu::addOpenFolderInTabs() { KAction *action; KBookmarkGroup group = manager()->findByAddress(parentAddress()).toGroup(); if (!group.first().isNull()) { KBookmark bookmark = group.first(); while (bookmark.isGroup() || bookmark.isSeparator()) { bookmark = group.next(bookmark); } if (!bookmark.isNull()) { action = new KAction(KIcon("tab-new"), i18n("Open Folder in Tabs"), this); action->setHelpText(i18n("Open all bookmarks in this folder as new tabs.")); connect(action, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(slotOpenFolderInTabs())); parentMenu()->addAction(action); } } } void BookmarkMenu::actionHovered() { KBookmarkActionInterface* action = dynamic_cast(sender()); if (action) Application::instance()->mainWindow()->notifyMessage(action->bookmark().url().url()); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BookmarkToolBar::BookmarkToolBar( const QString &objectName, QMainWindow *parentWindow, Qt::ToolBarArea area, bool newLine, bool isMainToolBar, bool readConfig ) : KToolBar(objectName, parentWindow, area, newLine, isMainToolBar, readConfig) , m_filled(false) , m_currentMenu(0) { connect(Application::bookmarkProvider()->bookmarkManager(), SIGNAL(changed(QString,QString)), this, SLOT(hideMenu())); } BookmarkToolBar::~BookmarkToolBar() { } void BookmarkToolBar::setVisible(bool visible) { if (visible && !m_filled) { m_filled = true; Application::bookmarkProvider()->fillBookmarkBar(this); } KToolBar::setVisible(visible); } void BookmarkToolBar::menuDisplayed() { qApp->installEventFilter(this); m_currentMenu = qobject_cast(sender()); } void BookmarkToolBar::menuHidden() { qApp->removeEventFilter(this); m_currentMenu = 0; } void BookmarkToolBar::hideMenu() { if(m_currentMenu) m_currentMenu->hide(); } bool BookmarkToolBar::eventFilter(QObject *watched, QEvent *event) { // To switch root folders as in a menubar if (event->type() == QEvent::MouseMove && m_currentMenu) { KBookmarkActionMenu* act = dynamic_cast(this->actionAt(this->mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()))); if (act && act->menu() != m_currentMenu) { m_currentMenu->hide(); QPoint pos = mapToGlobal(widgetForAction(act)->pos()); act->menu()->popup(QPoint(pos.x(), pos.y() + widgetForAction(act)->height())); } } return KToolBar::eventFilter(watched, event); } void BookmarkToolBar::actionHovered() { KBookmarkActionInterface* action = dynamic_cast(sender()); if (action) Application::instance()->mainWindow()->notifyMessage(action->bookmark().url().url()); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BookmarkProvider::BookmarkProvider(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) , m_manager(0) , m_owner(0) , m_actionCollection(new KActionCollection(this)) , _bookmarkActionMenu(0) { kDebug() << "Loading Bookmarks Manager..."; KUrl bookfile = KUrl("~/.kde/share/apps/konqueror/bookmarks.xml"); // share konqueror bookmarks if (!QFile::exists(bookfile.path())) { bookfile = KUrl("~/.kde4/share/apps/konqueror/bookmarks.xml"); if (!QFile::exists(bookfile.path())) { QString bookmarksDefaultPath = KStandardDirs::locate("appdata" , "defaultbookmarks.xbel"); QFile bkms(bookmarksDefaultPath); QString bookmarksPath = KStandardDirs::locateLocal("appdata", "bookmarks.xml", true); bookmarksPath.replace("rekonq", "konqueror"); bkms.copy(bookmarksPath); bookfile = KUrl(bookmarksPath); } } m_manager = KBookmarkManager::managerForFile(bookfile.path(), "rekonq"); connect(m_manager, SIGNAL(changed(const QString &, const QString &)), this, SLOT(slotBookmarksChanged(const QString &, const QString &))); // setup menu m_owner = new BookmarkOwner(this); connect(m_owner, SIGNAL(openUrl(const KUrl&, const Rekonq::OpenType &)), this, SIGNAL(openUrl(const KUrl&, const Rekonq::OpenType &))); KAction *a = KStandardAction::addBookmark(this, SLOT(slotAddBookmark()), this); m_actionCollection->addAction(QL1S("rekonq_add_bookmark"), a); kDebug() << "Loading Bookmarks Manager... DONE!"; } BookmarkProvider::~BookmarkProvider() { delete m_actionCollection; delete m_owner; delete m_manager; } void BookmarkProvider::setupBookmarkBar(BookmarkToolBar *toolbar) { if (m_bookmarkToolBars.contains(toolbar)) return; kDebug() << "new bookmark bar..."; m_bookmarkToolBars.append(toolbar); toolbar->setContextMenuPolicy(Qt::CustomContextMenu); connect(toolbar, SIGNAL(customContextMenuRequested(const QPoint &)), this, SLOT(contextMenu(const QPoint &))); kDebug() << "new bookmark bar... DONE!"; } void BookmarkProvider::removeToolBar(BookmarkToolBar *toolbar) { m_bookmarkToolBars.removeOne(toolbar); } void BookmarkProvider::slotBookmarksChanged(const QString &group, const QString &caller) { Q_UNUSED(group) Q_UNUSED(caller) foreach(BookmarkToolBar *bookmarkToolBar, m_bookmarkToolBars) { if (bookmarkToolBar) { bookmarkToolBar->clear(); fillBookmarkBar(bookmarkToolBar); } } } QAction *BookmarkProvider::actionByName(const QString &name) { QAction *action = m_actionCollection->action(name); if (action) return action; return new QAction(this); // return empty object instead of NULL pointer } void BookmarkProvider::contextMenu(const QPoint &point) { if (m_bookmarkToolBars.isEmpty()) return; KToolBar *bookmarkToolBar = m_bookmarkToolBars.at(0); if (!bookmarkToolBar) return; KBookmarkActionInterface* action = dynamic_cast(bookmarkToolBar->actionAt(point)); if (!action) return; BookmarkContextMenu menu(action->bookmark(), bookmarkManager(), bookmarkOwner()); menu.exec(bookmarkToolBar->mapToGlobal(point)); } KActionMenu* BookmarkProvider::bookmarkActionMenu(QWidget *parent) { kDebug() << "new Bookmarks Menu..."; KMenu *menu = new KMenu(parent); _bookmarkActionMenu = new KActionMenu(parent); _bookmarkActionMenu->setMenu(menu); _bookmarkActionMenu->setText(i18n("&Bookmarks")); new BookmarkMenu(m_manager, m_owner, menu, m_actionCollection); kDebug() << "new Bookmarks Menu...DONE"; return _bookmarkActionMenu; } KAction* BookmarkProvider::bookmarkToolBarAction(KToolBar *t) { KAction *bookmarkToolBarAction = new KAction(this); bookmarkToolBarAction->setDefaultWidget(t); // The ownership is transferred to action bookmarkToolBarAction->setText(i18n("Bookmarks Bar")); bookmarkToolBarAction->setShortcutConfigurable(false); return bookmarkToolBarAction; } void BookmarkProvider::fillBookmarkBar(BookmarkToolBar *toolBar) { KBookmarkGroup root = m_manager->toolbar(); if (root.isNull()) return; for (KBookmark bookmark = root.first(); !bookmark.isNull(); bookmark = root.next(bookmark)) { if (bookmark.isGroup()) { KBookmarkActionMenu *menuAction = new KBookmarkActionMenu(bookmark.toGroup(), this); menuAction->setDelayed(false); new BookmarkMenu(bookmarkManager(), bookmarkOwner(), menuAction->menu(), bookmark.address()); connect(menuAction->menu(), SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), toolBar, SLOT(menuDisplayed())); connect(menuAction->menu(), SIGNAL(aboutToHide()), toolBar, SLOT(menuHidden())); toolBar->addAction(menuAction); } else if (bookmark.isSeparator()) { toolBar->addSeparator(); } else { KBookmarkAction* action = new KBookmarkAction(bookmark, m_owner, this); action->setIconText(action->iconText().replace('&', "&&")); connect(action, SIGNAL(hovered()), toolBar, SLOT(actionHovered())); toolBar->addAction(action); } } } KBookmarkGroup BookmarkProvider::rootGroup() { return m_manager->root(); } QList BookmarkProvider::find(QString text) { QList list; KBookmarkGroup bookGroup = Application::bookmarkProvider()->rootGroup(); if (bookGroup.isNull()) { return list; } KBookmark bookmark = bookGroup.first(); while (!bookmark.isNull()) { list = find(list, bookmark, text); bookmark = bookGroup.next(bookmark); } return list; } QList BookmarkProvider::find(QList list, const KBookmark &bookmark, QString text) { if (bookmark.isGroup()) { KBookmarkGroup group = bookmark.toGroup(); KBookmark bm = group.first(); while (!bm.isNull()) { list = find(list, bm, text); // it is .bookfolder bm = group.next(bm); } } else if (bookmark.url().url().contains(text) || bookmark.fullText().contains(text)) { list << bookmark; } return list; } void BookmarkProvider::slotAddBookmark() { KBookmarkGroup parentBookmark = rootGroup(); parentBookmark.addBookmark(bookmarkOwner()->currentTitle(), bookmarkOwner()->currentUrl()); bookmarkManager()->emitChanged(); } void BookmarkProvider::registerBookmarkPanel(BookmarksPanel *panel) { if (panel && !m_bookmarkPanels.contains(panel)) { m_bookmarkPanels.append(panel); connect(panel, SIGNAL(expansionChanged()), this, SLOT(slotPanelChanged())); } } void BookmarkProvider::removeBookmarkPanel(BookmarksPanel *panel) { m_bookmarkPanels.removeOne(panel); if (m_bookmarkPanels.isEmpty()) { Application::bookmarkProvider()->bookmarkManager()->emitChanged(); } } void BookmarkProvider::slotPanelChanged() { foreach (BookmarksPanel *panel, m_bookmarkPanels) { if (panel && panel != sender()) panel->startLoadFoldedState(); } } KBookmark BookmarkProvider::bookmarkForUrl(const KUrl &url) { KBookmark found; KBookmarkGroup root = rootGroup(); if (root.isNull()) { return found; } return bookmarkForUrl(root, url); } KBookmark BookmarkProvider::bookmarkForUrl(const KBookmark &bookmark, const KUrl &url) { KBookmark found; if (bookmark.isGroup()) { KBookmarkGroup group = bookmark.toGroup(); KBookmark bookmark = group.first(); while (!bookmark.isNull() && found.isNull()) { found = bookmarkForUrl(bookmark, url); bookmark = group.next(bookmark); } } else if (!bookmark.isSeparator() && bookmark.url() == url) { found = bookmark; } return found; }