/* ============================================================ * * This file is a part of the rekonq project * * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Trolltech ASA. All rights reserved * Copyright (C) 2008-2009 by Andrea Diamantini * Copyright (C) 2009 by Domrachev Alexandr * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General * Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; * either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * ============================================================ */ // Self Includes #include "cookiejar.h" #include "cookiejar.moc" // Auto Includes #include "rekonq.h" // Local Includes #include "autosaver.h" // KDE Includes #include #include #include // Qt Includes #include #include #include #include #include #include static const unsigned int JAR_VERSION = 23; // QDataStream &operator<<(QDataStream &stream, const QList &list) // { // stream << JAR_VERSION; // stream << quint32(list.size()); // for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) // stream << list.at(i).toRawForm(); // return stream; // } // // // QDataStream &operator>>(QDataStream &stream, QList &list) // { // list.clear(); // // quint32 version; // stream >> version; // // if (version != JAR_VERSION) // return stream; // // quint32 count; // stream >> count; // for (quint32 i = 0; i < count; ++i) // { // QByteArray value; // stream >> value; // QList newCookies = QNetworkCookie::parseCookies(value); // if (newCookies.count() == 0 && value.length() != 0) // { // kDebug() << "CookieJar: Unable to parse saved cookie:" << value; // } // for (int j = 0; j < newCookies.count(); ++j) // list.append(newCookies.at(j)); // if (stream.atEnd()) // break; // } // return stream; // } CookieJar::CookieJar(QObject *parent) : QNetworkCookieJar(parent) , m_loaded(false) , m_saveTimer(new AutoSaver(this)) , m_acceptCookies(AcceptOnlyFromSitesNavigatedTo) { load(); } CookieJar::~CookieJar() { if (m_keepCookies == KeepUntilExit) clear(); m_saveTimer->saveIfNeccessary(); } void CookieJar::clear() { setAllCookies(QList()); m_saveTimer->changeOccurred(); emit cookiesChanged(); } void CookieJar::load() { if (m_loaded) return; // load cookies and exceptions QString filepath = KStandardDirs::locateLocal("appdata", "cookies.ini.NEW"); KConfig iniconfig(filepath); // commented out to try managing cookies my way.. // qRegisterMetaTypeStreamOperators >("QList"); KConfigGroup inigroup1 = iniconfig.group("general"); QStringList cookieStringList = inigroup1.readEntry( QString("cookies"), QStringList() ); QList cookieNetworkList; foreach( QString str, cookieStringList ) { cookieNetworkList << QNetworkCookie( str.toLocal8Bit() ); } setAllCookies( cookieNetworkList ); KConfigGroup inigroup2 = iniconfig.group("exceptions"); m_exceptions_block = inigroup2.readEntry( QString("block") , QStringList() ); m_exceptions_allow = inigroup2.readEntry( QString("allow"), QStringList() ); m_exceptions_allowForSession = inigroup2.readEntry( QString("allowForSession"), QStringList() ); qSort( m_exceptions_block.begin(), m_exceptions_block.end() ); qSort( m_exceptions_allow.begin(), m_exceptions_allow.end() ); qSort( m_exceptions_allowForSession.begin(), m_exceptions_allowForSession.end() ); loadSettings(); save(); } void CookieJar::loadSettings() { int canAcceptCookies = ReKonfig::acceptCookies(); switch (canAcceptCookies) { case 0: m_acceptCookies = AcceptAlways; break; case 1: m_acceptCookies = AcceptNever; break; case 2: default: m_acceptCookies = AcceptOnlyFromSitesNavigatedTo; break; } int canKeepCookiesUntil = ReKonfig::keepCookiesUntil(); switch (canKeepCookiesUntil) { default: case 0: m_keepCookies = KeepUntilExpire; break; case 1: m_keepCookies = KeepUntilExit; setAllCookies(QList()); break; case 2: m_keepCookies = KeepUntilTimeLimit; break; } m_loaded = true; emit cookiesChanged(); } void CookieJar::save() { if (!m_loaded) return; purgeOldCookies(); QString filepath = KStandardDirs::locateLocal("appdata", "cookies.ini.NEW"); KConfig iniconfig( filepath ); KConfigGroup inigroup1 = iniconfig.group("general"); QList cookies = allCookies(); for (int i = cookies.count() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (cookies.at(i).isSessionCookie()) cookies.removeAt(i); } QStringList cookieStringList; foreach( QNetworkCookie cook, cookies ) { cookieStringList << QString( cook.toRawForm() ); } inigroup1.writeEntry( QString("cookies"), cookieStringList ); KConfigGroup inigroup2 = iniconfig.group("exceptions"); inigroup2.writeEntry( QString("block"), m_exceptions_block ); inigroup2.writeEntry( QString("allow"), m_exceptions_allow ); inigroup2.writeEntry( QString("allowForSession"), m_exceptions_allowForSession ); // save cookie settings int n; switch (m_acceptCookies) { case AcceptAlways: n = 0; break; case AcceptNever: n = 1; break; case AcceptOnlyFromSitesNavigatedTo: default: n = 2; break; } ReKonfig::setAcceptCookies(n); switch (m_keepCookies) { default: case KeepUntilExpire: n = 0; break; case KeepUntilExit: n = 1; break; case KeepUntilTimeLimit: n = 2; break; } ReKonfig::setKeepCookiesUntil(n); } void CookieJar::purgeOldCookies() { QList cookies = allCookies(); if (cookies.isEmpty()) return; int oldCount = cookies.count(); QDateTime now = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); for (int i = cookies.count() - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (!cookies.at(i).isSessionCookie() && cookies.at(i).expirationDate() < now) cookies.removeAt(i); } if (oldCount == cookies.count()) return; setAllCookies(cookies); emit cookiesChanged(); } QList CookieJar::cookiesForUrl(const QUrl &url) const { CookieJar *that = const_cast(this); if (!m_loaded) that->load(); QWebSettings *globalSettings = QWebSettings::globalSettings(); if (globalSettings->testAttribute(QWebSettings::PrivateBrowsingEnabled)) { QList noCookies; return noCookies; } return QNetworkCookieJar::cookiesForUrl(url); } bool CookieJar::setCookiesFromUrl(const QList &cookieList, const QUrl &url) { if (!m_loaded) load(); QWebSettings *globalSettings = QWebSettings::globalSettings(); if (globalSettings->testAttribute(QWebSettings::PrivateBrowsingEnabled)) return false; QString host = url.host(); bool eBlock = qBinaryFind(m_exceptions_block.begin(), m_exceptions_block.end(), host) != m_exceptions_block.end(); bool eAllow = qBinaryFind(m_exceptions_allow.begin(), m_exceptions_allow.end(), host) != m_exceptions_allow.end(); bool eAllowSession = qBinaryFind(m_exceptions_allowForSession.begin(), m_exceptions_allowForSession.end(), host) != m_exceptions_allowForSession.end(); bool addedCookies = false; // pass exceptions bool acceptInitially = (m_acceptCookies != AcceptNever); if ((acceptInitially && !eBlock) || (!acceptInitially && (eAllow || eAllowSession))) { // pass url domain == cookie domain QDateTime soon = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); soon = soon.addDays(90); foreach(QNetworkCookie cookie, cookieList) { QList lst; if (m_keepCookies == KeepUntilTimeLimit && !cookie.isSessionCookie() && cookie.expirationDate() > soon) { cookie.setExpirationDate(soon); } lst += cookie; if (QNetworkCookieJar::setCookiesFromUrl(lst, url)) { addedCookies = true; } else { // finally force it in if wanted if (m_acceptCookies == AcceptAlways) { QList cookies = allCookies(); cookies += cookie; setAllCookies(cookies); addedCookies = true; } #if 0 else kWarning() << "setCookiesFromUrl failed" << url << cookieList.value(0).toRawForm(); #endif } } } if (addedCookies) { m_saveTimer->changeOccurred(); emit cookiesChanged(); } return addedCookies; } CookieJar::AcceptPolicy CookieJar::acceptPolicy() const { if (!m_loaded) (const_cast(this))->load(); return m_acceptCookies; } void CookieJar::setAcceptPolicy(AcceptPolicy policy) { if (!m_loaded) load(); if (policy == m_acceptCookies) return; m_acceptCookies = policy; m_saveTimer->changeOccurred(); } CookieJar::KeepPolicy CookieJar::keepPolicy() const { if (!m_loaded) (const_cast(this))->load(); return m_keepCookies; } void CookieJar::setKeepPolicy(KeepPolicy policy) { if (!m_loaded) load(); if (policy == m_keepCookies) return; m_keepCookies = policy; m_saveTimer->changeOccurred(); } QStringList CookieJar::blockedCookies() const { if (!m_loaded) (const_cast(this))->load(); return m_exceptions_block; } QStringList CookieJar::allowedCookies() const { if (!m_loaded) (const_cast(this))->load(); return m_exceptions_allow; } QStringList CookieJar::allowForSessionCookies() const { if (!m_loaded) (const_cast(this))->load(); return m_exceptions_allowForSession; } void CookieJar::setBlockedCookies(const QStringList &list) { if (!m_loaded) load(); m_exceptions_block = list; qSort(m_exceptions_block.begin(), m_exceptions_block.end()); m_saveTimer->changeOccurred(); } void CookieJar::setAllowedCookies(const QStringList &list) { if (!m_loaded) load(); m_exceptions_allow = list; qSort(m_exceptions_allow.begin(), m_exceptions_allow.end()); m_saveTimer->changeOccurred(); } void CookieJar::setAllowForSessionCookies(const QStringList &list) { if (!m_loaded) load(); m_exceptions_allowForSession = list; qSort(m_exceptions_allowForSession.begin(), m_exceptions_allowForSession.end()); m_saveTimer->changeOccurred(); }