/* ============================================================ * * This file is a part of the rekonq project * * Copyright (C) 2010-2011 by Andrea Diamantini * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version * accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved * by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy * defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * ============================================================ */ // Self Includes #include "iconmanager.h" #include "iconmanager.moc" // Local Includes #include "application.h" #include "webicon.h" // KDE Includes #include #include #include #include // Qt Includes #include #include #include #include IconManager::IconManager(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { _faviconsDir = KStandardDirs::locateLocal("cache" , "favicons/" , true); } KIcon IconManager::iconForUrl(const KUrl &url) { // first things first.. avoid infinite loop at startup if (url.isEmpty() || rApp->mainWindowList().isEmpty()) return KIcon("text-html"); QByteArray encodedUrl = url.toEncoded(); // rekonq icons.. if (encodedUrl == QByteArray("about:home")) return KIcon("go-home"); if (encodedUrl == QByteArray("about:closedTabs")) return KIcon("tab-close"); if (encodedUrl == QByteArray("about:history")) return KIcon("view-history"); if (encodedUrl == QByteArray("about:bookmarks")) return KIcon("bookmarks"); if (encodedUrl == QByteArray("about:favorites")) return KIcon("emblem-favorite"); if (encodedUrl == QByteArray("about:downloads")) return KIcon("download"); // TODO: return other mimetype icons if (url.isLocalFile()) { return KIcon("folder"); } QString i = favIconForUrl(url); if (!i.isEmpty()) { return KIcon(QIcon(_faviconsDir + i)); } // Not found icon. Return default one. return KIcon("text-html"); } void IconManager::provideIcon(QWebFrame *mFrame, const KUrl &url, bool notify) { // provide icons just for http/https sites if (!url.scheme().startsWith(QL1S("http"))) { if (notify) emit iconChanged(); return; } // do not load new icons in private browsing.. if (QWebSettings::globalSettings()->testAttribute(QWebSettings::PrivateBrowsingEnabled)) { if (notify) emit iconChanged(); return; } // check if icon exists if (!favIconForUrl(url).isEmpty()) { if (notify) emit iconChanged(); return; } // the simplest way.. const QString rootUrlString = url.scheme() + QL1S("://") + url.host(); // find favicon url KUrl faviconUrl; QWebElement root = mFrame->documentElement(); QWebElement e = root.findFirst(QL1S("link[rel~=\"icon\"]")); QString relUrlString = e.attribute(QL1S("href")); if (relUrlString.isEmpty()) { e = root.findFirst(QL1S("link[rel~=\"shortcut icon\"]")); relUrlString = e.attribute(QL1S("href")); } if (!relUrlString.isEmpty()) { faviconUrl = relUrlString.startsWith(QL1S("http")) ? KUrl(relUrlString) : KUrl(rootUrlString + QL1C('/') + relUrlString); } if (faviconUrl.isEmpty()) return; // dest url KUrl destUrl(_faviconsDir + url.host()); // download icon KIO::FileCopyJob *job = KIO::file_copy(faviconUrl, destUrl, -1, KIO::HideProgressInfo | KIO::Overwrite); if (notify) connect(job, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)), this, SLOT(notifyLastStuffs(KJob *))); else connect(job, SIGNAL(result(KJob*)), this, SLOT(doLastStuffs(KJob *))); } void IconManager::downloadIconFromUrl(const KUrl &url) { new WebIcon(url, this); } void IconManager::clearIconCache() { QDir d(_faviconsDir); QStringList favicons = d.entryList(); Q_FOREACH(const QString & fav, favicons) { d.remove(fav); } } void IconManager::doLastStuffs(KJob *j) { if (j->error()) { kDebug() << "FAVICON JOB ERROR"; return; } KIO::FileCopyJob *job = static_cast(j); KUrl dest = job->destUrl(); QString s = dest.url().remove(QL1S("file://")); QFile fav(s); if (!fav.exists()) { kDebug() << "FAVICON DOES NOT EXISTS"; fav.remove(); return; } if (fav.size() == 0) { kDebug() << "SIZE ZERO FAVICON"; fav.remove(); return; } QPixmap px; if (!px.load(s)) { kDebug() << "PIXMAP NOT LOADED"; return; } if (px.isNull()) { kDebug() << "PIXMAP IS NULL"; fav.remove(); return; } px = px.scaled(16, 16); if (!px.save(s + QL1S(".png"), "PNG")) { kDebug() << "PIXMAP NOT SAVED"; return; } QFile::remove(s); } void IconManager::notifyLastStuffs(KJob *j) { doLastStuffs(j); emit iconChanged(); } void IconManager::saveDesktopIconForUrl(const KUrl &u) { KIcon icon = iconForUrl(u); QString destPath = _faviconsDir + u.host() + QL1S("_WEBAPPICON.png"); QPixmap pix = icon.pixmap(16, 16); int s = KIconLoader::global()->currentSize(KIconLoader::Desktop); pix = pix.scaled(s, s); pix.save(destPath); } // NOTE: this function is builded "around" the iconForurl one. It basically returns the same things // with an important difference: this one returns paths while the other one returns KIcons QString IconManager::iconPathForUrl(const KUrl &url) { // first things first.. avoid infinite loop at startup if (url.isEmpty() || rApp->mainWindowList().isEmpty()) { QString icon = QL1S("file://") + KGlobal::dirs()->findResource("icon", "oxygen/16x16/mimetypes/text-html.png"); return icon; } QByteArray encodedUrl = url.toEncoded(); // rekonq icons.. if (encodedUrl == QByteArray("about:home")) { QString icon = QL1S("file://") + KGlobal::dirs()->findResource("icon", "oxygen/16x16/actions/go-home.png"); return icon; } if (encodedUrl == QByteArray("about:closedTabs")) { QString icon = QL1S("file://") + KGlobal::dirs()->findResource("icon", "oxygen/16x16/actions/tab-close.png"); return icon; } if (encodedUrl == QByteArray("about:history")) { QString icon = QL1S("file://") + KGlobal::dirs()->findResource("icon", "oxygen/16x16/actions/view-history.png"); return icon; } if (encodedUrl == QByteArray("about:bookmarks")) { QString icon = QL1S("file://") + KGlobal::dirs()->findResource("icon", "oxygen/16x16/places/bookmarks.png"); return icon; } if (encodedUrl == QByteArray("about:favorites")) { QString icon = QL1S("file://") + KGlobal::dirs()->findResource("icon", "oxygen/16x16/emblems/emblem-favorite.png"); return icon; } if (encodedUrl == QByteArray("about:downloads")) { QString icon = QL1S("file://") + KGlobal::dirs()->findResource("icon", "oxygen/16x16/actions/download.png"); return icon; } // TODO: return other mimetype icons if (url.isLocalFile()) { QString icon = QL1S("file://") + KGlobal::dirs()->findResource("icon", "oxygen/16x16/places/folder.png"); return icon; } QString i = favIconForUrl(url); if (!i.isEmpty()) { return QL1S("file://") + _faviconsDir + i; } // Not found icon. Return default one. QString icon = QL1S("file://") + KGlobal::dirs()->findResource("icon", "oxygen/16x16/mimetypes/text-html.png"); return icon; } QString IconManager::favIconForUrl(const KUrl &url) { if (url.isLocalFile() || !url.protocol().startsWith(QL1S("http"))) return QString(); if (QFile::exists(_faviconsDir + url.host() + QL1S(".png"))) return url.host() + QL1S(".png"); else return QString(); }