/* ============================================================
* This file is a part of the rekonq project
* Copyright (C) 2012 by Andrea Diamantini <adjam7 at gmail dot com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
* the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version
* accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved
* by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy
* defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* ============================================================ */

// version include
#include <config-version.h>

// Local Includes
#include "application.h"
#include "sessionmanager.h"
#include "rekonqwindow.h"
#include "urlresolver.h"

// KDE Includes
#include <KDE/KAboutData>
#include <KDE/KUniqueApplication>
#include <KDE/KCmdLineArgs>
#include <KDebug>

// Qt Includes
#include <QDir>
#include <QUrl>

static const char description[] =
    I18N_NOOP("A lightweight Web Browser for KDE based on WebKit");

extern "C" KDE_EXPORT int kdemain(int argc, char **argv)
    KAboutData about("rekonq",
                     ki18n("(C) 2008-2012 Andrea Diamantini"),

    // --------------- about authors -----------------------------
    about.addAuthor(ki18n("Andrea Diamantini"),
                    ki18n("Project Lead, Developer, Maintainer"),

    about.addAuthor(ki18n("Johannes Tröscher"),
                    ki18n("QGraphicsEffect expert. Tabbar highlight animation"),

    about.addAuthor(ki18n("Furkan Uzumcu"),
                    ki18n("A lot of improvements, especially on usability"),

    about.addAuthor(ki18n("Yoann Laissus"),
                    ki18n("Developer, History & Bookmarks Improvements"),

    about.addAuthor(ki18n("Cédric Bellegarde"),
                    ki18n("Patched code quite everywhere :)"),

    about.addAuthor(ki18n("Jon Ander Peñalba"),
                    ki18n("Bookmarks code peer reviewer. A fantastic help"),

    about.addAuthor(ki18n("Pierre Rossi"),
                    ki18n("Urlbar, tests, new tab page, bars... and more"),

    about.addAuthor(ki18n("Lionel Chauvin"),
                    ki18n("Development, Ideas, Mockups, rekonq Icon"),

    about.addAuthor(ki18n("Siteshwar Vashisht"),
                    ki18n("Code, Ideas, sync... and IRC chats!"),

    about.addAuthor(ki18n("Tirtha Chatterjee"),
                    ki18n("A lot of nice work, here and there in the code :)"),

    about.addAuthor(ki18n("Lindsay Mathieson"),
                    ki18n("Implemented inline spellcheck, provided hints, discovered bugs"),

    // --------------- about credits -----------------------------
    about.addCredit(ki18n("Dawit Alemayehu"),
                    ki18n("KDEWebKit (main) developer. And KIO. And KUriFilter. And more.."),

    about.addCredit(ki18n("Jekyll Wu"),
                    ki18n("Bug triaging. Impressive job about..."),

    about.addCredit(ki18n("Dimitrios Christidis"),
                    ki18n("Provides patches, fixes and good testing"),

    about.addCredit(ki18n("Panagiotis Papadopoulos"),
                    ki18n("Quite everything but code"),

    about.addCredit(ki18n("Phaneendra Hedge"),
                    ki18n("Nepomuk fancy bookmarking"),

    about.addCredit(ki18n("Jonathan Raphael Joachim Kolberg"),
                    ki18n("Handbook, Maintains a Kubuntu PPA with rekonq git packages"),

    about.addCredit(ki18n("Benjamin Poulain"),
                    ki18n("The \"QtWebKit guy\". Adblock (new) implementation. Code quality improvements"),

    about.addCredit(ki18n("Rohan Garg"),
                    ki18n("Handbook, Maintains a Kubuntu PPA with rekonq git packages."),

    about.addCredit(ki18n("Anton Kreuzkamp"),
                    ki18n("Session Management, patches"),

    about.addCredit(ki18n("David E. Narváez"),
                    ki18n("Implemented User Session Management and cleaned up SessionManager code"),

    about.addCredit(ki18n("Marc Deop"),
                    ki18n("Access Keys Navigation"),

    about.addCredit(ki18n("Yuri Chornoivan"),
                    ki18n("Checking rekonq strings, helping with docs"),

    about.addCredit(ki18n("Burkhard Lück"),
                    ki18n("Checking rekonq strings, helping with docs"),

    about.addCredit(ki18n("Andrius da Costa Ribas"),
                    ki18n("Helped letting rekonq compile on Windows/MSVC and Mac OS X"),

    about.addCredit(ki18n("Pino Toscano"),
                    ki18n("fixuifiles ;)"),

    // Initialize command line args
    KCmdLineArgs::init(argc, argv, &about);

    // Define the command line options using KCmdLineOptions
    KCmdLineOptions options;

    // adding options
    options.add("incognito" , ki18n("Open in incognito mode"));
    options.add("webapp" , ki18n("Open URL as web app (in a simple window)"));
    options.add("+[URL]" , ki18n("Location to open"));

    // Register the supported options

    if (!Application::start())
        kWarning() << "rekonq is already running!";
        return 0;

#if defined(Q_WS_X11)
    // On X11, the raster engine gives better performance than native.


    Application app;

    // set application data

    if (app.isSessionRestored())
        for (int i = 1; RekonqWindow::canBeRestored(i); i++)
            RekonqWindow * newRekonqWindow = app.newWindow(false);
            if (newRekonqWindow->restore(i))
    return app.exec();