/* ============================================================ * * This file is a part of the rekonq project * * Copyright (C) 2009-2011 by Andrea Diamantini * Copyright (C) 2010 by Matthieu Gicquel * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version * accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved * by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy * defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * ============================================================ */ // Self Includes #include "newtabpage.h" #include "newtabpage.moc" // Auto Includes #include "rekonq.h" // Local Includes #include "application.h" #include "bookmarkprovider.h" #include "historymodels.h" #include "mainview.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "websnap.h" #include "webpage.h" #include "webtab.h" // KDE Includes #include #include #include #include #include // Qt Includes #include #include #include NewTabPage::NewTabPage(QWebFrame *frame) : QObject(frame) , m_root(frame->documentElement()) { QString htmlFilePath = KStandardDirs::locate("data", "rekonq/htmls/home.html"); QString imagesPath = QL1S("file://") + KGlobal::dirs()->findResourceDir("data", "rekonq/pics/bg.png") + QL1S("rekonq/pics"); QFile file(htmlFilePath); bool isOpened = file.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly); if (!isOpened) { kDebug() << "Couldn't open the home.html file"; } else { m_html = file.readAll(); m_html.replace(QL1S("%2"), imagesPath); } } NewTabPage::~NewTabPage() { } void NewTabPage::generate(const KUrl &url) { if (KUrl("about:preview").isParentOf(url)) { if (url.fileName() == QL1S("add")) { QStringList names = ReKonfig::previewNames(); QStringList urls = ReKonfig::previewUrls(); names.append(""); urls.append(""); ReKonfig::setPreviewNames(names); ReKonfig::setPreviewUrls(urls); // Why doesn't it work well ? // m_root.appendInside(emptyPreview(names.length() - 1)); // Replacing with this : generate(KUrl("about:favorites")); return; } if (url.directory() == QL1S("preview/remove")) { removePreview(url.fileName().toInt()); return; } if (url.directory() == QL1S("preview/modify")) { int index = url.fileName().toInt(); rApp->mainWindow()->currentTab()->createPreviewSelectorBar(index); return; } } if (url.fileName() == QL1S("clear")) { rApp->mainWindow()->actionByName("clear_private_data")->trigger(); generate( QL1S("about:") + url.directory() ); return; } if (url == KUrl("about:bookmarks/edit")) { rApp->bookmarkProvider()->bookmarkManager()->slotEditBookmarks(); return; } WebPage *page = qobject_cast (m_root.webFrame()->page()); page->mainFrame()->setHtml(m_html); page->setIsOnRekonqPage(true); m_root = page->mainFrame()->documentElement().findFirst( QL1S("#content") ); browsingMenu(url); QString title; QByteArray encodedUrl = url.toEncoded(); if (encodedUrl == QByteArray("about:favorites")) { favoritesPage(); title = i18n("Favorites"); } else if (encodedUrl == QByteArray("about:closedTabs")) { closedTabsPage(); title = i18n("Closed Tabs"); } else if (encodedUrl == QByteArray("about:history")) { historyPage(); title = i18n("History"); } else if (encodedUrl == QByteArray("about:bookmarks")) { bookmarksPage(); title = i18n("Bookmarks"); } else if (encodedUrl == QByteArray("about:downloads")) { downloadsPage(); title = i18n("Downloads"); } m_root.document().findFirst( QL1S("title") ).setPlainText(title); } void NewTabPage::favoritesPage() { m_root.addClass( QL1S("favorites") ); const QWebElement add = createLinkItem(i18n("Add Favorite"), QL1S("about:preview/add"), QL1S("list-add"), KIconLoader::Toolbar); m_root.document().findFirst("#actions").appendInside(add); QStringList names = ReKonfig::previewNames(); QStringList urls = ReKonfig::previewUrls(); if (urls.isEmpty()) { m_root.addClass( QL1S("empty") ); m_root.setPlainText(i18n("You can add a favorite by clicking the \"Add Favorite\" button in the top-right corner of this page")); return; } for (int i = 0; i < urls.count() ; ++i) { KUrl url = KUrl(urls.at(i)); QWebElement prev; if (url.isEmpty()) prev = emptyPreview(i); else if (!WebSnap::existsImage(url)) prev = loadingPreview(i, url); else prev = validPreview(i, url, names.at(i)); setupPreview(prev, i); m_root.appendInside(prev); } } QWebElement NewTabPage::emptyPreview(int index) { QWebElement prev = markup( QL1S(".thumbnail") ); prev.findFirst( QL1S(".preview img") ).setAttribute( QL1S("src") , QL1S("file:///") + KIconLoader::global()->iconPath("insert-image", KIconLoader::Desktop)); prev.findFirst( QL1S("span a") ).setPlainText(i18n("Set a Preview...")); prev.findFirst( QL1S("a") ).setAttribute( QL1S("href"), QL1S("about:preview/modify/") + QVariant(index).toString()); setupPreview(prev, index); //hideControls(prev); return prev; } QWebElement NewTabPage::loadingPreview(int index, const KUrl &url) { QWebElement prev = markup( QL1S(".thumbnail") ); prev.findFirst( QL1S(".preview img") ).setAttribute( QL1S("src"), QL1S("file:///") + KStandardDirs::locate("appdata", "pics/busywidget.gif")); prev.findFirst( QL1S("span a") ).setPlainText(i18n("Loading Preview...")); prev.findFirst( QL1S("a") ).setAttribute( QL1S("href"), url.toMimeDataString()); setupPreview(prev, index); showControls(prev); // NOTE: we need the page frame for two reasons // 1) to link to the WebPage calling the snapFinished slot // 2) to "auto-destroy" snaps on tab closing :) QWebFrame *frame = qobject_cast(parent()); WebSnap *snap = new WebSnap(url, frame); connect(snap, SIGNAL(snapDone(bool)), frame->page(), SLOT(updateImage(bool)), Qt::UniqueConnection); return prev; } QWebElement NewTabPage::validPreview(int index, const KUrl &url, const QString &title) { QWebElement prev = markup( QL1S(".thumbnail") ); QString previewPath = QL1S("file://") + WebSnap::imagePathFromUrl(url); prev.findFirst( QL1S(".preview img") ).setAttribute( QL1S("src") , previewPath); prev.findFirst( QL1S("a") ).setAttribute( QL1S("href"), url.toMimeDataString()); prev.findFirst( QL1S("span a") ).setAttribute( QL1S("href"), url.toMimeDataString()); prev.findFirst( QL1S("span a") ).setPlainText(checkTitle(title)); setupPreview(prev, index); showControls(prev); return prev; } void NewTabPage::hideControls(QWebElement e) { e.findFirst( QL1S(".remove") ).setStyleProperty( QL1S("visibility"), QL1S("hidden") ); e.findFirst( QL1S(".modify") ).setStyleProperty( QL1S("visibility"), QL1S("hidden") ); } void NewTabPage::showControls(QWebElement e) { e.findFirst( QL1S(".remove") ).setStyleProperty( QL1S("visibility"), QL1S("visible") ); e.findFirst( QL1S(".modify") ).setStyleProperty( QL1S("visibility"), QL1S("visible") ); } void NewTabPage::setupPreview(QWebElement e, int index) { e.findFirst( QL1S(".remove img") ).setAttribute( QL1S("src"), QL1S("file:///") + KIconLoader::global()->iconPath("edit-delete", KIconLoader::DefaultState)); e.findFirst( QL1S(".remove") ).setAttribute( QL1S("title"), QL1S("Remove favorite")); e.findFirst( QL1S(".modify img") ).setAttribute( QL1S("src"), QL1S("file:///") + KIconLoader::global()->iconPath("insert-image", KIconLoader::DefaultState)); e.findFirst( QL1S(".modify") ).setAttribute( QL1S("title"), QL1S("Set new favorite")); e.findFirst( QL1S(".modify") ).setAttribute( QL1S("href"), QL1S("about:preview/modify/") + QVariant(index).toString() ); e.findFirst( QL1S(".remove") ).setAttribute( QL1S("href"), QL1S("about:preview/remove/") + QVariant(index).toString() ); e.setAttribute( QL1S("id"), QL1S("preview") + QVariant(index).toString()); } void NewTabPage::snapFinished() { // Update page, but only if open if (m_root.document().findAll( QL1S("#rekonq-newtabpage") ).count() == 0) return; if (m_root.findAll( QL1S(".favorites") ).count() == 0 && m_root.findAll( QL1S(".closedTabs") ).count() == 0) return; QStringList urls = ReKonfig::previewUrls(); QStringList names = ReKonfig::previewNames(); for (int i = 0; i < urls.count(); i++) { KUrl url = KUrl(urls.at(i)); QString title = names.at(i); if (WebSnap::existsImage(url)) { QWebElement prev = m_root.findFirst( QL1S("#preview") + QVariant(i).toString()); if (KUrl(prev.findFirst("a").attribute( QL1S("href") )) == url) { QWebElement newPrev = validPreview(i, url, title); if (m_root.findAll( QL1S(".closedTabs") ).count() != 0) hideControls(newPrev); prev.replace(newPrev); } } } } void NewTabPage::removePreview(int index) { QStringList names = ReKonfig::previewNames(); QStringList urls = ReKonfig::previewUrls(); urls.removeAt(index); names.removeAt(index); ReKonfig::setPreviewNames(names); ReKonfig::setPreviewUrls(urls); generate(KUrl("about:favorites")); ReKonfig::self()->writeConfig(); } void NewTabPage::browsingMenu(const KUrl ¤tUrl) { QList navItems; // Favorites navItems.append(createLinkItem(i18n("Favorites"), QL1S("about:favorites"), QL1S("emblem-favorite"), KIconLoader::Toolbar)); // Closed Tabs navItems.append(createLinkItem(i18n("Closed Tabs"), QL1S("about:closedTabs"), QL1S("tab-close"), KIconLoader::Toolbar)); // Bookmarks navItems.append(createLinkItem(i18n("Bookmarks"), QL1S("about:bookmarks"), QL1S("bookmarks"), KIconLoader::Toolbar)); // History navItems.append(createLinkItem(i18n("History"), QL1S("about:history"), QL1S("view-history"), KIconLoader::Toolbar)); // Downloads navItems.append(createLinkItem(i18n("Downloads"), QL1S("about:downloads"), QL1S("download"), KIconLoader::Toolbar)); foreach(QWebElement it, navItems) { const QString aTagString( QL1C('a') ); const QString hrefAttributeString(QL1S("href")); if (it.findFirst(aTagString).attribute(hrefAttributeString) == currentUrl.toMimeDataString()) it.addClass( QL1S("current") ); else if (currentUrl == QL1S("about:home") && it.findFirst(aTagString).attribute(hrefAttributeString) == QL1S("about:favorites")) it.addClass( QL1S("current") ); m_root.document().findFirst( QL1S("#navigation") ).appendInside(it); } } void NewTabPage::historyPage() { m_root.addClass( QL1S("history") ); const QWebElement clearData = createLinkItem(i18n("Clear Private Data"), QL1S("about:history/clear"), QL1S("edit-clear"), KIconLoader::Toolbar); m_root.document().findFirst( QL1S("#actions") ).appendInside(clearData); HistoryTreeModel *model = rApp->historyManager()->historyTreeModel(); if (model->rowCount() == 0) { m_root.addClass( QL1S("empty") ); m_root.setPlainText(i18n("Your browsing history is empty")); return; } int i = 0; QString faviconsDir = KStandardDirs::locateLocal("cache" , "favicons/" , true); QString icon = QL1S("file://") + KGlobal::dirs()->findResource("icon", "oxygen/16x16/mimetypes/text-html.png"); do { QModelIndex index = model->index(i, 0, QModelIndex()); if (model->hasChildren(index)) { m_root.appendInside(markup( QL1S("h3") )); m_root.lastChild().setPlainText(index.data().toString()); for (int j = 0; j < model->rowCount(index); ++j) { QModelIndex son = model->index(j, 0, index); KUrl u = son.data(HistoryModel::UrlStringRole).toUrl(); QString b = faviconsDir + u.host() + QL1S(".png"); if( QFile::exists(b) ) icon = QL1S("file://") + b; m_root.appendInside(son.data(HistoryModel::DateTimeRole).toDateTime().toString("hh:mm")); m_root.appendInside( QL1S(" ") ); m_root.appendInside(markup( QL1S("img") )); m_root.lastChild().setAttribute( QL1S("src"), icon); m_root.lastChild().setAttribute( QL1S("width"), QL1S("16")); m_root.lastChild().setAttribute( QL1S("height"), QL1S("16")); m_root.appendInside( QL1S(" ") ); m_root.appendInside(markup( QL1S("a") )); m_root.lastChild().setAttribute( QL1S("href") , u.url()); m_root.lastChild().appendInside(son.data().toString()); m_root.appendInside( QL1S("
") ); } } i++; } while (model->hasIndex(i , 0 , QModelIndex())); } void NewTabPage::bookmarksPage() { m_root.addClass( QL1S("bookmarks") ); const QWebElement editBookmarks = createLinkItem(i18n("Edit Bookmarks"), QL1S("about:bookmarks/edit"), QL1S("bookmarks-organize"), KIconLoader::Toolbar); m_root.document().findFirst( QL1S("#actions") ).appendInside(editBookmarks); KBookmarkGroup bookGroup = rApp->bookmarkProvider()->rootGroup(); if (bookGroup.isNull()) { m_root.addClass( QL1S("empty") ); m_root.setPlainText(i18n("You have no bookmarks")); return; } KBookmark bookmark = bookGroup.first(); while (!bookmark.isNull()) { createBookItem(bookmark, m_root); bookmark = bookGroup.next(bookmark); } } void NewTabPage::createBookItem(const KBookmark &bookmark, QWebElement parent) { QString cacheDir = QL1S("file://") + KStandardDirs::locateLocal("cache" , "" , true); QString icon = QL1S("file://") + KGlobal::dirs()->findResource("icon", "oxygen/16x16/mimetypes/text-html.png"); if (bookmark.isGroup()) { KBookmarkGroup group = bookmark.toGroup(); KBookmark bm = group.first(); parent.appendInside(markup( QL1S("h3") )); parent.lastChild().setPlainText(group.fullText()); parent.appendInside(markup( QL1S(".bookfolder") )); while (!bm.isNull()) { createBookItem(bm, parent.lastChild()); // it is .bookfolder bm = group.next(bm); } } else if (bookmark.isSeparator()) { parent.appendInside( QL1S("
") ); } else { QString b = bookmark.icon(); if(b.contains( QL1S("favicons") )) icon = cacheDir + bookmark.icon() + QL1S(".png"); parent.appendInside(markup( QL1S("img") )); parent.lastChild().setAttribute( QL1S("src") , icon); parent.lastChild().setAttribute( QL1S("width") , QL1S("16")); parent.lastChild().setAttribute( QL1S("height") , QL1S("16")); parent.appendInside( QL1S(" ") ); parent.appendInside(markup( QL1S("a") )); parent.lastChild().setAttribute( QL1S("href") , bookmark.url().prettyUrl()); parent.lastChild().setPlainText(bookmark.fullText()); parent.appendInside( QL1S("
") ); } } void NewTabPage::closedTabsPage() { m_root.addClass( QL1S("closedTabs") ); QList links = rApp->mainWindow()->mainView()->recentlyClosedTabs(); if (links.isEmpty()) { m_root.addClass( QL1S("empty") ); m_root.setPlainText(i18n("There are no recently closed tabs")); return; } for (int i = 0; i < links.count(); ++i) { HistoryItem item = links.at(i); QWebElement prev; if (item.url.isEmpty()) continue; prev = WebSnap::existsImage(KUrl(item.url)) ? validPreview(i, item.url, item.title) : loadingPreview(i, item.url); prev.setAttribute( QL1S("id"), QL1S("preview") + QVariant(i).toString()); hideControls(prev); m_root.appendInside(prev); } } QString NewTabPage::checkTitle(const QString &title) { QString t(title); if (t.length() > 23) { t.truncate(20); t += QL1S("..."); } return t; } void NewTabPage::downloadsPage() { m_root.addClass( QL1S("downloads") ); const QWebElement clearData = createLinkItem(i18n("Clear Private Data"), QL1S("about:downloads/clear"), QL1S("edit-clear"), KIconLoader::Toolbar); m_root.document().findFirst( QL1S("#actions") ).appendInside(clearData); DownloadList list = rApp->downloads(); if (list.isEmpty()) { m_root.addClass( QL1S("empty") ); m_root.setPlainText(i18n("There are no recently downloaded files to show")); return; } foreach(const DownloadItem &item, list) { m_root.prependInside(markup( QL1S("div") )); QWebElement div = m_root.firstChild(); div.addClass( QL1S("download") ); KUrl u = KUrl(item.destUrlString); QString fName = u.fileName(); QString dir = QL1S("file://") + u.directory(); QString file = dir + QL1C('/') + fName; KIconLoader *loader = KIconLoader::global(); QString iconPath = QL1S("file://") + loader->iconPath(KMimeType::iconNameForUrl(u), KIconLoader::Desktop); div.appendInside(markup( QL1S("img") )); div.lastChild().setAttribute( QL1S("src"), iconPath); div.appendInside( QL1S("") + fName + QL1S("") ); div.appendInside( QL1S(" - ") ); QString date = KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(item.dateTime, KLocale::FancyLongDate); div.appendInside( QL1S("") + date + QL1S("") ); div.appendInside( QL1S("
") ); div.appendInside( QL1S("") ); div.appendInside( QL1S("
") ); div.appendInside(markup( QL1S("a") )); div.lastChild().setAttribute( QL1S("href"), dir); div.lastChild().setPlainText(i18n("Open directory")); div.appendInside( QL1S(" - ") ); div.appendInside(markup( QL1S("a") )); div.lastChild().setAttribute( QL1S("href"), file); div.lastChild().setPlainText(i18n("Open file")); } } QWebElement NewTabPage::createLinkItem(const QString &title, const QString &urlString, const QString &iconPath, int groupOrSize) const { const KIconLoader * const loader = KIconLoader::global(); QWebElement nav = markup( QL1S(".link") ); nav.findFirst( QL1S("a") ).setAttribute( QL1S("href"), urlString); nav.findFirst( QL1S("img") ).setAttribute( QL1S("src"), QL1S("file://") + loader->iconPath(iconPath, groupOrSize)); nav.findFirst( QL1S("span") ).appendInside(title); return nav; }