/* ============================================================
* This file is a part of the rekonq project
* Copyright (C) 2009-2012 by Andrea Diamantini <adjam7 at gmail dot com>
* Copyright (C) 2009 by Yoram Bar-Haim <<yoram.b at zend dot com>
* Copyright (C) 2009-2011 by Lionel Chauvin <megabigbug@yahoo.fr>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
* the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version
* accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved
* by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy
* defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* ============================================================ */

// Self Includes
#include "sessionmanager.h"
#include "sessionmanager.moc"

// Local Includes
#include "application.h"
#include "autosaver.h"
#include "tabhistory.h"

#include "tabwindow.h"
#include "tabbar.h"

#include "webwindow.h"
#include "webpage.h"

// KDE Includes
#include <KStandardDirs>
#include <KUrl>

// Qt Includes
#include <QFile>
#include <QDomDocument>

// Only used internally
bool readSessionDocument(QDomDocument & document, const QString & sessionFilePath)
    QFile sessionFile(sessionFilePath);

    if (!sessionFile.exists())
        return false;

    if (!sessionFile.open(QFile::ReadOnly))
        kDebug() << "Unable to open session file" << sessionFile.fileName();
        return false;

    if (!document.setContent(&sessionFile, false))
        kDebug() << "Unable to parse session file" << sessionFile.fileName();
        return false;

    return true;

int loadTabs(TabWindow *tw, QDomElement & window, bool useFirstTab, bool justThePinnedOnes = false)
    int currentTab = 0;

    for (unsigned int tabNo = 0; tabNo < window.elementsByTagName("tab").length(); tabNo++)
        QDomElement tab = window.elementsByTagName("tab").at(tabNo).toElement();
        bool tabIsPinned = tab.hasAttribute("pinned");
        kDebug() << "Tab #" << tabNo <<  " is pinned? " << tabIsPinned;

        if (!justThePinnedOnes || tabIsPinned)
            if (tab.hasAttribute("currentTab"))
                currentTab = tabNo;

            KUrl u = KUrl(tab.attribute("url"));

            TabHistory tabHistory;
            tabHistory.title = tab.attribute("title");
            tabHistory.url = tab.attribute("url");
            QDomCDATASection historySection = tab.firstChild().toCDATASection();
            tabHistory.history = QByteArray::fromBase64(historySection.data().toAscii());

            if (tabNo == 0 && useFirstTab)
                tw->loadUrl(u, Rekonq::CurrentTab, &tabHistory);
                tw->loadUrl(u, Rekonq::NewTab, &tabHistory);

            if (tabIsPinned)
                tw->tabBar()->setTabData(tabNo, true);
                if (tw->tabBar()->tabButton(tabNo, QTabBar::RightSide))
                    tw->tabBar()->tabButton(tabNo, QTabBar::RightSide)->hide(); // NOTE: this is not good here: where is its proper place?

    return currentTab;

bool areTherePinnedTabs(QDomElement & window)
    bool b = false;

    for (unsigned int tabNo = 0; tabNo < window.elementsByTagName("tab").length(); tabNo++)
        QDomElement tab = window.elementsByTagName("tab").at(tabNo).toElement();
        b = tab.hasAttribute("pinned");
        if (b)
            return true;

    return b;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

QWeakPointer<SessionManager> SessionManager::s_sessionManager;

SessionManager *SessionManager::self()
    if (s_sessionManager.isNull())
        s_sessionManager = new SessionManager(qApp);
    return s_sessionManager.data();

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

SessionManager::SessionManager(QObject *parent)
    : QObject(parent)
    , m_safe(true)
    , m_isSessionEnabled(false)
    , m_saveTimer(new AutoSaver(this))
    // AutoSaver. Save your hd from frying...
    connect(m_saveTimer, SIGNAL(saveNeeded()), this, SLOT(save()));

    m_sessionFilePath = KStandardDirs::locateLocal("appdata" , "session");

void SessionManager::saveSession()
    if (!m_isSessionEnabled)


void SessionManager::save()
    if (!m_isSessionEnabled || !m_safe)

    m_safe = false;

    kDebug() << "SAVING SESSION...";

    QFile sessionFile(m_sessionFilePath);
    if (!sessionFile.open(QFile::WriteOnly | QFile::Truncate))
        kDebug() << "Unable to open session file" << sessionFile.fileName();
    TabWindowList wl = rApp->tabWindowList();
    QDomDocument document("session");
    QDomElement session = document.createElement("session");

    Q_FOREACH(const QWeakPointer<TabWindow> &w, wl)
        QDomElement window = document.createElement("window");
        int tabInserted = 0;

        window.setAttribute("name", w.data()->objectName());

        for (signed int tabNo = 0; tabNo < w.data()->count(); tabNo++)
            KUrl u = w.data()->webWindow(tabNo)->url();

            QDomElement tab = document.createElement("tab");
            tab.setAttribute("title", w.data()->webWindow(tabNo)->title()); // redundant, but needed for closedSites()
            // as there's not way to read out the historyData
            tab.setAttribute("url", u.url());
            if (w.data()->currentIndex() == tabNo)
                tab.setAttribute("currentTab", 1);
            if (w.data()->tabBar()->tabData(tabNo).toBool()) // pinned tab info
                tab.setAttribute("pinned", 1);
            QByteArray history;
            QDataStream historyStream(&history, QIODevice::ReadWrite);
            historyStream << *(w.data()->webWindow(tabNo)->page()->history());
            QDomCDATASection historySection = document.createCDATASection(history.toBase64());

        if (tabInserted > 0)

    QTextStream TextStream(&sessionFile);
    document.save(TextStream, 2);

    m_safe = true;

bool SessionManager::restoreSessionFromScratch()
    QDomDocument document("session");

    if (!readSessionDocument(document, m_sessionFilePath))
        return false;

    for (unsigned int winNo = 0; winNo < document.elementsByTagName("window").length(); winNo++)
        QDomElement window = document.elementsByTagName("window").at(winNo).toElement();

        TabWindow *tw = rApp->newTabWindow();

        int currentTab = loadTabs(tw, window, true, false);


    return true;

bool SessionManager::restoreJustThePinnedTabs()
    QDomDocument document("session");

    if (!readSessionDocument(document, m_sessionFilePath))
        return false;

    bool done = false;
    for (unsigned int winNo = 0; winNo < document.elementsByTagName("window").length(); winNo++)
        QDomElement window = document.elementsByTagName("window").at(winNo).toElement();

        if (!areTherePinnedTabs(window))

        done = true;
        TabWindow *tw = rApp->newTabWindow(false);

        int currentTab = loadTabs(tw, window, false, true);


    return done;

void SessionManager::restoreCrashedSession()
    QDomDocument document("session");

    if (!readSessionDocument(document, m_sessionFilePath))

    for (unsigned int winNo = 0; winNo < document.elementsByTagName("window").length(); winNo++)
        QDomElement window = document.elementsByTagName("window").at(winNo).toElement();

        TabWindow *tw = (winNo == 0)
                        ? rApp->tabWindow()
                        : rApp->newTabWindow();

        KUrl u = tw->currentWebWindow()->url();
        bool useCurrentTab = (u.isEmpty() || u.protocol() == QL1S("about"));
        int currentTab = loadTabs(tw, window, useCurrentTab);



bool SessionManager::restoreTabWindow(TabWindow* window)
    QDomDocument document("session");

    if (!readSessionDocument(document, m_sessionFilePath))
        return false;

    unsigned int winNo;

    for (winNo = 0; winNo < document.elementsByTagName("window").length(); winNo++)
        QDomElement savedWindowElement = document.elementsByTagName("window").at(winNo).toElement();

        if (window->objectName() != savedWindowElement.attribute("name", ""))

        int currentTab = loadTabs(window, savedWindowElement, false);


        return true;

    return false;

QList<TabHistory> SessionManager::closedSitesForWindow(const QString &windowName)
    QList<TabHistory> list;
    QDomDocument document("session");

    if (!readSessionDocument(document, m_sessionFilePath))
        return list;

    for (unsigned int winNo = 0; winNo < document.elementsByTagName("tab").length(); winNo++)
        QDomElement windowElement = document.elementsByTagName("window").at(winNo).toElement();

        if (windowName != windowElement.attribute("name", ""))
        for (unsigned int tabNo = 0; tabNo < windowElement.elementsByTagName("tab").length(); tabNo++)
            QDomElement tab = windowElement.elementsByTagName("tab").at(tabNo).toElement();

            TabHistory tabHistory;

            tabHistory.title = tab.attribute("title");
            tabHistory.url = tab.attribute("url");

            QDomCDATASection historySection = tab.firstChild().toCDATASection();
            tabHistory.history = QByteArray::fromBase64(historySection.data().toAscii());

            list << tabHistory;
        return list;

    return list;