/* ============================================================
* This file is a part of the rekonq project
* Copyright (C) 2009 by Andrea Diamantini <adjam7 at gmail dot com>
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
* the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version
* accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved
* by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy
* defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* ============================================================ */

// Self Includes
#include "urlresolver.h"

// Local Includes
#include "application.h"
#include "historymanager.h"
#include "bookmarkprovider.h"
#include "searchengine.h"

// KDE Includes
#include <KBookmark>
#include <KUriFilter>
#include <KCompletion>
#include <KService>
#include <KConfig>
#include <KConfigGroup>

// Qt Includes
#include <QByteArray>

// defines
#define MAX_ELEMENTS 10

// default kurifilter plugin list (at least in my box):
// 1. "kshorturifilter"
// 2. "kurisearchfilter"
// 3. "localdomainurifilter"
// 4 ."kuriikwsfilter"
// 5. "fixhosturifilter"

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

QRegExp UrlResolver::_browseRegexp;
QRegExp UrlResolver::_searchEnginesRegexp;

UrlResolver::UrlResolver(const QString &typedUrl)
        : QObject()
        , _typedString(typedUrl.trimmed())
    if ( _browseRegexp.isEmpty() )
        kDebug() << "browse regexp empty. Setting value..";

        QString protocol = "^(http://|https://|file://|ftp://|man:|info:|apt:)";

        QString localhost = "^localhost";

        QString local = "^/";

        QString ipv4 = "^0*([1-9]?\\d|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])\\.0*([1-9]?\\d|1\\d\\d|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])"\

        QString ipv6 = "^([0-9a-fA-F]{4}|0)(\\:([0-9a-fA-F]{4}|0)){7}";

        QString address = "[\\d\\w-.]+\\.(a[cdefgilmnoqrstuwz]|b[abdefghijmnorstvwyz]|"\

        _browseRegexp = QRegExp('(' + protocol + ")|(" + localhost + ")|(" + local + ")|(" + address + ")|(" + ipv6 + ")|(" + ipv4 +')');

    if ( _searchEnginesRegexp.isEmpty() )
        QString reg;
        QString engineUrl;
        Q_FOREACH(KService::Ptr s, SearchEngine::favorites())
            engineUrl = QRegExp::escape(s->property("Query").toString()).replace("\\\\\\{@\\}","[\\d\\w-.]+");
            if (reg.isEmpty())
                reg = '(' + engineUrl + ')';
                reg = reg + "|(" + engineUrl + ')';
        _searchEnginesRegexp = QRegExp(reg);

UrlSearchList UrlResolver::orderedSearchItems()
    if( _typedString == QL1S("about:") )
        UrlSearchList list;
        UrlSearchItem home(UrlSearchItem::Browse, QString("about:home"),       QL1S("home") );
        list << home;
        UrlSearchItem favs(UrlSearchItem::Browse, QString("about:favorites"),  QL1S("favorites") );
        list << favs;
        UrlSearchItem clos(UrlSearchItem::Browse, QString("about:closedTabs"), QL1S("closed tabs") );
        list << clos;
        UrlSearchItem book(UrlSearchItem::Browse, QString("about:bookmarks"),  QL1S("bookmarks") );
        list << book;
        UrlSearchItem hist(UrlSearchItem::Browse, QString("about:history"),    QL1S("history") );
        list << hist;
        UrlSearchItem down(UrlSearchItem::Browse, QString("about:downloads"),  QL1S("downloads") );
        list << down;

        return list;

    _computedListsCount = 0;

    //compute lists

    QTime time;

    while (_computedListsCount < 5 && time.msec() < 1000)
        Application::instance()->processEvents(QEventLoop::WaitForMoreEvents | QEventLoop::ExcludeUserInputEvents);

    return orderLists();

UrlSearchList UrlResolver::orderLists()
    // NOTE
    // the logic here is : "we wanna suggest (at least) 10 elements"
    // so we have (more or less) 2 from first results (1 from QUrl Resolutions, 1 from
    // search engines).
    // There are 8 remaining: if bookmarkResults + historyResults <= 8, catch all, else
    // catch first 4 results from the two resulting lists :)

    QTime myTime;

    UrlSearchList list;

    if(_browseRegexp.indexIn(_typedString) != -1)
        list << _qurlFromUserInput;
        list << _webSearches;
        list << _webSearches;
        list << _qurlFromUserInput;

    //find the history items that match the typed string
    UrlSearchItem privileged = privilegedItem(&_history);
    int historyCount = _history.count();

    //find the bookmarks items that match the typed string
    if (privileged.type == UrlSearchItem::Undefined)
        privileged = privilegedItem(&_bookmarks);
    else if(privileged.type == UrlSearchItem::History && _bookmarks.removeOne(privileged))
        privileged.type |= UrlSearchItem::Bookmark;
    int bookmarksCount = _bookmarks.count();

    if (privileged.type != UrlSearchItem::Undefined)

    int availableEntries = MAX_ELEMENTS - list.count() - MIN_SUGGESTIONS;

    UrlSearchList common;
    int commonCount = 0;

    //prefer items which are history items als well bookmarks item
    //if there are more than 1000 bookmark results, the performance impact is noticeable
    if(bookmarksCount < 1000)
        //add as many items to the common list as there are available entries in the dropdown list
        UrlSearchItem urlSearchItem;
        for(int i = 0; i < _history.count(); i++)
            if (_bookmarks.removeOne(_history.at(i)))
                urlSearchItem = _history.takeAt(i);
                urlSearchItem.type |= UrlSearchItem::Bookmark;
                common << urlSearchItem;
                if(commonCount >= availableEntries)

        commonCount = common.count();
        if(commonCount >= availableEntries)
            common = common.mid(0, availableEntries);
            _history = UrlSearchList();
            _bookmarks = UrlSearchList();
            availableEntries = 0;
        else        //remove all items from the history and bookmarks list up to the remaining entries in the dropdown list
            availableEntries -= commonCount;
            if(historyCount >= availableEntries)
                _history = _history.mid(0, availableEntries);
            if(bookmarksCount >= availableEntries)
                _bookmarks = _bookmarks.mid(0, availableEntries);
    else        //if there are too many bookmarks items, remove all items up to the remaining entries in the dropdown list

        if(historyCount >= availableEntries)
            _history = _history.mid(0, availableEntries);
        if(bookmarksCount >= availableEntries)
            _bookmarks = _bookmarks.mid(0, availableEntries);

        UrlSearchItem urlSearchItem;
        for(int i = 0; i < _history.count(); i++)
            if (_bookmarks.removeOne(_history.at(i)))
                urlSearchItem = _history.takeAt(i);
                urlSearchItem.type |= UrlSearchItem::Bookmark;
                common << urlSearchItem;

        availableEntries -= common.count();

    historyCount = _history.count();
    bookmarksCount = _bookmarks.count();
    commonCount = common.count();

    //now fill the list to MAX_ELEMENTS
    if(availableEntries > 0)
        int historyEntries = ((int) (availableEntries / 2)) + availableEntries % 2;
        int bookmarksEntries = availableEntries - historyEntries;

        if (historyCount >= historyEntries && bookmarksCount >= bookmarksEntries)
            _history = _history.mid(0, historyEntries);
            _bookmarks = _bookmarks.mid(0, bookmarksEntries);
        else if (historyCount < historyEntries && bookmarksCount >= bookmarksEntries)
            if(historyCount + bookmarksCount > availableEntries)
                _bookmarks = _bookmarks.mid(0, availableEntries - historyCount);
        else if (historyCount >= historyEntries && bookmarksCount < bookmarksEntries)
            if(historyCount + bookmarksCount > availableEntries)
                _history = _history.mid(0, availableEntries - bookmarksCount);

    availableEntries -=  _history.count();
    availableEntries -=  _bookmarks.count();

    if (_suggestions.count() > availableEntries + MIN_SUGGESTIONS)
        _suggestions = _suggestions.mid(0, availableEntries + MIN_SUGGESTIONS);

    list = list + _history + common + _bookmarks + _suggestions;
    qWarning() << "orderedSearchItems leave: " << " elapsed: " << myTime.elapsed();

    return list;


//QUrl from User Input (easily the best solution... )
void UrlResolver::computeQurlFromUserInput()
    QString url = _typedString;
    QUrl urlFromUserInput = QUrl::fromUserInput(url);
    if (urlFromUserInput.isValid())
        QString gTitle = i18nc("Browse a website", "Browse");
        UrlSearchItem gItem(UrlSearchItem::Browse, urlFromUserInput.toString(), gTitle);
        _qurlFromUserInput << gItem;


void UrlResolver::computeWebSearches()
    _webSearches = (UrlSearchList() << UrlSearchItem(UrlSearchItem::Search, QString(), QString()));

void UrlResolver::computeHistory()
    QList<HistoryItem> found = Application::historyManager()->find(_typedString);

    Q_FOREACH(const HistoryItem &i, found)
        if (_searchEnginesRegexp.indexIn(i.url) == -1) //filter all urls that are search engine results
            UrlSearchItem gItem(UrlSearchItem::History, i.url, i.title);
            _history << gItem;


// bookmarks
void UrlResolver::computeBookmarks()
    QList<KBookmark> found = Application::bookmarkProvider()->find(_typedString);

    Q_FOREACH(const KBookmark &b, found)
        UrlSearchItem gItem(UrlSearchItem::Bookmark, b.url().url(), b.fullText());
        _bookmarks << gItem;


//opensearch suggestion
void UrlResolver::computeSuggestions()
    if (Application::opensearchManager()->isSuggestionAvailable())
                SIGNAL(suggestionReceived(const QStringList &)),
                SLOT(suggestionsReceived(const QStringList &)));


void UrlResolver::suggestionsReceived(const QStringList &suggestion)

    foreach (QString s, suggestion)
        UrlSearchItem gItem(UrlSearchItem::Suggestion, s, s);
        _suggestions << gItem;


UrlSearchItem UrlResolver::privilegedItem(UrlSearchList* list)
    UrlSearchItem item;
    QString dot = QString(QL1C('.'));
    QString test1 = QString(QL1C('/')) + _typedString + dot;
    QString test2 = dot + _typedString + dot;

    for(int i = 0; i<list->count(); i++)
        item = list->at(i);
        //kDebug() << item.url.host();
        //TODO: move this to AwesomeUrlCompletion::substringCompletion and add a priviledged flag to UrlSearchItem
        if (item.url.contains(test1) || item.url.contains(test2))
            return item;
    return UrlSearchItem();