/* * This file is part of the KDE project. * * Copyright (C) 2009 Dawit Alemayehu <adawit@kde.org> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ // Self Includes #include "websslinfo.h" // Qt Includes #include <QtCore/QUrl> #include <QtCore/QVariant> #include <QtNetwork/QHostAddress> #include <QtNetwork/QSslCertificate> class WebSslInfo::WebSslInfoPrivate { public: WebSslInfoPrivate() : usedCipherBits(0), supportedCipherBits(0) {} QUrl url; QString ciphers; QString protocol; QString certErrors; QHostAddress peerAddress; QHostAddress parentAddress; QList<QSslCertificate> certificateChain; int usedCipherBits; int supportedCipherBits; }; WebSslInfo::WebSslInfo() : d(new WebSslInfo::WebSslInfoPrivate) { } WebSslInfo::WebSslInfo(const WebSslInfo& other) : d(new WebSslInfo::WebSslInfoPrivate) { *this = other; } WebSslInfo::~WebSslInfo() { delete d; d = 0; } bool WebSslInfo::isValid() const { return !d->peerAddress.isNull(); } QUrl WebSslInfo::url() const { return d->url; } QHostAddress WebSslInfo::parentAddress() const { return d->parentAddress; } QHostAddress WebSslInfo::peerAddress() const { return d->peerAddress; } QString WebSslInfo::protocol() const { return d->protocol; } QString WebSslInfo::ciphers() const { return d->ciphers; } QString WebSslInfo::certificateErrors() const { return d->certErrors; } int WebSslInfo::supportedChiperBits() const { return d->supportedCipherBits; } int WebSslInfo::usedChiperBits() const { return d->usedCipherBits; } QList<QSslCertificate> WebSslInfo::certificateChain() const { return d->certificateChain; } WebSslInfo& WebSslInfo::operator=(const WebSslInfo & other) { d->ciphers = other.d->ciphers; d->protocol = other.d->protocol; d->certErrors = other.d->certErrors; d->peerAddress = other.d->peerAddress; d->parentAddress = other.d->parentAddress; d->certificateChain = other.d->certificateChain; d->usedCipherBits = other.d->usedCipherBits; d->supportedCipherBits = other.d->supportedCipherBits; d->url = other.d->url; return *this; } QVariant WebSslInfo::toMetaData() const { if (isValid()) { QMap<QString, QVariant> data; data.insert("ssl_in_use", true); data.insert("ssl_peer_ip", d->peerAddress.toString()); data.insert("ssl_parent_ip", d->parentAddress.toString()); data.insert("ssl_protocol_version", d->protocol); data.insert("ssl_cipher", d->ciphers); data.insert("ssl_cert_errors", d->certErrors); data.insert("ssl_cipher_used_bits", d->usedCipherBits); data.insert("ssl_cipher_bits", d->supportedCipherBits); QByteArray certChain; Q_FOREACH(const QSslCertificate& cert, d->certificateChain) certChain += cert.toPem(); data.insert("ssl_peer_chain", certChain); return data; } return QVariant(); } void WebSslInfo::fromMetaData(const QVariant& value) { if (value.isValid() && value.type() == QVariant::Map) { QMap<QString, QVariant> metaData = value.toMap(); if (metaData.value("ssl_in_use", false).toBool()) { setCertificateChain(metaData.value("ssl_peer_chain").toByteArray()); setPeerAddress(metaData.value("ssl_peer_ip").toString()); setParentAddress(metaData.value("ssl_parent_ip").toString()); setProtocol(metaData.value("ssl_protocol_version").toString()); setCiphers(metaData.value("ssl_cipher").toString()); setCertificateErrors(metaData.value("ssl_cert_errors").toString()); setUsedCipherBits(metaData.value("ssl_cipher_used_bits").toString()); setSupportedCipherBits(metaData.value("ssl_cipher_bits").toString()); } } } void WebSslInfo::setUrl(const QUrl &url) { d->url = url; } void WebSslInfo::setPeerAddress(const QString& address) { d->peerAddress = address; } void WebSslInfo::setParentAddress(const QString& address) { d->parentAddress = address; } void WebSslInfo::setProtocol(const QString& protocol) { d->protocol = protocol; } void WebSslInfo::setCertificateChain(const QByteArray& chain) { d->certificateChain = QSslCertificate::fromData(chain); } void WebSslInfo::setCiphers(const QString& ciphers) { d->ciphers = ciphers; } void WebSslInfo::setUsedCipherBits(const QString& bits) { d->usedCipherBits = bits.toInt(); } void WebSslInfo::setSupportedCipherBits(const QString& bits) { d->supportedCipherBits = bits.toInt(); } void WebSslInfo::setCertificateErrors(const QString& certErrors) { d->certErrors = certErrors; }