/* ============================================================ * * This file is a part of the rekonq project * * Copyright (C) 2008-2010 by Andrea Diamantini <adjam7 at gmail dot com> * Copyright (C) 2009-2010 by Lionel Chauvin <megabigbug@yahoo.fr> * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version * accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved * by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy * defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * ============================================================ */ // Self Includes #include "webtab.h" #include "webtab.moc" // Auto Includes #include "rekonq.h" // Local Includes #include "application.h" #include "mainwindow.h" #include "mainview.h" #include "webpage.h" #include "bookmarksmanager.h" #include "walletbar.h" #include "previewselectorbar.h" // KDE Includes #include <KService> #include <KUriFilterData> #include <KStandardShortcut> #include <KMenu> #include <KActionMenu> #include <KWebView> #include <kwebwallet.h> #include <KDE/KMessageBox> // Qt Includes #include <QContextMenuEvent> #include <QWheelEvent> #include <QMouseEvent> #include <QClipboard> #include <QKeyEvent> #include <QAction> #include <QVBoxLayout> // Defines #define QL1S(x) QLatin1String(x) WebTab::WebTab(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent) , m_progress(0) { QVBoxLayout *l = new QVBoxLayout(this); l->setMargin(0); l->setSpacing(0); QWidget *messageBar = new QWidget(this); l->addWidget(messageBar); messageBar->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding,QSizePolicy::Minimum); QVBoxLayout *l2 = new QVBoxLayout(messageBar); l2->setMargin(0); l2->setSpacing(0); WebView *view = new WebView(this); l->addWidget(view); view->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Expanding); // fix focus handling setFocusProxy( view ); KWebWallet *wallet = view->page()->wallet(); if(wallet) { connect(wallet, SIGNAL(saveFormDataRequested(const QString &, const QUrl &)), this, SLOT(createWalletBar(const QString &, const QUrl &))); } connect(view, SIGNAL(loadProgress(int)), this, SLOT(updateProgress(int))); connect(view, SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), this, SLOT(loadFinished(bool))); } WebTab::~WebTab() { } WebView *WebTab::view() { WebView *view = qobject_cast<WebView *>( layout()->itemAt(1)->widget() ); return view; } WebPage *WebTab::page() { return view()->page(); } KUrl WebTab::url() { return KUrl( view()->url() ); } int WebTab::progress() { return m_progress; } void WebTab::updateProgress(int p) { m_progress = p; } void WebTab::loadFinished(bool) { m_progress = 0; } void WebTab::createWalletBar(const QString &key, const QUrl &url) { // check if the url is in the wallet blacklist QString urlString = url.toString(); QStringList blackList = ReKonfig::walletBlackList(); if( blackList.contains( urlString ) ) return; KWebWallet *wallet = page()->wallet(); QWidget *messageBar = layout()->itemAt(0)->widget(); WalletBar *walletBar = new WalletBar(messageBar); walletBar->onSaveFormData(key,url); messageBar->layout()->addWidget(walletBar); connect(walletBar, SIGNAL(saveFormDataAccepted(const QString &)), wallet, SLOT(acceptSaveFormDataRequest(const QString &))); connect(walletBar, SIGNAL(saveFormDataRejected(const QString &)), wallet, SLOT(rejectSaveFormDataRequest(const QString &))); } void WebTab::createPreviewSelectorBar(int index) { QWidget *messageBar = layout()->itemAt(0)->widget(); PreviewSelectorBar *bar = new PreviewSelectorBar(index, messageBar); messageBar->layout()->addWidget(bar); connect(page(), SIGNAL(loadStarted()), bar, SLOT(loadProgress())); connect(page(), SIGNAL(loadProgress(int)), bar, SLOT(loadProgress())); connect(page(), SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), bar, SLOT(loadFinished())); connect(page()->mainFrame(), SIGNAL(urlChanged(QUrl)), bar, SLOT(verifyUrl())); } bool WebTab::hasRSSInfo() { _rssList.clear(); QWebElementCollection col = page()->mainFrame()->findAllElements("link"); foreach(QWebElement el, col) { if( el.attribute("type") == QL1S("application/rss+xml") || el.attribute("type") == QL1S("application/rss+xml") ) _rssList << KUrl( el.attribute("href") ); } return !_rssList.isEmpty(); } void WebTab::showRSSInfo() { QString urlList = QString("Here are the rss link found: <br /><br />"); foreach(const KUrl &url, _rssList) { urlList += QString("<a href=\"") + url.url() + QString("\">") + url.url() + QString("</a><br />"); } urlList += QString("<br />Enough for now.. waiting for some cool akonadi based feeds management :)"); KMessageBox::information( view(), urlList, "RSS Management" ); }