/* ============================================================ * * This file is a part of the rekonq project * * Copyright (C) 2012 by Andrea Diamantini <adjam7 at gmail dot com> * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of * the License or (at your option) version 3 or any later version * accepted by the membership of KDE e.V. (or its successor approved * by the membership of KDE e.V.), which shall act as a proxy * defined in Section 14 of version 3 of the license. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * ============================================================ */ #include "webwindow.h" #include "webwindow.moc" #include "application.h" #include "adblockmanager.h" #include "bookmarkmanager.h" #include "iconmanager.h" #include "syncmanager.h" #include "useragentmanager.h" #include "webpage.h" #include "webtab.h" #include "bookmarkstoolbar.h" #include "rekonqfactory.h" #include "rekonqmenu.h" #include "settingsdialog.h" #include "urlbar.h" #include "websnap.h" // KDE Includes #include <KIO/Job> #include <KFileDialog> #include <KJobUiDelegate> #include <KMimeTypeTrader> #include <KTemporaryFile> #include <KUrl> #include <KToggleFullScreenAction> #include <KToolBar> #include <QLabel> #include <QStyle> #include <QTextDocument> #include <QTimer> #include <QWebFrame> #include <QWebView> #include <QWebHistory> #include <QVBoxLayout> WebWindow::WebWindow(QWidget *parent, WebPage *pg) : QWidget(parent) , _tab(new WebTab(this)) , _bar(new UrlBar(_tab)) , _mainToolBar(0) , _bookmarksBar(0) , m_loadStopReloadAction(0) , m_rekonqMenu(0) , m_popup(new QLabel(this)) , m_hidePopupTimer(new QTimer(this)) , _ac(new KActionCollection(this)) { if (pg) { _tab->view()->setPage(pg); pg->setParent(_tab->view()); } // then, setup our actions setupActions(); // setting up rekonq tools setupTools(); // main toolbar _mainToolBar = qobject_cast<KToolBar *>(RekonqFactory::createWidget(QL1S("mainToolBar"), this, actionCollection())); _bookmarksBar = qobject_cast<BookmarkToolBar *>(RekonqFactory::createWidget(QL1S("bookmarkToolBar"), this, actionCollection())); BookmarkManager::self()->registerBookmarkBar(_bookmarksBar); // layout QVBoxLayout *l = new QVBoxLayout(this); l->addWidget(_mainToolBar); l->addWidget(_bookmarksBar); l->addWidget(_tab); l->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); // things changed signals connect(_tab->view(), SIGNAL(titleChanged(QString)), this, SIGNAL(titleChanged(QString))); // check view signals connect(_tab->view(), SIGNAL(loadStarted()), this, SLOT(webLoadStarted())); connect(_tab->view(), SIGNAL(loadFinished(bool)), this, SLOT(webLoadFinished(bool))); connect(_tab->view(), SIGNAL(loadProgress(int)), this, SLOT(webLoadProgress(int))); // page signals connect(page(), SIGNAL(pageCreated(WebPage *)), this, SIGNAL(pageCreated(WebPage *))); // message popup m_popup->setAutoFillBackground(true); m_popup->setMargin(4); m_popup->raise(); m_popup->hide(); connect(m_hidePopupTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), m_popup, SLOT(hide())); connect(_tab->page(), SIGNAL(linkHovered(QString,QString,QString)), this, SLOT(notifyMessage(QString))); updateHistoryActions(); } void WebWindow::setupActions() { KAction *a; // ========================= History related actions ============================== a = actionCollection()->addAction(KStandardAction::Back); connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered(Qt::MouseButtons, Qt::KeyboardModifiers)), this, SLOT(openPrevious(Qt::MouseButtons, Qt::KeyboardModifiers))); m_historyBackMenu = new KMenu(this); a->setMenu(m_historyBackMenu); connect(m_historyBackMenu, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SLOT(aboutToShowBackMenu())); connect(m_historyBackMenu, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), this, SLOT(openActionUrl(QAction*))); a = actionCollection()->addAction(KStandardAction::Forward); connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered(Qt::MouseButtons, Qt::KeyboardModifiers)), this, SLOT(openNext(Qt::MouseButtons, Qt::KeyboardModifiers))); m_historyForwardMenu = new KMenu(this); a->setMenu(m_historyForwardMenu); connect(m_historyForwardMenu, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SLOT(aboutToShowForwardMenu())); connect(m_historyForwardMenu, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), this, SLOT(openActionUrl(QAction*))); // urlbar a = new KAction(i18n("Location Bar"), this); a->setDefaultWidget(_bar); actionCollection()->addAction(QL1S("url_bar"), a); // load stop reload Action m_loadStopReloadAction = new KAction(this); actionCollection()->addAction(QL1S("load_stop_reload") , m_loadStopReloadAction); m_loadStopReloadAction->setShortcutConfigurable(false); m_loadStopReloadAction->setIcon(KIcon("go-jump-locationbar")); m_loadStopReloadAction->setToolTip(i18n("Go")); m_loadStopReloadAction->setText(i18n("Go")); // new window action a = new KAction(KIcon("window-new"), i18n("&New Window"), this); a->setShortcut(KShortcut(Qt::CTRL | Qt::Key_N)); actionCollection()->addAction(QL1S("new_window"), a); connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), rApp, SLOT(newTabWindow())); // Standard Actions KStandardAction::open(this, SLOT(fileOpen()), actionCollection()); KStandardAction::saveAs(this, SLOT(fileSaveAs()), actionCollection()); KStandardAction::print(_tab, SLOT(printFrame()), actionCollection()); KStandardAction::preferences(this, SLOT(preferences()), actionCollection()); KStandardAction::quit(rApp, SLOT(queryQuit()), actionCollection()); a = KStandardAction::fullScreen(this, SLOT(viewFullScreen(bool)), this, actionCollection()); KShortcut fullScreenShortcut = KStandardShortcut::fullScreen(); fullScreenShortcut.setAlternate(Qt::Key_F11); a->setShortcut(fullScreenShortcut); a = KStandardAction::redisplay(_tab->view(), SLOT(reload()), actionCollection()); a->setText(i18n("Reload")); KShortcut reloadShortcut = KStandardShortcut::reload(); reloadShortcut.setAlternate(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_R); a->setShortcut(reloadShortcut); a = new KAction(KIcon("process-stop"), i18n("&Stop"), this); a->setShortcut(KShortcut(Qt::CTRL | Qt::Key_Period)); actionCollection()->addAction(QL1S("stop"), a); connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), _tab->view(), SLOT(stop())); // Open location action a = new KAction(i18n("Open Location"), this); KShortcut openLocationShortcut(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_L); openLocationShortcut.setAlternate(Qt::ALT + Qt::Key_D); a->setShortcut(openLocationShortcut); actionCollection()->addAction(QL1S("open_location"), a); connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)) , this, SLOT(openLocation())); // ===== Tools Actions ================================= a = new KAction(i18n("View Page S&ource"), this); a->setIcon(KIcon("application-xhtml+xml")); a->setShortcut(KShortcut(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_U)); actionCollection()->addAction(QL1S("page_source"), a); connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(viewPageSource())); a = new KAction(KIcon("view-media-artist"), i18n("Private &Browsing"), this); a->setCheckable(true); // FIXME connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(setPrivateBrowsingMode(bool))); a->setShortcut(Qt::ControlModifier + Qt::ShiftModifier + Qt::Key_P); actionCollection()->addAction(QL1S("private_browsing"), a); a = new KAction(KIcon("edit-clear"), i18n("Clear Private Data..."), this); a->setShortcut(Qt::ControlModifier + Qt::ShiftModifier + Qt::Key_Delete); actionCollection()->addAction(QL1S("clear_private_data"), a); connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), rApp, SLOT(clearPrivateData())); // Bookmark ========== a = KStandardAction::addBookmark(_bar, SLOT(manageBookmarks()), actionCollection()); KShortcut bkShortcut(Qt::CTRL + Qt::Key_D); a->setShortcut(bkShortcut); // User Agent a = new KAction(KIcon("preferences-web-browser-identification"), i18n("Browser Identification"), this); actionCollection()->addAction(QL1S("useragent"), a); KMenu *uaMenu = new KMenu(this); a->setMenu(uaMenu); connect(uaMenu, SIGNAL(aboutToShow()), this, SLOT(populateUserAgentMenu())); // Editable Page a = new KAction(KIcon("document-edit"), i18n("Set Editable"), this); a->setCheckable(true); actionCollection()->addAction(QL1S("set_editable"), a); connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), this, SLOT(setEditable(bool))); // Adblock a = new KAction(KIcon("preferences-web-browser-adblock"), i18n("Ad Block"), this); actionCollection()->addAction(QL1S("adblock"), a); connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), AdBlockManager::self(), SLOT(showSettings())); // Web Applications a = new KAction(KIcon("applications-internet"), i18n("Create application shortcut"), this); actionCollection()->addAction(QL1S("webapp_shortcut"), a); connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), rApp, SLOT(createWebAppShortcut())); // Sync action a = new KAction(KIcon("tools-wizard"), i18n("Sync"), this); // FIXME sync icon!! actionCollection()->addAction(QL1S("sync"), a); connect(a, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), SyncManager::self(), SLOT(showSettings())); // <Menu name="rekonqMenu" noMerge="1"> // <Action name="new_tab" /> --- // <Action name="new_window" /> + // <Action name="private_browsing" /> + // <Separator/> // <Action name="file_open" /> + // <Action name="file_save_as" /> + // <Action name="file_print" /> + // <Action name="edit_find" /> // <Action name="view_zoom" /> // <Separator/> // // <Menu name="toolsMenu" icon="preferences-other" noMerge="1"> // <text>&Tools</text> // <Action name="clear_private_data" /> + // <Separator/> // <Action name="webapp_shortcut" /> + // <Action name="web_inspector" /> --------- // <Action name="page_source" /> + // <Action name="net_analyzer" /> xxxxxxxxxxx // <Action name="set_editable" /> + // <Separator/> // <Action name="useragent" /> + // <Action name="sync" /> + // <Action name="adblock" /> + // </Menu> // // <Separator/> // <Action name="show_bookmarks_toolbar" /> // <Action name="fullscreen" /> + // <Separator/> // // <Menu name="help" icon="help-browser"> // <text>&Help</text> // <Action name="help_contents"/> // <Action name="help_whats_this"/> // <Separator weakSeparator="1"/> // <Action name="help_report_bug"/> // <Separator weakSeparator="1"/> // <Action name="switch_application_language"/> // <Separator weakSeparator="1"/> // <Action name="help_about_app"/> // <Action name="help_about_kde"/> // </Menu> // // <Action name="options_configure" /> + // </Menu> } void WebWindow::setupTools() { KActionMenu *toolsAction = new KActionMenu(KIcon("configure"), i18n("&Tools"), this); toolsAction->setDelayed(false); toolsAction->setShortcutConfigurable(true); toolsAction->setShortcut(KShortcut(Qt::ALT + Qt::Key_T)); m_rekonqMenu = qobject_cast<RekonqMenu *>(RekonqFactory::createWidget(QL1S("rekonqMenu"), this, actionCollection())); toolsAction->setMenu(m_rekonqMenu); // dummy menu to have the dropdown arrow // adding rekonq_tools to rekonq actionCollection actionCollection()->addAction(QL1S("rekonq_tools"), toolsAction); } // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KActionCollection *WebWindow::actionCollection() const { return _ac; } QAction *WebWindow::actionByName(const QString &name) { return actionCollection()->action(name); } void WebWindow::load(const QUrl &url) { _tab->view()->load(url); } WebPage *WebWindow::page() { return _tab->page(); } void WebWindow::webLoadProgress(int p) { _progress = p; emit loadProgress(p); } void WebWindow::webLoadStarted() { emit loadStarted(); m_loadStopReloadAction->setIcon(KIcon("process-stop")); m_loadStopReloadAction->setToolTip(i18n("Stop loading the current page")); m_loadStopReloadAction->setText(i18n("Stop")); connect(m_loadStopReloadAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), _tab->view(), SLOT(stop())); updateHistoryActions(); } void WebWindow::webLoadFinished(bool b) { emit loadFinished(b); m_loadStopReloadAction->setIcon(KIcon("view-refresh")); m_loadStopReloadAction->setToolTip(i18n("Reload the current page")); m_loadStopReloadAction->setText(i18n("Reload")); connect(m_loadStopReloadAction, SIGNAL(triggered(bool)), _tab->view(), SLOT(reload())); updateHistoryActions(); } void WebWindow::aboutToShowBackMenu() { m_historyBackMenu->clear(); QWebHistory *history = _tab->view()->history(); int pivot = history->currentItemIndex(); int offset = 0; const int maxItemNumber = 8; // no more than 8 elements in the Back History Menu! QList<QWebHistoryItem> historyList = history->backItems(maxItemNumber); int listCount = historyList.count(); if (pivot >= maxItemNumber) offset = pivot - maxItemNumber; if (_tab->page()->isOnRekonqPage()) { QWebHistoryItem item = history->currentItem(); KAction *action = new KAction(this); action->setData(listCount + offset++); KIcon icon = IconManager::self()->iconForUrl(item.url()); action->setIcon(icon); action->setText(item.title()); m_historyBackMenu->addAction(action); } for (int i = listCount - 1; i >= 0; --i) { QWebHistoryItem item = historyList.at(i); KAction *action = new KAction(this); action->setData(i + offset); KIcon icon = IconManager::self()->iconForUrl(item.url()); action->setIcon(icon); action->setText(item.title()); m_historyBackMenu->addAction(action); } } void WebWindow::aboutToShowForwardMenu() { m_historyForwardMenu->clear(); QWebHistory *history = _tab->view()->history(); const int pivot = history->currentItemIndex(); int offset = 0; const int maxItemNumber = 8; // no more than 8 elements in the Forward History Menu! QList<QWebHistoryItem> historyList = history->forwardItems(maxItemNumber); int listCount = historyList.count(); if (pivot >= maxItemNumber) offset = pivot - maxItemNumber; if (_tab->page()->isOnRekonqPage()) { QWebHistoryItem item = history->currentItem(); KAction *action = new KAction(this); action->setData(listCount + offset++); KIcon icon = IconManager::self()->iconForUrl(item.url()); action->setIcon(icon); action->setText(item.title()); m_historyForwardMenu->addAction(action); } for (int i = 1; i <= listCount; i++) { QWebHistoryItem item = historyList.at(i - 1); KAction *action = new KAction(this); action->setData(pivot + i + offset); KIcon icon = IconManager::self()->iconForUrl(item.url()); action->setIcon(icon); action->setText(item.title()); m_historyForwardMenu->addAction(action); } } void WebWindow::openActionUrl(QAction *action) { int index = action->data().toInt(); QWebHistory *history = _tab->view()->history(); if (!history->itemAt(index).isValid()) { kDebug() << "Invalid Index!: " << index; return; } history->goToItem(history->itemAt(index)); } void WebWindow::openPrevious(Qt::MouseButtons mouseButtons, Qt::KeyboardModifiers keyboardModifiers) { QWebHistory *history = _tab->view()->history(); QWebHistoryItem *item = 0; if (_tab->page()->isOnRekonqPage()) { item = new QWebHistoryItem(history->currentItem()); } else { if (history->canGoBack()) { item = new QWebHistoryItem(history->backItem()); } } if (!item) return; if (mouseButtons == Qt::MidButton || keyboardModifiers == Qt::ControlModifier) { // FIXME rApp->loadUrl(item->url(), Rekonq::NewTab); } else { history->goToItem(*item); } updateHistoryActions(); } void WebWindow::openNext(Qt::MouseButtons mouseButtons, Qt::KeyboardModifiers keyboardModifiers) { QWebHistory *history = _tab->view()->history(); QWebHistoryItem *item = 0; if (_tab->page()->isOnRekonqPage()) { item = new QWebHistoryItem(history->currentItem()); } else { if (history->canGoForward()) { item = new QWebHistoryItem(history->forwardItem()); } } if (!item) return; if (mouseButtons == Qt::MidButton || keyboardModifiers == Qt::ControlModifier) { // FIXME rApp->loadUrl(item->url(), Rekonq::NewTab); } else { history->goToItem(*item); } updateHistoryActions(); } void WebWindow::updateHistoryActions() { QWebHistory *history = _tab->view()->history(); bool rekonqPage = _tab->page()->isOnRekonqPage(); QAction *historyBackAction = actionByName(KStandardAction::name(KStandardAction::Back)); if (rekonqPage && history->count() > 0) historyBackAction->setEnabled(true); else historyBackAction->setEnabled(history->canGoBack()); QAction *historyForwardAction = actionByName(KStandardAction::name(KStandardAction::Forward)); historyForwardAction->setEnabled(history->canGoForward()); } void WebWindow::notifyMessage(const QString &msg) { // deleting popus if empty msgs if (msg.isEmpty()) { m_hidePopupTimer->start(250); return; } m_hidePopupTimer->stop(); m_hidePopupTimer->start(3000); QString msgToShow = Qt::escape(msg); // fix crash on window close if (!_tab || !_tab->page()) return; const int margin = 4; const int halfWidth = width() / 2; // Set Popup size QFontMetrics fm = m_popup->fontMetrics(); QSize labelSize(fm.width(msgToShow) + 2 * margin, fm.height() + 2 * margin); if (labelSize.width() > halfWidth) labelSize.setWidth(halfWidth); m_popup->setFixedSize(labelSize); m_popup->setText(fm.elidedText(msgToShow, Qt::ElideMiddle, labelSize.width() - 2 * margin)); // NOTE: while currentFrame should NEVER be null // we are checking here its existence cause of bug:264187 if (!_tab->page()->currentFrame()) return; const bool horizontalScrollbarIsVisible = _tab->page()->currentFrame()->scrollBarMaximum(Qt::Horizontal); const bool verticalScrollbarIsVisible = _tab->page()->currentFrame()->scrollBarMaximum(Qt::Vertical); const bool actionBarsVisible = false; //m_findBar->isVisible() || m_zoomBar->isVisible(); const int scrollbarExtent = style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_ScrollBarExtent); const int hScrollbarSize = horizontalScrollbarIsVisible ? scrollbarExtent : 0; const int vScrollbarSize = verticalScrollbarIsVisible ? scrollbarExtent : 0; const QPoint mousePos = mapFromGlobal(QCursor::pos()); const QPoint bottomPoint = mapTo(this, geometry().bottomLeft()); int y = bottomPoint.y() + 1 - m_popup->height() - hScrollbarSize; // +1 because bottom() returns top() + height() - 1, see QRect doku int x = QRect(QPoint(0, y), labelSize).contains(mousePos) || actionBarsVisible ? width() - labelSize.width() - vScrollbarSize : 0; m_popup->move(x, y); m_popup->show(); } KUrl WebWindow::url() const { return _tab->url(); } QString WebWindow::title() const { return _tab->view()->title(); } QIcon WebWindow::icon() const { return _tab->view()->icon(); } UrlBar *WebWindow::urlBar() { return _bar; } WebTab *WebWindow::view() { return _tab; } QPixmap WebWindow::tabPreview(int width, int height) { return WebSnap::renderPagePreview(*page(), width, height); } bool WebWindow::isLoading() { return _progress != 0 && _progress != 100; } void WebWindow::fileOpen() { QString filePath = KFileDialog::getOpenFileName(KUrl(), i18n("*.html *.htm *.svg *.png *.gif *.svgz|Web Resources (*.html *.htm *.svg *.png *.gif *.svgz)\n" "*.*|All files (*.*)"), this, i18n("Open Web Resource")); if (filePath.isEmpty()) return; load(KUrl(filePath)); } void WebWindow::fileSaveAs() { KUrl srcUrl = url(); if (page()->isOnRekonqPage()) { KParts::ReadOnlyPart *p = _tab->part(); if (p) { // if this is a KParts document then the w->url() will be empty and the srcUrl // must be set to the document url srcUrl = p->url(); } } // First, try with suggested file name... QString name = page()->suggestedFileName(); // Second, with KUrl fileName... if (name.isEmpty()) { name = srcUrl.fileName(); } // Last chance... if (name.isEmpty()) { name = srcUrl.host() + QString(".html"); } const KUrl destUrl = KFileDialog::getSaveUrl(name, QString(), this); if (destUrl.isEmpty()) return; if (page()->isContentEditable()) { QString code = page()->mainFrame()->toHtml(); QFile file(destUrl.url()); if (!file.open(QIODevice::WriteOnly | QIODevice::Text)) return; QTextStream out(&file); out << code; return; } KIO::Job *job = KIO::file_copy(srcUrl, destUrl, -1, KIO::Overwrite); job->addMetaData("MaxCacheSize", "0"); // Don't store in http cache. job->addMetaData("cache", "cache"); // Use entry from cache if available. job->uiDelegate()->setAutoErrorHandlingEnabled(true); } void WebWindow::openLocation() { if (isFullScreen()) { _mainToolBar->show(); } _bar->selectAll(); _bar->setFocus(); } void WebWindow::viewPageSource() { QString code = _tab->page()->mainFrame()->toHtml(); KTemporaryFile tmpFile; tmpFile.setAutoRemove(false); if (!tmpFile.open()) return; QTextStream out(&tmpFile); out << code; tmpFile.close(); KUrl tmpUrl(tmpFile.fileName()); KParts::ReadOnlyPart *pa = KMimeTypeTrader::createPartInstanceFromQuery<KParts::ReadOnlyPart>(QL1S("text/plain"), _tab, this, QString()); if (pa) { // FIXME DO SOMETHING... // WebTab *srcTab = m_view->newWebTab(true); // srcTab->page()->setIsOnRekonqPage(true); // srcTab->setPart(pa, tmpUrl); // srcTab->urlBar()->setQUrl(url.pathOrUrl()); // m_view->setTabText(m_view->currentIndex(), i18n("Source of: ") + url.prettyUrl()); // updateHistoryActions(); } else KRun::runUrl(tmpUrl, QL1S("text/plain"), this, false); } void WebWindow::viewFullScreen(bool makeFullScreen) { // FIXME setWidgetsVisible(!makeFullScreen); KToggleFullScreenAction::setFullScreen(this, makeFullScreen); } void WebWindow::populateUserAgentMenu() { KMenu *uaMenu = static_cast<KMenu *>(QObject::sender()); if (!uaMenu) { kDebug() << "oops... NO user agent menu"; return; } UserAgentManager::self()->populateUAMenuForTabUrl(uaMenu, this); } void WebWindow::setEditable(bool on) { page()->setContentEditable(on); } void WebWindow::preferences() { // an instance the dialog could be already created and could be cached, // in which case you want to display the cached dialog if (SettingsDialog::showDialog("rekonfig")) return; // we didn't find an instance of this dialog, so lets create it QPointer<SettingsDialog> s = new SettingsDialog(this); // keep us informed when the user changes settings connect(s, SIGNAL(settingsChanged(QString)), rApp, SLOT(updateConfiguration())); connect(s, SIGNAL(finished(int)), s, SLOT(deleteLater())); s->show(); }