const gulp = require('gulp'), cp = require('child_process'), glob = require('glob'), fs = require('fs'), path = require('path'), p = require('./package.json'), csv = require('csv-parser'), zip = require('gulp-zip'), puppeteer = require('puppeteer'), outlineStroke = require('svg-outline-stroke'), iconfont = require('gulp-iconfont'), template = require('lodash.template'), sass = require('node-sass'), cleanCSS = require('clean-css'), argv = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2)), svgParse = require('parse-svg-path'), svgpath = require('svgpath'), svgr = require('@svgr/core').default; async function asyncForEach(array, callback) { for (let index = 0; index < array.length; index++) { await callback(array[index], index, array); } } const svgToPng = async (filePath, destination) => { filePath = path.join(__dirname, filePath); const htmlFilePath = path.join("file:", filePath); const browser = await puppeteer.launch(); const page = await browser.newPage(); await page.setViewport({ height: 24, width: 24, deviceScaleFactor: 10 }); await page.goto(htmlFilePath); await page.screenshot({ path: path.join(__dirname, destination), omitBackground: true, fullPage: true }); await browser.close(); return page; }; const createScreenshot = async (filePath) => { try { filePath = path.join(__dirname, filePath); const fileName = filePath.replace('.svg', ''); const htmlFilePath = path.join("file:", filePath); const browser = await puppeteer.launch(); const page = await browser.newPage(); await page.setViewport({ height: 10, width: 10, deviceScaleFactor: 2 }); await page.goto(htmlFilePath); await page.screenshot({ path: `${fileName}.png`, omitBackground: false, fullPage: true }); await browser.close(); } catch (error) { console.error(error); throw Error(error); } }; const printChangelog = function (newIcons, modifiedIcons, renamedIcons, pretty = false) { if (newIcons.length > 0) { if (pretty) { console.log(`### ${newIcons.length} new icons:`); newIcons.forEach(function (icon, i) { console.log(`- \`${icon}\``); }); } else { let str = ''; str += `${newIcons.length} new icons: `; newIcons.forEach(function (icon, i) { str += `\`${icon}\``; if ((i + 1) <= newIcons.length - 1) { str += ', ' } }); console.log(str); } console.log(''); } if (modifiedIcons.length > 0) { let str = ''; str += `Fixed icons: `; modifiedIcons.forEach(function (icon, i) { str += `\`${icon}\``; if ((i + 1) <= modifiedIcons.length - 1) { str += ', ' } }); console.log(str); console.log(''); } if (renamedIcons.length > 0) { console.log(`Renamed icons: `); renamedIcons.forEach(function (icon, i) { console.log(`- \`${icon[0]}\` renamed to \`${icon[1]}\``); }); } }; const generateIconsPreview = function (files, destFile, cb, columnsCount = 17, paddingOuter = 7) { const padding = 26, iconSize = 24; const iconsCount = files.length, rowsCount = Math.ceil(iconsCount / columnsCount), width = columnsCount * (iconSize + padding) + 2 * paddingOuter - padding, height = rowsCount * (iconSize + padding) + 2 * paddingOuter - padding; let svgContentSymbols = '', svgContentIcons = '', x = paddingOuter, y = paddingOuter; files.forEach(function (file, i) { let name = path.basename(file, '.svg'); let svgFile = fs.readFileSync(file), svgFileContent = svgFile.toString(); svgFileContent = svgFileContent .replace('<svg xmlns=""', `<symbol id="${name}"`) .replace(' width="24" height="24"', '') .replace('</svg>', '</symbol>') .replace(/\n\s+/g, ''); svgContentSymbols += `\t${svgFileContent}\n`; svgContentIcons += `\t<use xlink:href="#${name}" x="${x}" y="${y}" width="${iconSize}" height="${iconSize}" />\n`; x += padding + iconSize; if (i % columnsCount === columnsCount - 1) { x = paddingOuter; y += padding + iconSize; } }); const svgContent = `<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 ${width} ${height}" width="${width}" height="${height}" style="color: #354052"><rect x="0" y="0" width="${width}" height="${height}" fill="#fff"></rect>\n${svgContentSymbols}\n${svgContentIcons}\n</svg>`; fs.writeFileSync(destFile, svgContent); createScreenshot(destFile); cb(); }; //********************************************************************************************* gulp.task('iconfont-prepare', function (cb) { cp.exec('mkdir -p icons-outlined/ && rm -fd ./icons-outlined/* && mkdir -p && rm -fd ./iconfont/*', function () { cb(); }); }); gulp.task('iconfont-clean', function (cb) { cp.exec('rm -rf ./icons-outlined', function () { cb(); }); }); gulp.task('iconfont-svg-outline', function (cb) { cp.exec('mkdir -p icons-outlined/ && rm -fd ./icons-outlined/*', async () => { let files = glob.sync("./icons/*.svg"); let iconfontUnicode = {}; if (fs.existsSync('./iconfont-unicode.json')) { iconfontUnicode = require('./iconfont-unicode'); } await asyncForEach(files, async function (file) { const name = path.basename(file, '.svg'), unicode = iconfontUnicode[name]; await console.log('Stroke for:', file, unicode); let strokedSVG = fs.readFileSync(file).toString(); strokedSVG = strokedSVG .replace('width="24"', 'width="1000"') .replace('height="24"', 'height="1000"'); await outlineStroke(strokedSVG, { optCurve: false, steps: 4, round: 0, centerHorizontally: true, fixedWidth: true, color: 'black' }).then(outlined => { if (unicode) { fs.writeFileSync(`icons-outlined/u${unicode.toUpperCase()}-${name}.svg`, outlined); } else { fs.writeFileSync(`icons-outlined/${name}.svg`, outlined); } }).catch(error => console.log(error)); }); // correct svg outline directions in a child process using fontforge const generate = cp.spawn("fontforge", ["-lang=py", "-script", ".build/"], { stdio: 'inherit' }); generate.on("close", function (code) { console.log(`Correcting svg outline directions exited with code ${code}`); if (!code) { cb(); } }); }); }); gulp.task('iconfont', function () { let maxUnicode = 59905; if (fs.existsSync('./iconfont-unicode.json')) { const iconfontUnicode = require('./iconfont-unicode'); for (const name in iconfontUnicode) { const unicode = parseInt(iconfontUnicode[name], 16); maxUnicode = Math.max(maxUnicode, unicode); } } maxUnicode = maxUnicode + 1; return gulp.src(['icons-outlined/*.svg']) .pipe(iconfont({ fontName: 'tabler-icons', prependUnicode: true, formats: ['ttf', 'eot', 'woff', 'woff2', 'svg'], normalize: true, startUnicode: maxUnicode, fontHeight: 1000, descent: 100, ascent: 986.5 })) .on('glyphs', function (glyphs, options) { //glyphs json let glyphsObject = {}; //sort glypht glyphs = glyphs.sort(function (a, b) { return ('' + }); glyphs.forEach(function (glyph) { glyphsObject[] = glyph.unicode[0].codePointAt(0).toString(16); }); fs.writeFileSync(`iconfont-unicode.json`, JSON.stringify(glyphsObject)); //css options['glyphs'] = glyphs; options['v'] = p.version; const compiled = template(fs.readFileSync('.build/iconfont.scss').toString()); const result = compiled(options); fs.writeFileSync('iconfont/tabler-icons.scss', result); //html const compiledHtml = template(fs.readFileSync('.build/iconfont.html').toString()); const resultHtml = compiledHtml(options); fs.writeFileSync('iconfont/tabler-icons.html', resultHtml); }) .pipe(gulp.dest('iconfont/fonts')); }); gulp.task('iconfont-css', function (cb) { sass.render({ file: 'iconfont/tabler-icons.scss', outputStyle: 'expanded' }, function (err, result) { fs.writeFileSync('iconfont/tabler-icons.css', result.css); const cleanOutput = new cleanCSS({}).minify(result.css); fs.writeFileSync('iconfont/tabler-icons.min.css', cleanOutput.styles); cb(); }); }); gulp.task('update-tags-unicode', function(cb) { let tags = require('./tags.json'), unicodes = require('./iconfont-unicode.json'); for(let i in tags) { tags[i] = { ...tags[i], unicode: unicodes[i], } } console.log('tags', tags); fs.writeFileSync(`tags.json`, JSON.stringify(tags, null, 2)); cb(); }); gulp.task('build-iconfont', gulp.series('iconfont-prepare', 'iconfont-svg-outline', 'iconfont', 'iconfont-css', 'iconfont-clean', 'update-tags-unicode')); gulp.task('build-zip', function () { const version = p.version; return gulp.src('{icons/**/*,icons-png/**/*,icons-react/**/*,iconfont/**/*,tabler-sprite.svg,tabler-sprite-nostroke.svg}') .pipe(zip(`tabler-icons-${version}.zip`)) .pipe(gulp.dest('packages')) }); gulp.task('build-jekyll', function (cb) { cp.exec('bundle exec jekyll build', function () { cb(); }); }); gulp.task('build-copy', function (cb) { cp.exec('mkdir -p icons/ && rm -fd ./icons/* && cp ./_site/icons/* ./icons && cp ./_site/tags.json .', function () { cb(); }); }); gulp.task('clean-png', function (cb) { cp.exec('rm -fd ./icons-png/*', function () { cb(); }); }); gulp.task('icons-sprite', function (cb) { glob("_site/icons/*.svg", {}, function (er, files) { let svgContent = ''; files.forEach(function (file, i) { let name = path.basename(file, '.svg'), svgFile = fs.readFileSync(file), svgFileContent = svgFile.toString(); svgFileContent = svgFileContent .replace(/<svg[^>]+>/g, '') .replace(/<\/svg>/g, '') .replace(/\n+/g, '') .replace(/>\s+</g, '><') .trim(); svgContent += `<symbol id="tabler-${name}" viewBox="0 0 24 24" fill="none" stroke="currentColor" stroke-width="2" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round">${svgFileContent}</symbol>` }); let svg = `<svg xmlns=""><defs>${svgContent}</defs></svg>`; fs.writeFileSync('tabler-sprite.svg', svg); fs.writeFileSync('tabler-sprite-nostroke.svg', svg.replace(/stroke-width="2"\s/g, '')); cb(); }); }); gulp.task('icons-preview', function (cb) { glob("icons/*.svg", {}, function (er, files) { generateIconsPreview(files, '.github/icons.svg', cb); }); }); gulp.task('icons-stroke', gulp.series('build-jekyll', function (cb) { const icon = "disabled", strokes = ['.5', '1', '1.5', '2', '2.75'], svgFileContent = fs.readFileSync(`icons/${icon}.svg`).toString(), padding = 16, paddingOuter = 3, iconSize = 32, width = 914, height = iconSize + paddingOuter * 2; let svgContentSymbols = '', svgContentIcons = '', x = paddingOuter; strokes.forEach(function (stroke) { let svgFileContentStroked = svgFileContent .replace('<svg xmlns=""', `<symbol id="icon-${stroke}"`) .replace(' width="24" height="24"', '') .replace(' stroke-width="2"', ` stroke-width="${stroke}"`) .replace('</svg>', '</symbol>') .replace(/\n\s+/g, ''); svgContentSymbols += `\t${svgFileContentStroked}\n`; svgContentIcons += `\t<use xlink:href="#icon-${stroke}" x="${x}" y="${paddingOuter}" width="${iconSize}" height="${iconSize}" />\n`; x += padding + iconSize; }); const svgContent = `<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="0 0 ${width} ${height}" width="${width}" height="${height}" style="color: #354052"><rect x="0" y="0" width="${width}" height="${height}" fill="#fff"></rect>\n${svgContentSymbols}\n${svgContentIcons}\n</svg>`; fs.writeFileSync('.github/icons-stroke.svg', svgContent); createScreenshot('.github/icons-stroke.svg'); cb(); })); gulp.task('optimize', function (cb) { const addFloats = function (n1, n2) { return Math.round((parseFloat(n1) + parseFloat(n2)) * 1000) / 1000 }; const optimizePath = function(path) { let transformed = svgpath(path) .rel() .round(3) .toString(); return svgParse(transformed).map(function(a){ return a.join(' '); }).join(' '); }; glob("src/_icons/*.svg", {}, function (er, files) { files.forEach(function (file, i) { let svgFile = fs.readFileSync(file), svgFileContent = svgFile.toString(); svgFileContent = svgFileContent .replace(/><\/(polyline|line|rect|circle|path)>/g, '/>') .replace(/rx="([^"]+)"\s+ry="\1"/g, 'rx="$1"') .replace(/\s?\/>/g, ' />') .replace(/\n\s*<(line|circle|path|polyline|rect)/g, "\n <$1") .replace(/polyline points="([0-9.]+)\s([0-9.]+)\s([0-9.]+)\s([0-9.]+)"/g, 'line x1="$1" y1="$2" x2="$3" y2="$4"') .replace(/<path d="([^"]+)"/g, function(f, r1) { r1 = optimizePath(r1); return `<path d="${r1}"`; }) .replace(/d="m/g, 'd="M') .replace(/([Aa])\s?([0-9.]+)\s([0-9.]+)\s([0-9.]+)\s?([0-1])\s?([0-1])\s?(-?[0-9.]+)\s?(-?[0-9.]+)/gi, '$1$2 $3 $4 $5 $6 $7 $8') .replace(/\n\n+/g, "\n") .replace(/<path d="M([0-9.]*) ([0-9.]*)l\s?([-0-9.]*) ([-0-9.]*)"/g, function (f, r1, r2, r3, r4) { return `<line x1="${r1}" y1="${r2}" x2="${addFloats(r1, r3)}" y2="${addFloats(r2, r4)}"`; }) .replace(/<path d="M([0-9.]*) ([0-9.]*)v\s?([-0-9.]*)"/g, function (f, r1, r2, r3) { return `<line x1="${r1}" y1="${r2}" x2="${r1}" y2="${addFloats(r2, r3)}"`; }) .replace(/<path d="M([0-9.]*) ([0-9.]*)h\s?([-0-9.]*)"/g, function (f, r1, r2, r3) { return `<line x1="${r1}" y1="${r2}" x2="${addFloats(r1, r3)}" y2="${r2}"`; }) .replace(/<path d="([^"]+)"/g, function (f, r1) { r1 = r1 .replace(/ -0\./g, " -.") .replace(/ 0\./g, " .") .replace(/\s([a-z])/gi, "$1") .replace(/([a-z])\s/gi, "$1"); return `<path d="${r1}"`; }) ; if (svgFile.toString() !== svgFileContent) { fs.writeFileSync(file, svgFileContent); } }); cb(); }); }); gulp.task('changelog-commit', function (cb) { cp.exec('git status', function (err, ret) { let newIcons = [], modifiedIcons = [], renamedIcons = []; ret.replace(/new file:\s+src\/_icons\/([a-z0-9-]+)\.svg/g, function (m, fileName) { newIcons.push(fileName); }); ret.replace(/modified:\s+src\/_icons\/([a-z0-9-]+)\.svg/g, function (m, fileName) { modifiedIcons.push(fileName); }); ret.replace(/renamed:\s+src\/_icons\/([a-z0-9-]+).svg -> src\/_icons\/([a-z0-9-]+).svg/g, function (m, fileNameBefore, fileNameAfter) { renamedIcons.push([fileNameBefore, fileNameAfter]); }); modifiedIcons = modifiedIcons.filter(function (el) { return newIcons.indexOf(el) < 0; }); printChangelog(newIcons, modifiedIcons, renamedIcons); cb(); }); }); gulp.task('changelog', function (cb) { const version = argv['latest-tag'] || `v${p.version}`; if (version) { cp.exec(`git diff ${version} HEAD --name-status`, function (err, ret) { let newIcons = [], modifiedIcons = [], renamedIcons = []; ret.replace(/A\s+src\/_icons\/([a-z0-9-]+)\.svg/g, function (m, fileName) { newIcons.push(fileName); }); ret.replace(/M\s+src\/_icons\/([a-z0-9-]+)\.svg/g, function (m, fileName) { modifiedIcons.push(fileName); }); ret.replace(/R[0-9]+\s+src\/_icons\/([a-z0-9-]+)\.svg\s+src\/_icons\/([a-z0-9-]+).svg/g, function (m, fileNameBefore, fileNameAfter) { renamedIcons.push([fileNameBefore, fileNameAfter]); }); modifiedIcons = modifiedIcons.filter(function (el) { return newIcons.indexOf(el) < 0; }); printChangelog(newIcons, modifiedIcons, renamedIcons, true); cb(); }); } }); gulp.task('changelog-image', function (cb) { const version = argv['latest-version'] || `${p.version}`, newVersion = argv['new-version'] || `${p.version}`; if (version) { cp.exec(`git diff v${version} HEAD --name-status`, function (err, ret) { let newIcons = []; ret.replace(/[A]\s+src\/_icons\/([a-z0-9-]+)\.svg/g, function (m, fileName) { newIcons.push(fileName); }); newIcons = (icon) { return `./icons/${icon}.svg`; }); if (newIcons.length > 0) { generateIconsPreview(newIcons, `.github/tabler-icons-${newVersion}.svg`, cb, 6, 24); } else { cb(); } }); } else { cb(); } }); gulp.task('svg-to-png', gulp.series('build-jekyll', 'clean-png', async (cb) => { let files = glob.sync("./icons/*.svg"); await asyncForEach(files, async function (file, i) { let name = path.basename(file, '.svg'); console.log('name', name); await svgToPng(file, `icons-png/${name}.png`); }); cb(); })); gulp.task('clean-react', function (cb) { cp.exec('rm -fd ./icons-react/* && mkdir icons-react/icons-js', function () { cb(); }); }); gulp.task('svg-to-react', gulp.series('clean-react', async function (cb) { let files = glob.sync("./icons/*.svg"); const camelize = function (str) { str = str.replace(/-/g, ' '); return str.replace(/(?:^\w|[A-Z]|\b\w)/g, function (word, index) { return word.toUpperCase(); }).replace(/\s+/g, ''); }; const componentName = function (file) { file = path.basename(file, '.svg'); file = camelize(`Icon ${file}`); return file; }; const optimizeSvgCode = function(svgCode) { return svgCode.replace('<path stroke="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z"/>', ''); }; let indexCode = '', indexDCode = `import { FC, SVGAttributes } from 'react';\n\ninterface TablerIconProps extends SVGAttributes<SVGElement> { color?: string; size?: string | number; stroke?: string | number; }\n\ntype TablerIcon = FC<TablerIconProps>;\n\n`; await asyncForEach(files, async function (file) { const svgCode = optimizeSvgCode(fs.readFileSync(file).toString()), fileName = path.basename(file, '.svg') + '.js', iconComponentName = componentName(file); svgr(svgCode, { icon: false, svgProps: { width: '{size}', height: '{size}', strokeWidth: '{stroke}', stroke: '{color}' }, template: require('./.build/svgr-template') }, { componentName: iconComponentName }).then(jsCode => { fs.writeFileSync('icons-react/icons-js/' + fileName, jsCode); indexCode += `export { default as ${iconComponentName} } from './icons-js/${fileName}';\n`; indexDCode += `export const ${iconComponentName}: TablerIcon;\n`; }); fs.writeFileSync('icons-react/index.js', indexCode); fs.writeFileSync('icons-react/index.d.ts', indexDCode); }); cb(); })); const setVersions = function(version, files) { for(const i in files) { const file = files[i]; if (fs.existsSync(`src/_icons/${file}.svg`)) { let svgFile = fs.readFileSync(`src/_icons/${file}.svg`).toString(); if(!svgFile.match(/version: ([0-9.]+)/i)) { svgFile = svgFile.replace(/---\n<svg>/i, function(m){ return `version: ${version}\n${m}`; }); fs.writeFileSync(`src/_icons/${file}.svg`, svgFile); } else { console.log(`File ${file} already has version`); } } else { console.log(`File ${file} doesn't exists`); } } }; gulp.task('update-icons-version', function (cb) { const version = argv['latest-version'] || `${p.version}`, newVersion = argv['new-version'] || `${p.version}`; if (version) { cp.exec(`git diff v${version} HEAD --name-status`, function (err, ret) { let newIcons = []; ret.replace(/[A]\s+src\/_icons\/([a-z0-9-]+)\.svg/g, function (m, fileName) { newIcons.push(fileName); }); if(newIcons.length) { setVersions(newVersion.replace(/\.0$/, ''), newIcons); } }); } cb(); }); gulp.task('import-tags', function(cb) { fs.createReadStream('./_import.csv') .pipe(csv({ headers: false, separator: "\t" })) .on('data', (row) => { console.log(row[0], row[1]); const filename = `src/_icons/${row[0]}.svg`; let data = fs.readFileSync(filename).toString(); data = data.replace(/(---[\s\S]+?---)/, function(m, headerContent){ headerContent = headerContent.replace(/tags: .*\n/, ''); headerContent = headerContent.replace(/---/, `---\ntags: [${row[1]}]`); return headerContent; }); fs.writeFileSync(filename, data); }) .on('end', () => { console.log('CSV file successfully processed'); }); cb(); }); gulp.task("build-react", function (cb) { cp.exec("npm run build-react", function () { cb(); }); }); gulp.task('build', gulp.series('optimize', 'update-icons-version', 'build-jekyll', 'build-copy', 'icons-sprite', 'svg-to-react', 'build-react', 'icons-preview', 'svg-to-png', 'build-iconfont', 'changelog-image', 'build-zip'));