path: root/docs/manual
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+# Compiling
+## Creating qbs configuration
+Before you can build anything with qbs, you need to set up the compiler
+toolchain as well as Qt.
+qbs setup-toolchains --detect
+qbs setup-qt /usr/bin/qmake-qt5 qt5
+## Compiling
+* Create a build folder
+[smolbote repo]$ mkdir ../build
+* Run qbs
+[smolbote repo]$ qbs build -d ../build profile:qt5 release
+This installs the files to ../build/release/install-root.
+* Run
+[smolbote repo]$ qbs run -d ../build -p poi profile:qt5 release
+## mach
+mach is a helper script that can build and run smolbote.
+#### setup
+./mach setup creates a qbs configuration in :settingsDir,
+by default ../build/config.
+You can edit this using qbs-config-ui --settings-dir ../build/config.
+#### run
+#### clean
+#### build
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+# Dependencies
+### Libraries
+- [Qt](https://www.qt.io/)
+ - at least 5.9
+ - core, widgets
+ - webengine, webenginewidgets
+- [libconfig](http://hyperrealm.com/libconfig/libconfig.html)
+### Tools
+* A working compiler
+ - gcc or clang on Linux
+ - msvc on Windows due to QtWebEngine
+* qbs
+ - minimal version 1.8.0
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+# Packaging
+## Source Tarball
+1. Get source code from the repository
+> git archive --format=tar HEAD > head.tar
+2. Compress with lzip
+> lzip -9 --force --output=head.tar.lz head.tar
+3. Generate checksum
+> sha512sum --binary head.tar.lz > head.tar.lz.sha512
+## makepkg
+A PKGBUILD is provided in linux/makepkg/PKGBUILD.
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+# Building
+### Notes (TODO: move)
+* Windows: MSVC compiler is required because of QtWebEngine dependency
+* Windows: Passing the -v or -h parameters creates a dialog box instead of
+writing the output to stdout. This is Qt behaviour.
+* Windows: Use windeployqt.exe to collect the libraries
+QT_DIR\QT_VER\msvc2015_64\windeployqt.exe build-PROFILE\release\qtbrowser.exe
+* grsecurity: You may need to exception qbs.
+An optional system proxy should be picked up automatically. However, for proxies
+that require a username or password, you need to connect to
+Qt WebEngine Widgets uses the Qt Quick Scene Graph to compose the page.
+Therefore, OpenGL support is required.
+And that's also why QML is a dependancy.
+To use clang with QtCreator, you need to change the compiler in
+Build & Run » Kits, not the qbs profile.
+[1]: https://doc.qt.io/qbs/index.html
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+# Reporting bugs
+Please include the following when reporting bugs:
+* Operating system used
+* Version of Qt used
+* Detailed explanation of the bug:
+ * what was done
+ * what was expected
+ * what happened
+An example of a bad bug report is:
+> Something happened, and what I pressed the button it broke.
+An exmaple of a good bug report is:
+> When I opened the Page menu and pressed Print to PDF, nothing happened.
+You can fill out this template when submitting a bug report
+> I'm using (Windows? Linux?)
+> The smolbote version is (0.1? 0.2? 1.0?)
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+# Before you submit
+## Licensing
+Smolbote is licensed under GPLv3. Your code needs to be compatible with it, and
+have a license header.
+A sample GPLv3 header is included in docs/header-gpl3.txt
+The provided pre-commit hook uses the following regular expression to check for
+a license:
+## Style
+Please use the [One True Brace style](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indent_style#Variant:_1TBS_.28OTBS.29).
+Tabs are 4 spaces.
+For ease of use, you can set the following astyle configuration:
+## Format patch for email
+git format-patch hash
+where _hash_ is the commit immediately prior to the commit or series of commits
+you want to submit.
+Attach the patch file and email it to _aqua at iserlohn-fortress.net_. If
+possible, GPG sign the email.
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+# Code style
+## Guidelines
+* Use generic formats
+* Where possible, use QVector over QList:
+## Versioning
+#### Major version
+Changed infrequently and almost entirely out of foppery and whim.
+#### Minor version
+Milestone of multiple features.
+#### Revision
+Major bugfixes and each new feature should get a revision.
+### Branching
+* master - main branch, should be kept up-to-date, and have only working code
+* next - next stable release preparation, mostly for bugfixes
+* development - development branch, anything goes there
+### Folder structure
+ folder | description
+ ------ | -----------
+/src | source code
+/src/widgets | subclassed Qt widgets
+/src/formats | file format parsing (toml, xbel)
+/src/forms | Qt UI forms and classes
+/src/webengine | QWebEngine subclasses
+/test | test run location, mainly for QtCreator
+## clazy
+You can use [clazy](https://github.com/KDE/clazy) to check Qt semantics.
+Requires clang.
+To set check levels, set the CLAZY_CHECKS environment variable to 'level0,level1', etc.
+### Setting up in QtCreator
+The simplest way to set it up is to use _clazy_ instead of _clang_.
+1. Go to Tools » Options » Build & Run » Compilers
+2. Clone the clang compiler of your choice
+3. Set _Compiler path_ to _/usr/bin/clazy_
+This will update the qbs profile that QtCreator uses.
+### Reducing clazy noise
+If you want to suppress warnings from headers of Qt or 3rd party code, include
+them with -isystem instead of -I. To do this, you have to
+[modify your Qt profile](clazy-sysincludes) like this:
+Find the profile's search path:
+$ qbs config --list profiles.qt562.preferences
+profiles.qt562.preferences.qbsSearchPaths: "/home/someone/.config/QtProject/qbs/1.9.0/profiles/qt562"
+Replace cpp.includePaths with cpp.systemIncludePaths in the Qt modules of that
+$ find /home/someone/.config/QtProject/qbs/1.9.0/profiles/qt562/modules/Qt/ -name '*.qbs' | xargs -n1 sed -i s/cpp\.includePaths/cpp.systemIncludePaths/
+[clazy-sysincludes]: http://lists.qt-project.org/pipermail/qbs/2017-April/001709.html
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+# Contributing
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+# Version 1.0
+* Profiles
+ - Application-level profile manager
+ - System-level and user-level profile config, with per-profile overrides [todo]
+* Configuration
+ - Default system-level config and user-level overrides [todo]
+* Cookies
+ - Filter list similar to the URL filter list [todo]
+* Tabs
+ - Moving tabs between windows [todo]
+ - Tab context menu [todo]
+* Page actions
+ - Search [todo]
+ - Zoom [todo]
+ - Print [todo]
+* Navigation toolbar
+ - Back and Forward history [todo]
+## Overall design of smolbote
+The aim of smolbote is to be a lightweight and fast, to the point web browser.
+### How smolbote works [TODO]
+0. Launch
+1. Check for other instance, unless otherwise specified
+ - If other instance is found, pass the parameters to it and quit
+ - Else, create a new instance
+2. Create application object
+ - Read configuration
+ _ Create profiles
+3. Pass parameters to application object
+ - Create main window if there isn't one
+ - open URLs
+### main() and smolmain() [TODO]
+The main() function should contain all code to start up, check for another
+running instance, and if necessary pass the parameters to the other instance.
+The smolmain() function should contain code to create a new instance based on
+the parameters passed.
+IPC should be done with QLocalSocket.
+### Dockable windows
+### Folder structure
+- data/ - Any resource files (defaults, icons, etc)
+- docs/ - Where all the documentation lives
+- src/ - Source code
+- test/ - Testing grounds
+- tools/ - Hooks, qbs helpers, updater
+### Libraries used
+All 3rd-party libraries should be placed in src/3rd-party/library-name, together
+with their corresponding license file. The license file should start with the
+library name and repository location.
+- tinytoml
+## Components
+Components should, when possible, be split off into self-contained static
+libraries. This is to reduce recompile times.
+### Navigation
+Includes the Address bar (URLLineEdit).
+### Bookmarks [TODO]
+- [TODO] Bookmark location should be read from profile, with a default in the config
+- [TODO] Split off xbel implementation into a library
+- [TODO] BookmarksLibrary API
+### History
+History is managed by QtWebEngine.
+### Cookies
+Cookies are managed by QtWebEngine.
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+# Features
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+# Introduction
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+# Getting started
+- Installing and running smolbote
+- Configuration files
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+# Summary
+- [Introduction](./Introduction.md)
+- [Getting started](./Quickstart.md)
+- [Features](./Features.md)
+ - [1.0](./Features.1.0.md)
+- [Building](./Building.md)
+ - [Dependencies](./Building.Dependencies.md)
+ - [Compiling](./Building.Compiling.md)
+ - [Packaging](./Building.Packaging.md)
+- [Contributing](./Contributing.md)
+ - [Reporting bugs](./Contributing.Bugs.md)
+ - [Code style](./Contributing.Style.md)
+ - [Before you submit](./Contributing.Code.md)