// The MIT License (MIT) // // Copyright (c) Itay Grudev 2015 - 2016 // // Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy // of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal // in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights // to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell // copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is // furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: // // The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in // all copies or substantial portions of the Software. // // THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR // IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, // FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE // AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER // LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, // OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN // THE SOFTWARE. #include <cstdlib> #include <QtCore/QDir> #include <QtCore/QProcess> #include <QtCore/QByteArray> #include <QtCore/QSemaphore> #include <QtCore/QSharedMemory> #include <QtCore/QStandardPaths> #include <QtCore/QCryptographicHash> #include <QtCore/QDataStream> #include <QtNetwork/QLocalServer> #include <QtNetwork/QLocalSocket> #ifdef Q_OS_UNIX #include <signal.h> #include <unistd.h> #endif #ifdef Q_OS_WIN #include <windows.h> #include <lmcons.h> #endif #include "singleapplication.h" #include "singleapplication_p.h" SingleApplicationPrivate::SingleApplicationPrivate( SingleApplication *q_ptr ) : q_ptr( q_ptr ) { server = nullptr; socket = nullptr; } SingleApplicationPrivate::~SingleApplicationPrivate() { if( socket != nullptr ) { socket->close(); delete socket; } memory->lock(); InstancesInfo* inst = static_cast<InstancesInfo*>(memory->data()); if( server != nullptr ) { server->close(); delete server; inst->primary = false; inst->primaryPid = -1; } memory->unlock(); delete memory; } void SingleApplicationPrivate::genBlockServerName( int timeout ) { QCryptographicHash appData( QCryptographicHash::Sha256 ); appData.addData( "SingleApplication", 17 ); appData.addData( SingleApplication::app_t::applicationName().toUtf8() ); appData.addData( SingleApplication::app_t::organizationName().toUtf8() ); appData.addData( SingleApplication::app_t::organizationDomain().toUtf8() ); if( ! (options & SingleApplication::Mode::ExcludeAppVersion) ) { appData.addData( SingleApplication::app_t::applicationVersion().toUtf8() ); } if( ! (options & SingleApplication::Mode::ExcludeAppPath) ) { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN appData.addData( SingleApplication::app_t::applicationFilePath().toLower().toUtf8() ); #else appData.addData( SingleApplication::app_t::applicationFilePath().toUtf8() ); #endif } // User level block requires a user specific data in the hash if( options & SingleApplication::Mode::User ) { #ifdef Q_OS_WIN Q_UNUSED(timeout); wchar_t username [ UNLEN + 1 ]; // Specifies size of the buffer on input DWORD usernameLength = UNLEN + 1; if( GetUserNameW( username, &usernameLength ) ) { appData.addData( QString::fromWCharArray(username).toUtf8() ); } else { appData.addData( QStandardPaths::standardLocations( QStandardPaths::HomeLocation ).join("").toUtf8() ); } #endif #ifdef Q_OS_UNIX QProcess process; process.start( "whoami" ); if( process.waitForFinished( timeout ) && process.exitCode() == QProcess::NormalExit) { appData.addData( process.readLine() ); } else { appData.addData( QDir( QStandardPaths::standardLocations( QStandardPaths::HomeLocation ).first() ).absolutePath().toUtf8() ); } #endif } // Replace the backslash in RFC 2045 Base64 [a-zA-Z0-9+/=] to comply with // server naming requirements. blockServerName = appData.result().toBase64().replace("/", "_"); } void SingleApplicationPrivate::startPrimary( bool resetMemory ) { Q_Q(SingleApplication); #ifdef Q_OS_UNIX // Handle any further termination signals to ensure the // QSharedMemory block is deleted even if the process crashes crashHandler(); #endif // Successful creation means that no main process exists // So we start a QLocalServer to listen for connections QLocalServer::removeServer( blockServerName ); server = new QLocalServer(); // Restrict access to the socket according to the // SingleApplication::Mode::User flag on User level or no restrictions if( options & SingleApplication::Mode::User ) { server->setSocketOptions( QLocalServer::UserAccessOption ); } else { server->setSocketOptions( QLocalServer::WorldAccessOption ); } server->listen( blockServerName ); QObject::connect( server, &QLocalServer::newConnection, this, &SingleApplicationPrivate::slotConnectionEstablished ); // Reset the number of connections memory->lock(); InstancesInfo* inst = static_cast<InstancesInfo*>(memory->data()); if( resetMemory ) { inst->secondary = 0; } inst->primary = true; inst->primaryPid = q->applicationPid(); memory->unlock(); instanceNumber = 0; } void SingleApplicationPrivate::startSecondary() { #ifdef Q_OS_UNIX // Handle any further termination signals to ensure the // QSharedMemory block is deleted even if the process crashes crashHandler(); #endif } void SingleApplicationPrivate::connectToPrimary( int msecs, ConnectionType connectionType ) { // Connect to the Local Server of the Primary Instance if not already // connected. if( socket == nullptr ) { socket = new QLocalSocket(); } // If already connected - we are done; if( socket->state() == QLocalSocket::ConnectedState ) return; // If not connect if( socket->state() == QLocalSocket::UnconnectedState || socket->state() == QLocalSocket::ClosingState ) { socket->connectToServer( blockServerName ); } // Wait for being connected if( socket->state() == QLocalSocket::ConnectingState ) { socket->waitForConnected( msecs ); } // Initialisation message according to the SingleApplication protocol if( socket->state() == QLocalSocket::ConnectedState ) { // Notify the parent that a new instance had been started; QByteArray initMsg; QDataStream writeStream(&initMsg, QIODevice::WriteOnly); writeStream.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_5_6); writeStream << blockServerName.toLatin1(); writeStream << static_cast<quint8>(connectionType); writeStream << instanceNumber; quint16 checksum = qChecksum(initMsg.constData(), static_cast<quint32>(initMsg.length())); writeStream << checksum; socket->write( initMsg ); socket->flush(); socket->waitForBytesWritten( msecs ); } } qint64 SingleApplicationPrivate::primaryPid() { qint64 pid; memory->lock(); InstancesInfo* inst = static_cast<InstancesInfo*>(memory->data()); pid = inst->primaryPid; memory->unlock(); return pid; } #ifdef Q_OS_UNIX void SingleApplicationPrivate::crashHandler() { // Handle any further termination signals to ensure the // QSharedMemory block is deleted even if the process crashes signal( SIGHUP, SingleApplicationPrivate::terminate ); // 1 signal( SIGINT, SingleApplicationPrivate::terminate ); // 2 signal( SIGQUIT, SingleApplicationPrivate::terminate ); // 3 signal( SIGILL, SingleApplicationPrivate::terminate ); // 4 signal( SIGABRT, SingleApplicationPrivate::terminate ); // 6 signal( SIGFPE, SingleApplicationPrivate::terminate ); // 8 signal( SIGBUS, SingleApplicationPrivate::terminate ); // 10 signal( SIGSEGV, SingleApplicationPrivate::terminate ); // 11 signal( SIGSYS, SingleApplicationPrivate::terminate ); // 12 signal( SIGPIPE, SingleApplicationPrivate::terminate ); // 13 signal( SIGALRM, SingleApplicationPrivate::terminate ); // 14 signal( SIGTERM, SingleApplicationPrivate::terminate ); // 15 signal( SIGXCPU, SingleApplicationPrivate::terminate ); // 24 signal( SIGXFSZ, SingleApplicationPrivate::terminate ); // 25 } void SingleApplicationPrivate::terminate( int signum ) { delete ((SingleApplication*)QCoreApplication::instance())->d_ptr; ::exit( 128 + signum ); } #endif /** * @brief Executed when a connection has been made to the LocalServer */ void SingleApplicationPrivate::slotConnectionEstablished() { Q_Q(SingleApplication); QLocalSocket *nextConnSocket = server->nextPendingConnection(); quint32 instanceId = 0; ConnectionType connectionType = InvalidConnection; if( nextConnSocket->waitForReadyRead( 100 ) ) { // read all data from message in same order/format as written QByteArray msgBytes = nextConnSocket->read(nextConnSocket->bytesAvailable() - static_cast<qint64>(sizeof(quint16))); QByteArray checksumBytes = nextConnSocket->read(sizeof(quint16)); QDataStream readStream(msgBytes); readStream.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_5_6); // server name QByteArray latin1Name; readStream >> latin1Name; // connectioon type quint8 connType = InvalidConnection; readStream >> connType; connectionType = static_cast<ConnectionType>(connType); // instance id readStream >> instanceId; // checksum quint16 msgChecksum = 0; QDataStream checksumStream(checksumBytes); checksumStream.setVersion(QDataStream::Qt_5_6); checksumStream >> msgChecksum; const quint16 actualChecksum = qChecksum(msgBytes.constData(), static_cast<quint32>(msgBytes.length())); if (readStream.status() != QDataStream::Ok || QLatin1String(latin1Name) != blockServerName || msgChecksum != actualChecksum) { connectionType = InvalidConnection; } } if( connectionType == InvalidConnection ) { nextConnSocket->close(); delete nextConnSocket; return; } QObject::connect( nextConnSocket, &QLocalSocket::aboutToClose, this, [nextConnSocket, instanceId, this]() { Q_EMIT this->slotClientConnectionClosed( nextConnSocket, instanceId ); } ); QObject::connect( nextConnSocket, &QLocalSocket::readyRead, this, [nextConnSocket, instanceId, this]() { Q_EMIT this->slotDataAvailable( nextConnSocket, instanceId ); } ); if( connectionType == NewInstance || ( connectionType == SecondaryInstance && options & SingleApplication::Mode::SecondaryNotification ) ) { Q_EMIT q->instanceStarted(); } if( nextConnSocket->bytesAvailable() > 0 ) { Q_EMIT this->slotDataAvailable( nextConnSocket, instanceId ); } } void SingleApplicationPrivate::slotDataAvailable( QLocalSocket *dataSocket, quint32 instanceId ) { Q_Q(SingleApplication); Q_EMIT q->receivedMessage( instanceId, dataSocket->readAll() ); } void SingleApplicationPrivate::slotClientConnectionClosed( QLocalSocket *closedSocket, quint32 instanceId ) { if( closedSocket->bytesAvailable() > 0 ) Q_EMIT slotDataAvailable( closedSocket, instanceId ); closedSocket->deleteLater(); } /** * @brief Constructor. Checks and fires up LocalServer or closes the program * if another instance already exists * @param argc * @param argv * @param {bool} allowSecondaryInstances */ SingleApplication::SingleApplication( int &argc, char *argv[], bool allowSecondary, Options options, int timeout ) : app_t( argc, argv ), d_ptr( new SingleApplicationPrivate( this ) ) { Q_D(SingleApplication); // Store the current mode of the program d->options = options; // Generating an application ID used for identifying the shared memory // block and QLocalServer d->genBlockServerName( timeout ); // Guarantee thread safe behaviour with a shared memory block. Also by // explicitly attaching it and then deleting it we make sure that the // memory is deleted even if the process had crashed on Unix. #ifdef Q_OS_UNIX d->memory = new QSharedMemory( d->blockServerName ); d->memory->attach(); delete d->memory; #endif d->memory = new QSharedMemory( d->blockServerName ); // Create a shared memory block if( d->memory->create( sizeof( InstancesInfo ) ) ) { d->startPrimary( true ); return; } else { // Attempt to attach to the memory segment if( d->memory->attach() ) { d->memory->lock(); InstancesInfo* inst = static_cast<InstancesInfo*>(d->memory->data()); if( ! inst->primary ) { d->startPrimary( false ); d->memory->unlock(); return; } // Check if another instance can be started if( allowSecondary ) { inst->secondary += 1; d->instanceNumber = inst->secondary; d->startSecondary(); if( d->options & Mode::SecondaryNotification ) { d->connectToPrimary( timeout, SingleApplicationPrivate::SecondaryInstance ); } d->memory->unlock(); return; } d->memory->unlock(); } } d->connectToPrimary( timeout, SingleApplicationPrivate::NewInstance ); delete d; ::exit( EXIT_SUCCESS ); } /** * @brief Destructor */ SingleApplication::~SingleApplication() { Q_D(SingleApplication); delete d; } bool SingleApplication::isPrimary() { Q_D(SingleApplication); return d->server != nullptr; } bool SingleApplication::isSecondary() { Q_D(SingleApplication); return d->server == nullptr; } quint32 SingleApplication::instanceId() { Q_D(SingleApplication); return d->instanceNumber; } qint64 SingleApplication::primaryPid() { Q_D(SingleApplication); return d->primaryPid(); } bool SingleApplication::sendMessage( QByteArray message, int timeout ) { Q_D(SingleApplication); // Nobody to connect to if( isPrimary() ) return false; // Make sure the socket is connected d->connectToPrimary( timeout, SingleApplicationPrivate::Reconnect ); d->socket->write( message ); bool dataWritten = d->socket->flush(); d->socket->waitForBytesWritten( timeout ); return dataWritten; }