### Versioning #### Major version Changed infrequently and almost entirely out of foppery and whim. #### Minor version Milestone of multiple features. #### Revision Major bugfixes and each new feature should get a revision. ### Branching * master - main branch, should be kept up-to-date, and have only working code * development - development branch, anything goes there ### Folder structure folder | description ------ | ----------- /src | source code /src/widgets | subclassed Qt widgets /src/forms | Qt UI forms and classes /src/webengine | QWebEngine* subclasses /test | test run location, mainly for QtCreator ### QtCreator * In the project Run Settings set the working directory to _$repo/test_, and the command line arguments to _-c ./config.ini_. ### firejail Any submitted modifications must work with the provided firejail profile.