// smolbote default configuration file // Uses libconfig format, for details refer to: // https://hyperrealm.github.io/libconfig/libconfig_manual.html#Configuration-Files // Browser default settings browser = { // true to generate user settings when run firstRun = true; // default profile name the browser should use; "" is off-the-record profile = ""; // default window size window = { height = 720; width = 1280; maximized = true; title = "title — smolbote [profile]"; }; ui = { navtoolbarMovable = false; tabtoolbarMovable = false; }; shortcuts = { // browser menu newWindow = "Ctrl+N"; newTab = "Ctrl+T"; about = "F1"; quit = "Ctrl+Q"; focusAddress = "F4"; fullscreen = "F11"; // tabs tabClose = "Ctrl+X"; tabLeft = "Shift+Left"; tabRight = "Shift+Right"; }; }; // Profile settings profile = { path = "~/.config/smolbote/Profiles"; homepage = "about:blank"; newtab = "about:blank"; }; // Bookmark settings bookmarks = { path = "~/.config/smolbote/bookmarks.xbel"; shortcut = "Ctrl+B"; }; // Downloads settings downloads = { path = "~/Downloads" shortcut = "Ctrl+D"; };