# # poi.conf # ## Settings and default settings # There are two parts to the settings - default values and user overrides. # The default settings are read from: # - /usr/local/share/smolbote/poi.conf # - /usr/share/smolbote/poi.conf # - /etc/smolbote.d/poi.conf # - :/poi.toml # The user settings are read from: # - any location specified with -c/--config # - QStandardPaths::AppConfigLocation + "/poi.conf" # ## Variables # §home is QStandardPaths::HomeLocation # $cache is QStandardPaths::CacheLocation # $settings is the directory where the settings file is located # General [general] homepage="https://duckduckgo.com" newtab="about:blank" search="https://duckduckgo.com/?q=$term&kp=-1" # Browser: application-wide settings [browser] #sessionPath="$cache/session.json" # Profile # A nameless ("") profile is off-the-record [browser.profile] default="" path="$cache/Profiles/" [browser.profile.new] path="$home/.config/smolbote/profiles" homepage="https://duckduckgo.com" newtab="about:blank" # Main window settings [window] height=720 width=1280 maximized=true title="title — smolbote [profile]" # Main window shortcuts [window.shortcuts] focusAddress="F4" fullscreen="F11" tabNew="Ctrl+T" tabClose="Ctrl+X" tabLeft="Shift+Left" tabRight="Shift+Right" windowNew="Ctrl+N" windowClose="Ctrl+Q" # Main window UI [window.ui] navtoolbarMovable=false tabtoolbarMovable=false # URL blocker [blocker] shortcut="Ctrl+Shift+F" path="$settings/" subscriptions=[ "filter.json" # "https://easylist.to/easylist/easylist.txt", # "https://easylist-downloads.adblockplus.org/easylist_noelemhide.txt", # "https://easylist.to/easylist/easyprivacy.txt" ] # Bookmark manager [bookmarks] dialogShortcut="Ctrl+Shift+B" path="$settings/bookmarks.xbel" # Download manager [downloads] dialogShortcut="Ctrl+Shift+D" path="$home/Downloads" auto=false