== Requirements [cols="1,1,3"] |=== |Name |Version |Notes | link:https://www.qt.io/[Qt] | 5.11.1 or later | QtWebEngine should be buildable with older versions of Qt. Please use the latest version. | link:http://www.boost.org/[boost] | Version 1.66 | Components: program_options | link:https://mesonbuild.com/[meson] | Version 0.48 | Requires python3 and ninja | link:https://github.com/ulfalizer/Kconfiglib[Kconfiglib] | Version 10.22.1 | Available on PyPI with 'pip install kconfiglib' | A compiler | C++17 support | gcc 7+; clang 4+; on Windows only MSVC is supported due to QtWebEngine | asciidoc | | Only for building manpage |=== == Building from source [source, sh] ---- # clone the repository git clone https://neueland.iserlohn-fortress.net/gitea/aqua/smolbote.git smolbote.git cd smolbote.git # These two submodules are required git submodule init git submodule update 3rd-party/SingleApplication/SingleApplication.git git submodule update tools/Kconfiglib # generate build.ninja mkdir build meson build # make ninja ---- Run `meson configure` in the build directory to list available options. For more information on how to use meson, see the meson link:https://mesonbuild.com/Quick-guide.html[quick guide]. === Configuring smolbote smolbote uses Kconfig to store and customize default application settings such as keyboard shortcuts and paths. You can edit these settings using 'menuconfig' in the repository root. When building, tools/config.py is used to load `$platform-name/.config` and generate a header file. // Compiling on Windows include::Building/Windows.asciidoc[]