==== Setting compiler Compiler can only be set when initially configuring the build, and cannot be changed with --reconfigure: [source, sh] ---- export CXX="ccache clang++" meson build-path ---- ==== Setting linker [source, sh] ---- build% meson configure -Dcpp_link_args='-fuse_ld=gold' ---- ==== Listing build options [source, sh] ---- build% meson configure ---- ==== Changing build options [source, sh] ---- build% meson configure -D= # for example: build% meson configure -DPlasma=enabled ---- ==== Prevent meson from downloading wraps During configure, meson can download missing dependencies on its own using wraps. To disable this, pass '--wrap-mode=nodownload' during the configure phase: [source, sh] ---- repo% meson --wrap-mode=nodownload build-path ----