== Guidelines === Qt * Check pointers with Q_CHECK_PTR. * Avoid using connect SIGNAL and SLOT. Instead use &Class::method. This way connects are checked during the compile, not at runtime. * Where possible, prefer QVector over QList: http://lists.qt-project.org/pipermail/development/2017-March/029040.html === clazy You can use https://github.com/KDE/clazy[clazy] to check Qt semantics. clazy is a drop-in replacement for clang. To set check levels, set the CLAZY_CHECKS environment variable to 'level0,level1', etc. == Licensing Smolbote is licensed under GPLv3 _only_, and explicitly does not use any self-updating "-or-later" licensing. Your code needs to be compatible with it, and have a license header in the style used by the project. Interfaces (located in include/) should be licensed under MIT. This is to allow more license compatibility for plugins. === SPDX-License-Identifier A full list of license identifiers can be found on https://spdx.org/licenses/[the SPDX website]. == Style There is a clang-format style in .clang-format. == Format patch for email [source, sh] ---- git format-patch $from..$to ---- This will give you one patch per commit. If you want to merge all of them into a single patch, you can merge the commits using rebase: [source, sh] ---- git rebase --interactive ---- Alternatively, replay all your commits from the commit before $from on a new branch: [source, sh] ---- git branch delivery X git checkout delivery git merge --squash master git format-patch HEAD ---- Email patches to _aqua at iserlohn dash fortress dot net_.