## FilterDomain Filter Domains are groups of domains that can point to one or more filter rules. ### Types There are 4 Filter Domain types: - AllowOnDomains - only match specified domains - BlockOnDomains - match all but specified domains - AllowOnAllDomains - match all domains - BlockOnAllDomains - match no domains ### JSON { "type" : "AllowOnDomains", "domains" : [ "example.com", "test.example.com" ], "rules" : [] } ## FilterRule Filter rules contain information on how a request should be modified. ### "action" - Whitelist - allow this request - Blacklist - block this request - Redirect - redirect this request - SetHeader - apply a list of headers ### "regexp", "contains", "endswith" ### JSON Allow all URLs that contain "waifu.png" { "action" : "Whitelist" "contains" : "waifu.png" } Block specific URL { "action" : "Blacklist" "equals" : "example.com/annoying-ad/masquerade/waifu.png" } Block all URLs that contain "banner.gif" { "action" : "Blacklist", "contains" : "banner.gif" } Redirect URLs containing "ads/annoying-spam.gif" to "waifu.tld/waifu.gif" { "action" : "Redirect" "contains" : "ads/annoying-spam.gif" "url" : "waifu.tld/waifu.gif" } Set some headers { "action" : "SetHeader" "header" : [ "DNT" : "1" ] } ## QWebEngineUrlRequestInterceptor All network requests pass through the request interceptor. It gives the following information: - firstPartyUrl - the page on which the request is made - requestUrl - the url of the request - requestMethod - resourceType - navigationType And provides the following methods: - block (bool shouldBlock) - can block the request - redirect (const QUrl) - can redirect the requestUrl - setHttpHeader - can set HTTP headers (such as user agent and do not track) ### Example This is a sample request made when loading DuckDuckGo: firstPartyUrl=https://duckduckgo.com/ requestUrl=https://duckduckgo.com/o1635.css ## How the filter works When a requst comes in, the interceptor extracts the host of the request and matches it against the list of FilterDomains. firstPartyHost=duckduckgo.com requestHost=duckduckgo.com