== Profiles
A Profile is a collection of settings, policies, scripts, cookies, cache and
history. Profiles can be used to isolate pages from each other.

Each window has a default profile it uses when opening new tabs. This can be
changed from the window's menu. Additionally, tabs can have their profiles
individually changed from their context menu.

Because profiles store all their data separately, you can log in into the same
site with a different account from each profile. However, links opened into new
tabs will still use the subwindow's default profile. For example, you can set a
profile to hold login information for a site, but all new tabs opened from that
site would still be using the default off-the-record profile.

Profiles are read from profile.path


- otr (defaults to true) - is this profile off-the-record
- name (defaults to the configuration file name)
- search (defaults to profile.search) - search engine url
- homepage (defaults to profile.homepage)
- newtab (defaults to profile.newtab)

Key is property name; value is property value

see QWebEngineSetting::WebAttribute for list of IDs.
Key is attribute id; value is attribute value (true/false)