# Building ### Notes (TODO: move) * Windows: MSVC compiler is required because of QtWebEngine dependency * Windows: Passing the -v or -h parameters creates a dialog box instead of writing the output to stdout. This is Qt behaviour. * Windows: Use windeployqt.exe to collect the libraries ``` QT_DIR\QT_VER\msvc2015_64\windeployqt.exe build-PROFILE\release\qtbrowser.exe ``` * grsecurity: You may need to exception qbs. An optional system proxy should be picked up automatically. However, for proxies that require a username or password, you need to connect to QWebEnginePage::proxyAuthenticationRequired. Qt WebEngine Widgets uses the Qt Quick Scene Graph to compose the page. Therefore, OpenGL support is required. And that's also why QML is a dependancy. To use clang with QtCreator, you need to change the compiler in Build & Run ยป Kits, not the qbs profile. [1]: https://doc.qt.io/qbs/index.html