# Before you submit ## Licensing Smolbote is licensed under GPLv3. Your code needs to be compatible with it, and have a license header. A sample GPLv3 header is included in docs/header-gpl3.txt The provided pre-commit hook uses the following regular expression to check for a license: ```ruby /Copyright\s\(C\)\s(\d{4}\s*-\s*){0,1}(#{Time.now.year})/ ``` ## Style Please use the [One True Brace style](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indent_style#Variant:_1TBS_.28OTBS.29). Tabs are 4 spaces. For ease of use, you can set the following astyle configuration: ``` --style=otbs --attach-namespaces --attach-inlines --indent=spaces=4 ``` ## Format patch for email ```sh git format-patch hash ``` where _hash_ is the commit immediately prior to the commit or series of commits you want to submit. Attach the patch file and email it to _aqua at iserlohn-fortress.net_. If possible, GPG sign the email.