/* * This file is part of smolbote. It's copyrighted by the contributors recorded * in the version control history of the file, available from its original * location: https://neueland.iserlohn-fortress.net/gitea/aqua/smolbote * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0 */ #ifndef SMOLBOTE_UTIL_H #define SMOLBOTE_UTIL_H #include "poi_icons.h" #include "poi_logos.h" #include <QIcon> #include <QPainter> #include <QStringList> #include <QStyle> #include <QSvgRenderer> namespace Util { const QStringList files(const QString &location, const QStringList &nameFilters = QStringList()); constexpr auto AppIcon = QStyle::SP_CustomBase + 1; constexpr auto AppWindowIcon = QStyle::SP_CustomBase + 2; [[nodiscard]] inline QPixmap render(const auto &data, const QSize size = QSize()) { QSvgRenderer renderer; renderer.load(QByteArray(data.data(), static_cast<int>(data.size()))); QPixmap pm(size.isValid() ? size : renderer.defaultSize()); pm.fill(Qt::transparent); QPainter painter(&pm); renderer.render(&painter, pm.rect()); return pm; } template </*QStyle::StandardPixmap*/ unsigned int id> inline QIcon icon() { using namespace std::literals; if constexpr(id == QStyle::SP_MediaVolume) { auto on = render(icons::get([] { return "volume-3.svg"sv; })); auto off = render(icons::get([] { return "volume.svg"sv; })); QIcon m; m.addPixmap(on, QIcon::Normal, QIcon::On); m.addPixmap(off, QIcon::Normal, QIcon::Off); return m; } else if constexpr(id >= QStyle::SP_CustomBase) { constexpr auto data = logos::get([] { switch(id) { case AppIcon: return "poi.svg"sv; case AppWindowIcon: return "poi_window.svg"sv; default: return "__unknown__"sv; } }); return QIcon(render(data)); } else { constexpr auto data = icons::get([] { switch(id) { case QStyle::SP_ArrowBack: return "arrow-left.svg"sv; case QStyle::SP_ArrowForward: return "arrow-right.svg"sv; case QStyle::SP_BrowserStop: return "circle-x.svg"sv; case QStyle::SP_BrowserReload: return "refresh.svg"sv; case QStyle::SP_DirHomeIcon: return "home.svg"sv; default: return "__unknown__"sv; } }); QIcon m; // This is a horrible hack that will one day be hopefully fixed: // When rendering an svg, you can't actually pick a stroke color through // QPainter::setBrush or QPainter::setPen. So instead, replace the stroke // color in the data (stroke="currentColor") and then rerender it. QByteArray arr(data.data(), data.size()); for(const auto mode : { QIcon::Normal /*, QIcon::Disabled, QIcon::Active, QIcon::Selected*/ }) { for(const auto toggle : { QIcon::On, QIcon::Off }) { const auto pm = render(arr.replace("currentColor", (toggle == QIcon::On ? "black" : "gray"))); m.addPixmap(pm, mode, toggle); } } return m; } } } // namespace Util #endif // SMOLBOTE_UTIL_H