/* * This file is part of smolbote. It's copyrighted by the contributors recorded * in the version control history of the file, available from its original * location: https://neueland.iserlohn-fortress.net/gitea/aqua/smolbote * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0 */ #include "urlinterceptor.h" #include "webprofile.h" #include "urlfilter.h" // test DNT on https://browserleaks.com/donottrack UrlRequestInterceptor::UrlRequestInterceptor(WebProfile* profile, QObject* parent) : QWebEngineUrlRequestInterceptor(parent) { Q_CHECK_PTR(profile); m_profile = profile; } void UrlRequestInterceptor::addHttpHeader(const QByteArray &key, const QByteArray &value) { headers.append(qMakePair(key, value)); } void UrlRequestInterceptor::addFilter(UrlFilter *filter) { if(filter != nullptr) filters.append(filter); } void UrlRequestInterceptor::removeFilter(UrlFilter *filter) { if(filter != nullptr) filters.removeOne(filter); } void UrlRequestInterceptor::interceptRequest(QWebEngineUrlRequestInfo &info) { for(const auto *filter : filters) { const auto match = filter->match(info.firstPartyUrl(), info.requestUrl(), info.resourceType()); // skip if no match if(match.first == UrlFilter::NotMatched) continue; else { if(match.first == UrlFilter::Allow) info.block(false); else if(match.first == UrlFilter::Block) info.block(true); else if(match.first == UrlFilter::Redirect) info.redirect(QUrl::fromUserInput(match.second)); // we found a match, skip the rest break; } } // set headers for(const auto &header : headers) { info.setHttpHeader(header.first, header.second); } for(auto i = m_profile->headers().constBegin(); i != m_profile->headers().constEnd(); ++i) { info.setHttpHeader(i.key(), i.value()); } }