diff options
authorTobias Sargeant <tobiasjs@google.com>2016-11-30 16:47:04 +0000
committerTobias Sargeant <tobiasjs@chromium.org>2016-12-01 17:22:27 +0000
commit7a8980997d0e0dcf3f3a5d8ccf3c1d8c2840ea27 (patch)
parentComment out an unused function argument (diff)
Do not generate a microdump if there are no webview pointers on the stack.
The stack interest range is passed in MicrodumpExtraInfo from the client. If the extracted stack does not contain a pointer in this range, then we assume that this is not a WebView crash, and do not generate a microdump. If the stack extraction fails, we still generate a microdump (without a stack). BUG=664460 Change-Id: Ic762497f76f074a3621c7ec88a8c20ed768b9211 Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/412781 Reviewed-by: Primiano Tucci <primiano@chromium.org>
3 files changed, 208 insertions, 108 deletions
diff --git a/src/client/linux/handler/microdump_extra_info.h b/src/client/linux/handler/microdump_extra_info.h
index bf01f0c7..40cba1c4 100644
--- a/src/client/linux/handler/microdump_extra_info.h
+++ b/src/client/linux/handler/microdump_extra_info.h
@@ -40,11 +40,23 @@ struct MicrodumpExtraInfo {
const char* gpu_fingerprint;
const char* process_type;
+ // |interest_range_start| and |interest_range_end| specify a range
+ // in the target process address space. Microdumps are only
+ // generated if the PC or a word on the captured stack point into
+ // this range, or |suppress_microdump_based_on_interest_range| is
+ // false.
+ bool suppress_microdump_based_on_interest_range;
+ uintptr_t interest_range_start;
+ uintptr_t interest_range_end;
: build_fingerprint(NULL),
- process_type(NULL) {}
+ process_type(NULL),
+ suppress_microdump_based_on_interest_range(false),
+ interest_range_start(0),
+ interest_range_end(0) {}
diff --git a/src/client/linux/microdump_writer/microdump_writer.cc b/src/client/linux/microdump_writer/microdump_writer.cc
index 6f5b4355..2bcef8ab 100644
--- a/src/client/linux/microdump_writer/microdump_writer.cc
+++ b/src/client/linux/microdump_writer/microdump_writer.cc
@@ -141,7 +141,11 @@ class MicrodumpWriter {
- log_line_(NULL) {
+ log_line_(NULL),
+ stack_copy_(NULL),
+ stack_len_(0),
+ stack_lower_bound_(0),
+ stack_pointer_(0) {
log_line_ = reinterpret_cast<char*>(Alloc(kLineBufferSize));
if (log_line_)
log_line_[0] = '\0'; // Clear out the log line buffer.
@@ -159,8 +163,12 @@ class MicrodumpWriter {
return dumper_->ThreadsSuspend() && dumper_->LateInit();
- bool Dump() {
- bool success;
+ void Dump() {
+ CaptureResult stack_capture_result = CaptureCrashingThreadStack(-1);
+ if (stack_capture_result == CAPTURE_UNINTERESTING) {
+ return;
+ }
@@ -169,15 +177,16 @@ class MicrodumpWriter {
#if !defined(__LP64__)
- success = DumpCrashingThread();
- if (success)
- success = DumpMappings();
+ if (stack_capture_result == CAPTURE_OK)
+ DumpThreadStack();
+ DumpCPUState();
+ DumpMappings();
LogLine("-----END BREAKPAD MICRODUMP-----");
- dumper_->ThreadsResume();
- return success;
// Writes one line to the system log.
void LogLine(const char* msg) {
#if defined(__ANDROID__)
@@ -221,7 +230,59 @@ class MicrodumpWriter {
// Writes out the current line buffer on the system log.
void LogCommitLine() {
- my_strlcpy(log_line_, "", kLineBufferSize);
+ log_line_[0] = 0;
+ }
+ CaptureResult CaptureCrashingThreadStack(int max_stack_len) {
+ stack_pointer_ = UContextReader::GetStackPointer(ucontext_);
+ if (!dumper_->GetStackInfo(reinterpret_cast<const void**>(&stack_lower_bound_),
+ &stack_len_, stack_pointer_)) {
+ }
+ if (max_stack_len >= 0 &&
+ stack_len_ > static_cast<size_t>(max_stack_len)) {
+ stack_len_ = max_stack_len;
+ }
+ stack_copy_ = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(Alloc(stack_len_));
+ dumper_->CopyFromProcess(stack_copy_, dumper_->crash_thread(),
+ reinterpret_cast<const void*>(stack_lower_bound_),
+ stack_len_);
+ if (!microdump_extra_info_.suppress_microdump_based_on_interest_range)
+ return CAPTURE_OK;
+ uintptr_t low_addr = microdump_extra_info_.interest_range_start;
+ uintptr_t high_addr = microdump_extra_info_.interest_range_end;
+ uintptr_t pc = UContextReader::GetInstructionPointer(ucontext_);
+ if (low_addr <= pc && pc <= high_addr) return CAPTURE_OK;
+ // Loop over all stack words that would have been on the stack in
+ // the target process. (i.e. ones that are >= |stack_pointer_| and
+ // < |stack_lower_bound_| + |stack_len_| in the target
+ // process).
+ // |stack_lower_bound_| is page aligned, and thus also pointer
+ // aligned. Because the stack pointer might be unaligned, we round
+ // the offset down to word alignment. |stack_pointer_| >
+ // |stack_lower_bound_|, so this never results in a negative
+ // offset.
+ // Regardless of the alignment of |stack_copy_|, the memory
+ // starting at |stack_copy_| + |offset| represents an aligned word
+ // in the target process.
+ uintptr_t offset =
+ ((stack_pointer_ - stack_lower_bound_) & ~(sizeof(uintptr_t) - 1));
+ for (uint8_t* sp = stack_copy_ + offset;
+ sp <= stack_copy_ + stack_len_ - sizeof(uintptr_t);
+ sp += sizeof(uintptr_t)) {
+ uintptr_t addr;
+ my_memcpy(&addr, sp, sizeof(uintptr_t));
+ if (low_addr <= addr && addr <= high_addr) return CAPTURE_OK;
+ }
void DumpProductInformation() {
@@ -315,87 +376,37 @@ class MicrodumpWriter {
- bool DumpThreadStack(uint32_t thread_id,
- uintptr_t stack_pointer,
- int max_stack_len,
- uint8_t** stack_copy) {
- *stack_copy = NULL;
- const void* stack;
- size_t stack_len;
- if (!dumper_->GetStackInfo(&stack, &stack_len, stack_pointer)) {
- // The stack pointer might not be available. In this case we don't hard
- // fail, just produce a (almost useless) microdump w/o a stack section.
- return true;
- }
+ void DumpThreadStack() {
LogAppend("S 0 ");
- LogAppend(stack_pointer);
+ LogAppend(stack_pointer_);
LogAppend(" ");
- LogAppend(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(stack));
+ LogAppend(stack_lower_bound_);
LogAppend(" ");
- LogAppend(stack_len);
+ LogAppend(stack_len_);
- if (max_stack_len >= 0 &&
- stack_len > static_cast<unsigned int>(max_stack_len)) {
- stack_len = max_stack_len;
- }
- *stack_copy = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(Alloc(stack_len));
- dumper_->CopyFromProcess(*stack_copy, thread_id, stack, stack_len);
- // Dump the content of the stack, splicing it into chunks which size is
- // compatible with the max logcat line size (see LOGGER_ENTRY_MAX_PAYLOAD).
const size_t STACK_DUMP_CHUNK_SIZE = 384;
- for (size_t stack_off = 0; stack_off < stack_len;
+ for (size_t stack_off = 0; stack_off < stack_len_;
stack_off += STACK_DUMP_CHUNK_SIZE) {
LogAppend("S ");
- LogAppend(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(stack) + stack_off);
+ LogAppend(stack_lower_bound_ + stack_off);
LogAppend(" ");
- LogAppend(*stack_copy + stack_off,
- std::min(STACK_DUMP_CHUNK_SIZE, stack_len - stack_off));
+ LogAppend(stack_copy_ + stack_off,
+ std::min(STACK_DUMP_CHUNK_SIZE, stack_len_ - stack_off));
- return true;
- // Write information about the crashing thread.
- bool DumpCrashingThread() {
- const unsigned num_threads = dumper_->threads().size();
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < num_threads; ++i) {
- MDRawThread thread;
- my_memset(&thread, 0, sizeof(thread));
- thread.thread_id = dumper_->threads()[i];
- // Dump only the crashing thread.
- if (static_cast<pid_t>(thread.thread_id) != dumper_->crash_thread())
- continue;
- assert(ucontext_);
- assert(!dumper_->IsPostMortem());
- uint8_t* stack_copy;
- const uintptr_t stack_ptr = UContextReader::GetStackPointer(ucontext_);
- if (!DumpThreadStack(thread.thread_id, stack_ptr, -1, &stack_copy))
- return false;
- RawContextCPU cpu;
- my_memset(&cpu, 0, sizeof(RawContextCPU));
+ void DumpCPUState() {
+ RawContextCPU cpu;
+ my_memset(&cpu, 0, sizeof(RawContextCPU));
#if !defined(__ARM_EABI__) && !defined(__mips__)
- UContextReader::FillCPUContext(&cpu, ucontext_, float_state_);
+ UContextReader::FillCPUContext(&cpu, ucontext_, float_state_);
- UContextReader::FillCPUContext(&cpu, ucontext_);
+ UContextReader::FillCPUContext(&cpu, ucontext_);
- DumpCPUState(&cpu);
- }
- return true;
- }
- void DumpCPUState(RawContextCPU* cpu) {
LogAppend("C ");
- LogAppend(cpu, sizeof(*cpu));
+ LogAppend(&cpu, sizeof(cpu));
@@ -547,7 +558,7 @@ class MicrodumpWriter {
// Write information about the mappings in effect.
- bool DumpMappings() {
+ void DumpMappings() {
// First write all the mappings from the dumper
for (unsigned i = 0; i < dumper_->mappings().size(); ++i) {
const MappingInfo& mapping = *dumper_->mappings()[i];
@@ -566,7 +577,6 @@ class MicrodumpWriter {
++iter) {
DumpModule(iter->first, false, 0, iter->second);
- return true;
void* Alloc(unsigned bytes) { return dumper_->allocator()->Alloc(bytes); }
@@ -579,6 +589,20 @@ class MicrodumpWriter {
const MappingList& mapping_list_;
const MicrodumpExtraInfo microdump_extra_info_;
char* log_line_;
+ // The local copy of crashed process stack memory, beginning at
+ // |stack_lower_bound_|.
+ uint8_t* stack_copy_;
+ // The length of crashed process stack copy.
+ size_t stack_len_;
+ // The address of the page containing the stack pointer in the
+ // crashed process. |stack_lower_bound_| <= |stack_pointer_|
+ uintptr_t stack_lower_bound_;
+ // The stack pointer in the crashed process.
+ uintptr_t stack_pointer_;
} // namespace
@@ -603,7 +627,8 @@ bool WriteMicrodump(pid_t crashing_process,
MicrodumpWriter writer(context, mappings, microdump_extra_info, &dumper);
if (!writer.Init())
return false;
- return writer.Dump();
+ writer.Dump();
+ return true;
} // namespace google_breakpad
diff --git a/src/client/linux/microdump_writer/microdump_writer_unittest.cc b/src/client/linux/microdump_writer/microdump_writer_unittest.cc
index 58a73118..b3008052 100644
--- a/src/client/linux/microdump_writer/microdump_writer_unittest.cc
+++ b/src/client/linux/microdump_writer/microdump_writer_unittest.cc
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
#include <sys/syscall.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <unistd.h>
+#include <ucontext.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
@@ -47,6 +48,11 @@
using namespace google_breakpad;
+extern "C" {
+extern char __executable_start;
+extern char __etext;
namespace {
typedef testing::Test MicrodumpWriterTest;
@@ -54,18 +60,29 @@ typedef testing::Test MicrodumpWriterTest;
MicrodumpExtraInfo MakeMicrodumpExtraInfo(
const char* build_fingerprint,
const char* product_info,
- const char* gpu_fingerprint) {
+ const char* gpu_fingerprint,
+ bool suppress_microdump_based_on_interest_range = false,
+ uintptr_t interest_range_start = 0,
+ uintptr_t interest_range_end = 0) {
MicrodumpExtraInfo info;
info.build_fingerprint = build_fingerprint;
info.product_info = product_info;
info.gpu_fingerprint = gpu_fingerprint;
+ info.suppress_microdump_based_on_interest_range =
+ suppress_microdump_based_on_interest_range;
+ info.interest_range_start = interest_range_start;
+ info.interest_range_end = interest_range_end;
return info;
-void CrashAndGetMicrodump(
- const MappingList& mappings,
- const MicrodumpExtraInfo& microdump_extra_info,
- scoped_array<char>* buf) {
+void AssertContainsMicrodump(const std::string& buf) {
+ ASSERT_NE(std::string::npos, buf.find("-----BEGIN BREAKPAD MICRODUMP-----"));
+ ASSERT_NE(std::string::npos, buf.find("-----END BREAKPAD MICRODUMP-----"));
+void CrashAndGetMicrodump(const MappingList& mappings,
+ const MicrodumpExtraInfo& microdump_extra_info,
+ std::string* microdump) {
int fds[2];
ASSERT_NE(-1, pipe(fds));
@@ -86,7 +103,10 @@ void CrashAndGetMicrodump(
ExceptionHandler::CrashContext context;
memset(&context, 0, sizeof(context));
+ // Pretend the current context is the child context (which is
+ // approximately right) so that we have a valid stack pointer, and
+ // can fetch child stack data via ptrace.
+ getcontext(&context.context);
// Set a non-zero tid to avoid tripping asserts.
context.tid = child;
@@ -105,17 +125,17 @@ void CrashAndGetMicrodump(
// Read back the stderr file and check for the microdump marker.
lseek(err_fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
- const size_t kBufSize = 64 * 1024;
- buf->reset(new char[kBufSize]);
- ASSERT_GT(read(err_fd, buf->get(), kBufSize), 0);
+ microdump->clear();
+ char buf[1024];
+ while (true) {
+ int bytes_read = IGNORE_EINTR(read(err_fd, buf, 1024));
+ if (bytes_read <= 0) break;
+ microdump->append(buf, buf + bytes_read);
+ }
- ASSERT_NE(static_cast<char*>(0), strstr(
- buf->get(), "-----BEGIN BREAKPAD MICRODUMP-----"));
- ASSERT_NE(static_cast<char*>(0), strstr(
- buf->get(), "-----END BREAKPAD MICRODUMP-----"));
void CheckMicrodumpContents(const string& microdump_content,
@@ -191,23 +211,64 @@ TEST(MicrodumpWriterTest, BasicWithMappings) {
memcpy(mapping.second, kModuleGUID, sizeof(MDGUID));
- scoped_array<char> buf;
+ std::string buf;
CrashAndGetMicrodump(mappings, MicrodumpExtraInfo(), &buf);
+ AssertContainsMicrodump(buf);
#ifdef __LP64__
- ASSERT_NE(static_cast<char*>(0), strstr(
- buf.get(), "M 0000000000001000 000000000000002A 0000000000001000 "
- "33221100554477668899AABBCCDDEEFF0 libfoo.so"));
+ ASSERT_NE(std::string::npos,
+ buf.find("M 0000000000001000 000000000000002A 0000000000001000 "
+ "33221100554477668899AABBCCDDEEFF0 libfoo.so"));
- ASSERT_NE(static_cast<char*>(0), strstr(
- buf.get(), "M 00001000 0000002A 00001000 "
- "33221100554477668899AABBCCDDEEFF0 libfoo.so"));
+ ASSERT_NE(std::string::npos,
+ buf.find("M 00001000 0000002A 00001000 "
+ "33221100554477668899AABBCCDDEEFF0 libfoo.so"));
// In absence of a product info in the minidump, the writer should just write
// an unknown marker.
- ASSERT_NE(static_cast<char*>(0), strstr(
- buf.get(), "V UNKNOWN:"));
+ ASSERT_NE(std::string::npos, buf.find("V UNKNOWN:"));
+// Ensure that no output occurs if the interest region is set, but
+// doesn't overlap anything on the stack.
+TEST(MicrodumpWriterTest, NoOutputIfUninteresting) {
+ const char kProductInfo[] = "MockProduct:42.0.2311.99";
+ const char kBuildFingerprint[] =
+ "aosp/occam/mako:5.1.1/LMY47W/12345678:userdegbug/dev-keys";
+ const char kGPUFingerprint[] =
+ "Qualcomm;Adreno (TM) 330;OpenGL ES 3.0 V@104.0 AU@ (GIT@Id3510ff6dc)";
+ const MicrodumpExtraInfo kMicrodumpExtraInfo(
+ MakeMicrodumpExtraInfo(kBuildFingerprint, kProductInfo, kGPUFingerprint,
+ true, 0xdeadbeef, 0xdeadbeef - 1));
+ std::string buf;
+ MappingList no_mappings;
+ CrashAndGetMicrodump(no_mappings, kMicrodumpExtraInfo, &buf);
+ ASSERT_EQ(0, buf.size());
+// Ensure that output occurs if the interest region is set, and
+// does overlap something on the stack.
+TEST(MicrodumpWriterTest, OutputIfInteresting) {
+ const char kProductInfo[] = "MockProduct:42.0.2311.99";
+ const char kBuildFingerprint[] =
+ "aosp/occam/mako:5.1.1/LMY47W/12345678:userdegbug/dev-keys";
+ const char kGPUFingerprint[] =
+ "Qualcomm;Adreno (TM) 330;OpenGL ES 3.0 V@104.0 AU@ (GIT@Id3510ff6dc)";
+ const MicrodumpExtraInfo kMicrodumpExtraInfo(
+ MakeMicrodumpExtraInfo(kBuildFingerprint, kProductInfo, kGPUFingerprint,
+ true,
+ reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&__executable_start),
+ reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(&__etext)));
+ std::string buf;
+ MappingList no_mappings;
+ CrashAndGetMicrodump(no_mappings, kMicrodumpExtraInfo, &buf);
+ ASSERT_LT(0, buf.size());
// Ensure that the product info and build fingerprint metadata show up in the
@@ -220,38 +281,40 @@ TEST(MicrodumpWriterTest, BuildFingerprintAndProductInfo) {
"Qualcomm;Adreno (TM) 330;OpenGL ES 3.0 V@104.0 AU@ (GIT@Id3510ff6dc)";
const MicrodumpExtraInfo kMicrodumpExtraInfo(
MakeMicrodumpExtraInfo(kBuildFingerprint, kProductInfo, kGPUFingerprint));
- scoped_array<char> buf;
+ std::string buf;
MappingList no_mappings;
CrashAndGetMicrodump(no_mappings, kMicrodumpExtraInfo, &buf);
- CheckMicrodumpContents(string(buf.get()), kMicrodumpExtraInfo);
+ AssertContainsMicrodump(buf);
+ CheckMicrodumpContents(buf, kMicrodumpExtraInfo);
TEST(MicrodumpWriterTest, NoProductInfo) {
const char kBuildFingerprint[] = "foobar";
const char kGPUFingerprint[] = "bazqux";
- scoped_array<char> buf;
+ std::string buf;
MappingList no_mappings;
const MicrodumpExtraInfo kMicrodumpExtraInfoNoProductInfo(
MakeMicrodumpExtraInfo(kBuildFingerprint, NULL, kGPUFingerprint));
CrashAndGetMicrodump(no_mappings, kMicrodumpExtraInfoNoProductInfo, &buf);
- CheckMicrodumpContents(string(buf.get()), kBuildFingerprint,
- "UNKNOWN:", kGPUFingerprint);
+ AssertContainsMicrodump(buf);
+ CheckMicrodumpContents(buf, kBuildFingerprint, "UNKNOWN:",
+ kGPUFingerprint);
TEST(MicrodumpWriterTest, NoGPUInfo) {
const char kProductInfo[] = "bazqux";
const char kBuildFingerprint[] = "foobar";
- scoped_array<char> buf;
+ std::string buf;
MappingList no_mappings;
const MicrodumpExtraInfo kMicrodumpExtraInfoNoGPUInfo(
MakeMicrodumpExtraInfo(kBuildFingerprint, kProductInfo, NULL));
CrashAndGetMicrodump(no_mappings, kMicrodumpExtraInfoNoGPUInfo, &buf);
- CheckMicrodumpContents(string(buf.get()), kBuildFingerprint,
- kProductInfo, "UNKNOWN");
+ AssertContainsMicrodump(buf);
+ CheckMicrodumpContents(buf, kBuildFingerprint, kProductInfo, "UNKNOWN");
} // namespace