diff options
6 files changed, 26 insertions, 28 deletions
diff --git a/src/processor/map_serializers-inl.h b/src/processor/map_serializers-inl.h
index 760c52e3..d68e8b9f 100644
--- a/src/processor/map_serializers-inl.h
+++ b/src/processor/map_serializers-inl.h
@@ -102,8 +102,7 @@ char *StdMapSerializer<Key, Value>::Serialize(
// Compute size of memory to be allocated.
unsigned int size_to_alloc = SizeOf(m);
// Allocate memory.
- char *serialized_data =
- reinterpret_cast<char*>(operator new(size_to_alloc));
+ char *serialized_data = new char[size_to_alloc];
if (!serialized_data) {
BPLOG(INFO) << "StdMapSerializer memory allocation failed.";
if (size) *size = 0;
@@ -172,8 +171,7 @@ char *RangeMapSerializer<Address, Entry>::Serialize(
// Compute size of memory to be allocated.
unsigned int size_to_alloc = SizeOf(m);
// Allocate memory.
- char *serialized_data =
- reinterpret_cast<char*>(operator new(size_to_alloc));
+ char *serialized_data = new char[size_to_alloc];
if (!serialized_data) {
BPLOG(INFO) << "RangeMapSerializer memory allocation failed.";
if (size) *size = 0;
@@ -252,7 +250,7 @@ char *ContainedRangeMapSerializer<AddrType, EntryType>::Serialize(
const ContainedRangeMap<AddrType, EntryType> *m, unsigned int *size) const {
unsigned int size_to_alloc = SizeOf(m);
// Allocating memory.
- char *serialized_data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(operator new(size_to_alloc));
+ char *serialized_data = new char[size_to_alloc];
if (!serialized_data) {
BPLOG(INFO) << "ContainedRangeMapSerializer memory allocation failed.";
if (size) *size = 0;
diff --git a/src/processor/map_serializers.h b/src/processor/map_serializers.h
index 9c68e3f7..a0b9d3fd 100644
--- a/src/processor/map_serializers.h
+++ b/src/processor/map_serializers.h
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ class StdMapSerializer {
// described in "StaticMap.h" comment.
// Returns a pointer to the serialized data. If size != NULL, *size is set
// to the size of serialized data, i.e., SizeOf(m).
+ // Caller has the ownership of memory allocated as "new char[]".
char* Serialize(const std::map<Key, Value> &m, unsigned int *size) const;
@@ -92,6 +93,7 @@ class AddressMapSerializer {
// Serializes an AddressMap object into a chunk of memory data.
// Returns a pointer to the serialized data. If size != NULL, *size is set
// to the size of serialized data, i.e., SizeOf(m).
+ // Caller has the ownership of memory allocated as "new char[]".
char* Serialize(const AddressMap<Addr, Entry> &m, unsigned int *size) const {
return std_map_serializer_.Serialize(m.map_, size);
@@ -118,6 +120,7 @@ class RangeMapSerializer {
// Serializes a RangeMap object into a chunk of memory data.
// Returns a pointer to the serialized data. If size != NULL, *size is set
// to the size of serialized data, i.e., SizeOf(m).
+ // Caller has the ownership of memory allocated as "new char[]".
char* Serialize(const RangeMap<Address, Entry> &m, unsigned int *size) const;
@@ -147,6 +150,7 @@ class ContainedRangeMapSerializer {
// Serializes a ContainedRangeMap object into a chunk of memory data.
// Returns a pointer to the serialized data. If size != NULL, *size is set
// to the size of serialized data, i.e., SizeOf(m).
+ // Caller has the ownership of memory allocated as "new char[]".
char* Serialize(const ContainedRangeMap<AddrType, EntryType> *m,
unsigned int *size) const;
diff --git a/src/processor/map_serializers_unittest.cc b/src/processor/map_serializers_unittest.cc
index b1e3f868..c20ea0dc 100644
--- a/src/processor/map_serializers_unittest.cc
+++ b/src/processor/map_serializers_unittest.cc
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ class TestStdMapSerializer : public ::testing::Test {
void TearDown() {
- delete serialized_data_;
+ delete [] serialized_data_;
std::map<AddrType, EntryType> std_map_;
diff --git a/src/processor/module_comparer.cc b/src/processor/module_comparer.cc
index 85605dc3..837d854b 100644
--- a/src/processor/module_comparer.cc
+++ b/src/processor/module_comparer.cc
@@ -53,33 +53,28 @@
namespace google_breakpad {
bool ModuleComparer::Compare(const string &symbol_data) {
- // Empty CodeModule with only a name "test":
- BasicCodeModule code_module(0, 0, "test", "", "", "", "");
+ scoped_ptr<BasicModule> basic_module(new BasicModule("test_module"));
+ scoped_ptr<FastModule> fast_module(new FastModule("test_module"));
- // Load BasicSourceLineResolver::Module.
- BPLOG(INFO) << "Unserialized size = " << symbol_data.size() << " Bytes";
- basic_resolver_->LoadModuleUsingMapBuffer(&code_module, symbol_data);
- BasicModule *old_module = dynamic_cast<BasicModule*>(
- basic_resolver_->modules_->at("test"));
+ // Load symbol data into basic_module
+ scoped_array<char> buffer(new char[symbol_data.size() + 1]);
+ strcpy(buffer.get(), symbol_data.c_str());
+ ASSERT_TRUE(basic_module->LoadMapFromMemory(buffer.get()));
+ buffer.reset();
// Serialize BasicSourceLineResolver::Module.
unsigned int serialized_size = 0;
- char *mem = serializer_.Serialize(*old_module, &serialized_size);
+ scoped_array<char> serialized_data(
+ serializer_.Serialize(*(basic_module.get()), &serialized_size));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(serialized_data.get());
BPLOG(INFO) << "Serialized size = " << serialized_size << " Bytes";
// Load FastSourceLineResolver::Module using serialized data.
- ASSERT_TRUE(fast_resolver_->LoadModuleUsingMemoryBuffer(&code_module, mem));
- FastModule *new_module = dynamic_cast<FastModule*>(
- fast_resolver_->modules_->at("test"));
+ ASSERT_TRUE(fast_module->LoadMapFromMemory(serialized_data.get()));
// Compare FastSourceLineResolver::Module with
// BasicSourceLineResolver::Module.
- ASSERT_TRUE(CompareModule(old_module, new_module));
- // Clean up.
- basic_resolver_->UnloadModule(&code_module);
- fast_resolver_->UnloadModule(&code_module);
+ ASSERT_TRUE(CompareModule(basic_module.get(), fast_module.get()));
return true;
diff --git a/src/processor/module_serializer.cc b/src/processor/module_serializer.cc
index 5f83842f..5c5ff77c 100644
--- a/src/processor/module_serializer.cc
+++ b/src/processor/module_serializer.cc
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ char* ModuleSerializer::Serialize(
unsigned int size_to_alloc = SizeOf(module);
// Allocate memory for serialized data.
- char *serialized_data = reinterpret_cast<char*>(operator new(size_to_alloc));
+ char *serialized_data = new char[size_to_alloc];
if (!serialized_data) {
BPLOG(ERROR) << "ModuleSerializer: memory allocation failed, "
<< "size to alloc: " << size_to_alloc;
@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ bool ModuleSerializer::SerializeModuleAndLoadIntoFastResolver(
unsigned int size = 0;
- scoped_ptr<char> symbol_data(Serialize(*basic_module, &size));
+ scoped_array<char> symbol_data(Serialize(*basic_module, &size));
if (!symbol_data.get()) {
BPLOG(ERROR) << "Serialization failed for module: " << basic_module->name_;
return false;
@@ -193,6 +193,7 @@ char* ModuleSerializer::SerializeSymbolFileData(
if (!module->LoadMapFromMemory(buffer.get())) {
return NULL;
+ buffer.reset(NULL);
return Serialize(*(module.get()), size);
diff --git a/src/processor/module_serializer.h b/src/processor/module_serializer.h
index 7a05827d..3b440a60 100644
--- a/src/processor/module_serializer.h
+++ b/src/processor/module_serializer.h
@@ -71,13 +71,13 @@ class ModuleSerializer {
// the address of memory chunk. If size != NULL, *size is set to the memory
// size allocated for the serialized data.
// Caller takes the ownership of the memory chunk (allocated on heap), and
- // should call delete instead of delete [] to free it.
+ // owner should call delete [] to free the memory after use.
char* Serialize(const BasicSourceLineResolver::Module &module,
unsigned int *size = NULL);
// Given the string format symbol_data, produces a chunk of serialized data.
- // Caller takes ownership of the serialized data (on heap), and should call
- // delete instead of delete [] to free it.
+ // Caller takes ownership of the serialized data (on heap), and owner should
+ // call delete [] to free the memory after use.
char* SerializeSymbolFileData(const string &symbol_data,
unsigned int *size = NULL);