path: root/docs/windows_client_integration.md
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1 files changed, 70 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/windows_client_integration.md b/docs/windows_client_integration.md
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+# Windows Integration overview
+## Windows Client Code
+The Windows client code is in the `src/client/windows` directory of the tree.
+Since the header files are fairly well commented some specifics are purposely
+omitted from this document.
+## Integration of minidump-generation
+Once you build the solution inside `src/client/windows`, an output file of
+`exception_handler.lib` will be generated. You can either check this into your
+project's directory or build directly from the source, as the project itself
+Enabling Breakpad in your application requires you to `#include
+"exception_handler.h"` and instantiate the `ExceptionHandler` object like so:
+ handler = new ExceptionHandler(const wstring& dump_path,
+ FilterCallback filter,
+ MinidumpCallback callback,
+ void* callback_context,
+ int handler_types,
+ MINIDUMP_TYPE dump_type,
+ const wchar_t* pipe_name,
+ const CustomClientInfo* custom_info);
+The parameters, in order, are:
+* pathname for minidumps to be written to - this is ignored if OOP dump
+ generation is used
+* A callback that is called when the exception is first handled - you can
+ return true/false here to continue/stop exception processing
+* A callback that is called after minidumps have been written
+* Context for the callbacks
+* Which exceptions to handle - see `HandlerType` enumeration in
+ exception\_handler.h
+* The type of minidump to generate, using the `MINIDUMP_TYPE` definitions in
+ `DbgHelp.h`
+* A pipe name that can be used to communicate with a crash generation server
+* A pointer to a CustomClientInfo class that can be used to send custom data
+ along with the minidump when using OOP generation
+You can also see `src/client/windows/tests/crash_generation_app/*` for a sample
+app that uses OOP generation.
+## OOP Minidump Generation
+For out of process minidump generation, more work is needed. If you look inside
+`src/client/windows/crash_generation`, you will see a file called
+`crash_generation_server.h`. This file is the interface for a crash generation
+server, which must be instantiated with the same pipe name that is passed to the
+client above. The logistics of running a separate process that instantiates the
+crash generation server is left up to you, however.
+## Build process specifics(symbol generation, upload)
+The symbol creation step is talked about in the general overview doc, since it
+doesn't vary much by platform. You'll need to make sure that the symbols are
+available wherever minidumps are uploaded to for processing.
+## Out in the field - uploading the minidump
+Inside `src/client/windows/sender` is a class implementation called
+`CrashReportSender`. This class can be compiled into a separate standalone CLI
+or in the crash generation server and used to upload the report; it can know
+when to do so via one of the callbacks provided by the `CrashGenerationServer`
+or the `ExceptionHandler` object for in-process generation.