path: root/src/processor/test_assembler.h
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 472 deletions
diff --git a/src/processor/test_assembler.h b/src/processor/test_assembler.h
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index 560f7aef..00000000
--- a/src/processor/test_assembler.h
+++ /dev/null
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-// -*- mode: C++ -*-
-// Copyright (c) 2010, Google Inc.
-// All rights reserved.
-// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-// met:
-// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
-// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
-// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
-// distribution.
-// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
-// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
-// this software without specific prior written permission.
-// Original author: Jim Blandy <jimb@mozilla.com> <jimb@red-bean.com>
-// test-assembler.h: interface to class for building complex binary streams.
-// To test the Breakpad symbol dumper and processor thoroughly, for
-// all combinations of host system and minidump processor
-// architecture, we need to be able to easily generate complex test
-// data like debugging information and minidump files.
-// For example, if we want our unit tests to provide full code
-// coverage for stack walking, it may be difficult to persuade the
-// compiler to generate every possible sort of stack walking
-// information that we want to support; there are probably DWARF CFI
-// opcodes that GCC never emits. Similarly, if we want to test our
-// error handling, we will need to generate damaged minidumps or
-// debugging information that (we hope) the client or compiler will
-// never produce on its own.
-// google_breakpad::TestAssembler provides a predictable and
-// (relatively) simple way to generate complex formatted data streams
-// like minidumps and CFI. Furthermore, because TestAssembler is
-// portable, developers without access to (say) Visual Studio or a
-// SPARC assembler can still work on test data for those targets.
-#include <list>
-#include <vector>
-#include <string>
-#include "google_breakpad/common/breakpad_types.h"
-namespace google_breakpad {
-using std::list;
-using std::string;
-using std::vector;
-namespace TestAssembler {
-// A Label represents a value not yet known that we need to store in a
-// section. As long as all the labels a section refers to are defined
-// by the time we retrieve its contents as bytes, we can use undefined
-// labels freely in that section's construction.
-// A label can be in one of three states:
-// - undefined,
-// - defined as the sum of some other label and a constant, or
-// - a constant.
-// A label's value never changes, but it can accumulate constraints.
-// Adding labels and integers is permitted, and yields a label.
-// Subtracting a constant from a label is permitted, and also yields a
-// label. Subtracting two labels that have some relationship to each
-// other is permitted, and yields a constant.
-// For example:
-// Label a; // a's value is undefined
-// Label b; // b's value is undefined
-// {
-// Label c = a + 4; // okay, even though a's value is unknown
-// b = c + 4; // also okay; b is now a+8
-// }
-// Label d = b - 2; // okay; d == a+6, even though c is gone
-// d.Value(); // error: d's value is not yet known
-// d - a; // is 6, even though their values are not known
-// a = 12; // now b == 20, and d == 18
-// d.Value(); // 18: no longer an error
-// b.Value(); // 20
-// d = 10; // error: d is already defined.
-// Label objects' lifetimes are unconstrained: notice that, in the
-// above example, even though a and b are only related through c, and
-// c goes out of scope, the assignment to a sets b's value as well. In
-// particular, it's not necessary to ensure that a Label lives beyond
-// Sections that refer to it.
-class Label {
- public:
- Label(); // An undefined label.
- Label(u_int64_t value); // A label with a fixed value
- Label(const Label &value); // A label equal to another.
- ~Label();
- // Return this label's value; it must be known.
- //
- // Providing this as a cast operator is nifty, but the conversions
- // happen in unexpected places. In particular, ISO C++ says that
- // Label + size_t becomes ambigious, because it can't decide whether
- // to convert the Label to a u_int64_t and then to a size_t, or use
- // the overloaded operator that returns a new label, even though the
- // former could fail if the label is not yet defined and the latter won't.
- u_int64_t Value() const;
- Label &operator=(u_int64_t value);
- Label &operator=(const Label &value);
- Label operator+(u_int64_t addend) const;
- Label operator-(u_int64_t subtrahend) const;
- u_int64_t operator-(const Label &subtrahend) const;
- // We could also provide == and != that work on undefined, but
- // related, labels.
- // Return true if this label's value is known. If VALUE_P is given,
- // set *VALUE_P to the known value if returning true.
- bool IsKnownConstant(u_int64_t *value_p = NULL) const;
- // Return true if the offset from LABEL to this label is known. If
- // OFFSET_P is given, set *OFFSET_P to the offset when returning true.
- //
- // You can think of l.KnownOffsetFrom(m, &d) as being like 'd = l-m',
- // except that it also returns a value indicating whether the
- // subtraction is possible given what we currently know of l and m.
- // It can be possible even if we don't know l and m's values. For
- // example:
- //
- // Label l, m;
- // m = l + 10;
- // l.IsKnownConstant(); // false
- // m.IsKnownConstant(); // false
- // u_int64_t d;
- // l.IsKnownOffsetFrom(m, &d); // true, and sets d to -10.
- // l-m // -10
- // m-l // 10
- // m.Value() // error: m's value is not known
- bool IsKnownOffsetFrom(const Label &label, u_int64_t *offset_p = NULL) const;
- private:
- // A label's value, or if that is not yet known, how the value is
- // related to other labels' values. A binding may be:
- // - a known constant,
- // - constrained to be equal to some other binding plus a constant, or
- // - unconstrained, and free to take on any value.
- //
- // Many labels may point to a single binding, and each binding may
- // refer to another, so bindings and labels form trees whose leaves
- // are labels, whose interior nodes (and roots) are bindings, and
- // where links point from children to parents. Bindings are
- // reference counted, allowing labels to be lightweight, copyable,
- // assignable, placed in containers, and so on.
- class Binding {
- public:
- Binding();
- Binding(u_int64_t addend);
- ~Binding();
- // Increment our reference count.
- void Acquire() { reference_count_++; };
- // Decrement our reference count, and return true if it is zero.
- bool Release() { return --reference_count_ == 0; }
- // Set this binding to be equal to BINDING + ADDEND. If BINDING is
- // NULL, then set this binding to the known constant ADDEND.
- // Update every binding on this binding's chain to point directly
- // to BINDING, or to be a constant, with addends adjusted
- // appropriately.
- void Set(Binding *binding, u_int64_t value);
- // Return what we know about the value of this binding.
- // - If this binding's value is a known constant, set BASE to
- // NULL, and set ADDEND to its value.
- // - If this binding is not a known constant but related to other
- // bindings, set BASE to the binding at the end of the relation
- // chain (which will always be unconstrained), and set ADDEND to the
- // value to add to that binding's value to get this binding's
- // value.
- // - If this binding is unconstrained, set BASE to this, and leave
- // ADDEND unchanged.
- void Get(Binding **base, u_int64_t *addend);
- private:
- // There are three cases:
- //
- // - A binding representing a known constant value has base_ NULL,
- // and addend_ equal to the value.
- //
- // - A binding representing a completely unconstrained value has
- // base_ pointing to this; addend_ is unused.
- //
- // - A binding whose value is related to some other binding's
- // value has base_ pointing to that other binding, and addend_
- // set to the amount to add to that binding's value to get this
- // binding's value. We only represent relationships of the form
- // x = y+c.
- //
- // Thus, the bind_ links form a chain terminating in either a
- // known constant value or a completely unconstrained value. Most
- // operations on bindings do path compression: they change every
- // binding on the chain to point directly to the final value,
- // adjusting addends as appropriate.
- Binding *base_;
- u_int64_t addend_;
- // The number of Labels and Bindings pointing to this binding.
- // (When a binding points to itself, indicating a completely
- // unconstrained binding, that doesn't count as a reference.)
- int reference_count_;
- };
- // This label's value.
- Binding *value_;
-inline Label operator+(u_int64_t a, const Label &l) { return l + a; }
-// Note that int-Label isn't defined, as negating a Label is not an
-// operation we support.
-// Conventions for representing larger numbers as sequences of bytes.
-enum Endianness {
- kBigEndian, // Big-endian: the most significant byte comes first.
- kLittleEndian, // Little-endian: the least significant byte comes first.
- kUnsetEndian, // used internally
-// A section is a sequence of bytes, constructed by appending bytes
-// to the end. Sections have a convenient and flexible set of member
-// functions for appending data in various formats: big-endian and
-// little-endian signed and unsigned values of different sizes;
-// LEB128 and ULEB128 values (see below), and raw blocks of bytes.
-// If you need to append a value to a section that is not convenient
-// to compute immediately, you can create a label, append the
-// label's value to the section, and then set the label's value
-// later, when it's convenient to do so. Once a label's value is
-// known, the section class takes care of updating all previously
-// appended references to it.
-// Once all the labels to which a section refers have had their
-// values determined, you can get a copy of the section's contents
-// as a string.
-// Note that there is no specified "start of section" label. This is
-// because there are typically several different meanings for "the
-// start of a section": the offset of the section within an object
-// file, the address in memory at which the section's content appear,
-// and so on. It's up to the code that uses the Section class to
-// keep track of these explicitly, as they depend on the application.
-class Section {
- public:
- Section(Endianness endianness = kUnsetEndian)
- : endianness_(endianness) { };
- ~Section() { };
- // Set the default endianness of this section to ENDIANNESS. This
- // sets the behavior of the D<N> appending functions. If the
- // assembler's default endianness was set, this is the
- void set_endianness(Endianness endianness) {
- endianness_ = endianness;
- }
- // Return the default endianness of this section.
- Endianness endianness() const { return endianness_; }
- // Append the SIZE bytes at DATA or the contents of STRING to the
- // end of this section. Return a reference to this section.
- Section &Append(const u_int8_t *data, size_t size) {
- contents_.append(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(data), size);
- return *this;
- };
- Section &Append(const string &data) {
- contents_.append(data);
- return *this;
- };
- // Append SIZE copies of BYTE to the end of this section. Return a
- // reference to this section.
- Section &Append(size_t size, u_int8_t byte) {
- contents_.append(size, (char) byte);
- return *this;
- }
- // Append NUMBER to this section. ENDIANNESS is the endianness to
- // use to write the number. SIZE is the length of the number in
- // bytes. Return a reference to this section.
- Section &Append(Endianness endianness, size_t size, u_int64_t number);
- Section &Append(Endianness endianness, size_t size, const Label &label);
- // Append SECTION to the end of this section. The labels SECTION
- // refers to need not be defined yet.
- //
- // Note that this has no effect on any Labels' values, or on
- // SECTION. If placing SECTION within 'this' provides new
- // constraints on existing labels' values, then it's up to the
- // caller to fiddle with those labels as needed.
- Section &Append(const Section &section);
- // Append the contents of DATA as a series of bytes terminated by
- // a NULL character.
- Section &AppendCString(const string &data) {
- Append(data);
- contents_ += '\0';
- return *this;
- }
- // Append VALUE or LABEL to this section, with the given bit width and
- // endianness. Return a reference to this section.
- //
- // The names of these functions have the form <ENDIANNESS><BITWIDTH>:
- // <ENDIANNESS> is either 'L' (little-endian, least significant byte first),
- // 'B' (big-endian, most significant byte first), or
- // 'D' (default, the section's default endianness)
- // <BITWIDTH> is 8, 16, 32, or 64.
- //
- // Since endianness doesn't matter for a single byte, all the
- // <BITWIDTH>=8 functions are equivalent.
- //
- // These can be used to write both signed and unsigned values, as
- // the compiler will properly sign-extend a signed value before
- // passing it to the function, at which point the function's
- // behavior is the same either way.
- Section &L8(u_int8_t value) { contents_ += value; return *this; }
- Section &B8(u_int8_t value) { contents_ += value; return *this; }
- Section &D8(u_int8_t value) { contents_ += value; return *this; }
- Section &L16(u_int16_t), &L32(u_int32_t), &L64(u_int64_t),
- &B16(u_int16_t), &B32(u_int32_t), &B64(u_int64_t),
- &D16(u_int16_t), &D32(u_int32_t), &D64(u_int64_t);
- Section &L8(const Label &label), &L16(const Label &label),
- &L32(const Label &label), &L64(const Label &label),
- &B8(const Label &label), &B16(const Label &label),
- &B32(const Label &label), &B64(const Label &label),
- &D8(const Label &label), &D16(const Label &label),
- &D32(const Label &label), &D64(const Label &label);
- // Append VALUE in a signed LEB128 (Little-Endian Base 128) form.
- //
- // The signed LEB128 representation of an integer N is a variable
- // number of bytes:
- //
- // - If N is between -0x40 and 0x3f, then its signed LEB128
- // representation is a single byte whose value is N.
- //
- // - Otherwise, its signed LEB128 representation is (N & 0x7f) |
- // 0x80, followed by the signed LEB128 representation of N / 128,
- // rounded towards negative infinity.
- //
- // In other words, we break VALUE into groups of seven bits, put
- // them in little-endian order, and then write them as eight-bit
- // bytes with the high bit on all but the last.
- //
- // Note that VALUE cannot be a Label (we would have to implement
- // relaxation).
- Section &LEB128(long long value);
- // Append VALUE in unsigned LEB128 (Little-Endian Base 128) form.
- //
- // The unsigned LEB128 representation of an integer N is a variable
- // number of bytes:
- //
- // - If N is between 0 and 0x7f, then its unsigned LEB128
- // representation is a single byte whose value is N.
- //
- // - Otherwise, its unsigned LEB128 representation is (N & 0x7f) |
- // 0x80, followed by the unsigned LEB128 representation of N /
- // 128, rounded towards negative infinity.
- //
- // Note that VALUE cannot be a Label (we would have to implement
- // relaxation).
- Section &ULEB128(u_int64_t value);
- // Jump to the next location aligned on an ALIGNMENT-byte boundary,
- // relative to the start of the section. Fill the gap with PAD_BYTE.
- // ALIGNMENT must be a power of two. Return a reference to this
- // section.
- Section &Align(size_t alignment, u_int8_t pad_byte = 0);
- // Clear the contents of this section.
- void Clear();
- // Return the current size of the section.
- size_t Size() const { return contents_.size(); }
- // Return a label representing the start of the section.
- //
- // It is up to the user whether this label represents the section's
- // position in an object file, the section's address in memory, or
- // what have you; some applications may need both, in which case
- // this simple-minded interface won't be enough. This class only
- // provides a single start label, for use with the Here and Mark
- // member functions.
- //
- // Ideally, we'd provide this in a subclass that actually knows more
- // about the application at hand and can provide an appropriate
- // collection of start labels. But then the appending member
- // functions like Append and D32 would return a reference to the
- // base class, not the derived class, and the chaining won't work.
- // Since the only value here is in pretty notation, that's a fatal
- // flaw.
- Label start() const { return start_; }
- // Return a label representing the point at which the next Appended
- // item will appear in the section, relative to start().
- Label Here() const { return start_ + Size(); }
- // Set *LABEL to Here, and return a reference to this section.
- Section &Mark(Label *label) { *label = Here(); return *this; }
- // If there are no undefined label references left in this
- // section, set CONTENTS to the contents of this section, as a
- // string, and clear this section. Return true on success, or false
- // if there were still undefined labels.
- bool GetContents(string *contents);
- private:
- // Used internally. A reference to a label's value.
- struct Reference {
- Reference(size_t set_offset, Endianness set_endianness, size_t set_size,
- const Label &set_label)
- : offset(set_offset), endianness(set_endianness), size(set_size),
- label(set_label) { }
- // The offset of the reference within the section.
- size_t offset;
- // The endianness of the reference.
- Endianness endianness;
- // The size of the reference.
- size_t size;
- // The label to which this is a reference.
- Label label;
- };
- // The default endianness of this section.
- Endianness endianness_;
- // The contents of the section.
- string contents_;
- // References to labels within those contents.
- vector<Reference> references_;
- // A label referring to the beginning of the section.
- Label start_;
-} // namespace TestAssembler
-} // namespace google_breakpad